Allium cepa (aggregatum group) (110 days) F-1 hybrid. Lustrous pinky-bronze shallot with elongated 4–5" bulbs that are easy to peel and slice. Sweet and slightly citrusy when raw, also great sautéed.
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Allium cepa (aggregatum group)
(105 days) Open-pollinated. Several years ago in our OP shallot trials, Ed’s Red won hands down in taste: full... read more
(105 days) Open-pollinated. Several years ago in our OP shallot trials, Ed’s Red won hands down in taste: full... read more
Allium cepa (aggregatum group)
(100 days) Open-pollinated. Longtime Montana farmer and plant breeder Judy Owsowitz loved the hybrid shallot Prisma... read more
(100 days) Open-pollinated. Longtime Montana farmer and plant breeder Judy Owsowitz loved the hybrid shallot Prisma... read more
Allium cepa (aggregatum group)
(105 days) F-1 hybrid. A traditional French storage shallot, nicely divided with pretty bronze skins. Prevailed in... read more
(105 days) F-1 hybrid. A traditional French storage shallot, nicely divided with pretty bronze skins. Prevailed in... read more
Allium cepa (aggregatum group) (105 days) Open-pollinated. Handsome golden-bronze 1¼–2" bulbs uniformly divide into triples and quadruples, store into the spring, and have a luxurious caramel flavor.
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