ships year-round
Bicolor Sweet Corn Seeds

Zea mays (75 days) F-1 hybrid. 16 rows. 6.5' plants. Corny and sweet, good for markets or home-garden use. read more


ships year-round
Bicolor Sweet Corn Seeds

Zea mays (78 days) F-1 hybrid. Large sweet tender creamy kernels from well-filled 8" blunt ears with 14-16 rows. 6-7' plants. Sturdy thick stalks allow second ear production. read more


ships year-round
Bicolor Sweet Corn Seeds

Zea mays (70 days) F-1 hybrid. Early 6" ears with 14-16 rows. Good cold soil emergence. read more


ships year-round
Bicolor Sweet Corn Seeds

Zea mays (68 days) F-1 hybrid. Early fancy tip-filled 8" ears. Quality and flavor like a late corn. Good cold-soil emergence. Often a single ear per stalk. read more


ships year-round
Bicolor Sweet Corn Seeds

Zea mays (78 days) F-1 hybrid. Up to 9" long fat ears. Plenty of husk protection and easy harvest ideal for market growers. read more


ships year-round
Abenaki Calais Flint Corn - Organic

Zea mays (88 days) Open-pollinated. Abenaki heirloom—delicious and great for drying. 7–9" ears with an even 8 rows all the way to the shank. read more


ships year-round
Blue Mountain - Organic
Flint Corn Seeds

Zea mays (88 days) Open-pollinated. Fast-maturing blue flint corn great for grits, polenta, hominy and cornbread. read more


ships year-round
Zea mays (85 days) Open-pollinated. Early and productive true flint corn superb for cornbread, johnny cakes and polenta. 8–12" ears with 8–12 rows. read more


ships year-round
Floriani Red Flint Corn - Organic

Zea mays var. rostrato (100 days) Open-pollinated. Beautiful red pointy kernels are easy to shell and grind. Rich sweet corn flavor good for flour or polenta. read more


ships year-round
Homestead Hero - Organic
Flour Corn Seeds

Zea mays (95 days) Open-pollinated. A nutrient-dense grain that is fast maturing under harsh conditions, and stands strong for machine harvest. The soft starch makes fluffy cornbread and also binds well for Johnnycakes and tortillas. read more


ships year-round
Hopi Blue - Organic
Flour Corn Seeds

Zea mays (100 days) Open-pollinated. 9' plants make 8-10" ears with deep kernels. Drought tolerant. Grinds easily into blue flour. read more


ships year-round
Magic Manna - Organic
Flour Corn Seeds

Zea mays (85 days) Open-pollinated. This superior flour corn boasts hardiness, earliness and vigor. Ears are solid-colored and can be sorted for use based on kernel color: Pancake White, Parching Red, Parching Starburst and Brown Gravy. read more


ships year-round
Montana Morado Maize - Organic
Flour Corn Seeds

Zea mays (90 days) Open-pollinated. Dark purple kernels on long thin ears. Fast maturing, highly nutritious. Great for flour. read more


ships year-round
Painted Mountain - Organic
Flour Corn Seeds

Zea mays (85 days) Open-pollinated. 5' plant with 6-7" cobs. Kernels are gold, orange, red and purple. Multi-colored tassels. read more


ships year-round
Popcorn Seeds

Zea mays (105 days) Open-pollinated. 5-8" ears. Kernels are mostly red, yellow, mottled rosy-brown (also brown, purple, blue and white), and larger than most popcorns. read more


ships year-round
Dakota Black - Organic
Popcorn Seeds

Zea mays (100 days) Open-pollinated. Compact plant with one ear each. 4.5" dark maroon-black ears with 15 rows. 4' stalks. read more


ships year-round
Japanese Hulless Popcorn

not available yet, check back later
Zea mays (72 days baby, 110 dry) Open-pollinated. For baby corn, harvest ears about five days after silks appear. Or grow to full size for popcorn. 5' plants each bear 3-6 4" ears with white kernels. read more


ships year-round
Pennsylvania Dutch Butter Flavored - Organic
Popcorn Seeds

Zea mays (102 days) Open-pollinated. Two 4-6" stocky ears per stalk. 8' plant with long dark green leaves. Delicious 1885 Pennsylvania Dutch heirloom. read more


ships year-round
Robust 98114W White
Popcorn Seeds

Zea mays (98 days) F-1 hybrid. Long thin ears with large kernels make light tender popcorn. 6' stalk. read more


ships year-round
Supersweet Corn Seeds

Zea mays (78 days) F-1 hybrid. Yellow, 8–10" ears, with 16–18 rows. High sugar level. Good emergence in cool soil. read more


ships year-round
Supersweet Corn Seeds

Zea mays (75 days) F-1 hybrid. Bicolor, 8" ears, 16-18 rows of crisp but tender kernels. Holding quality in the field and after harvest is superb. read more


ships year-round
Luther Hill - Organic
White Sweet Corn Seeds

Zea mays (82 days) Open-pollinated. Very sweet rare classic corn, sets multiple 3-6" ears on 4' stalks. Open-pollinated heirloom. read more


ships year-round
Ashworth - Organic
Yellow Sweet Corn Seeds

Zea mays (72 days) Open-pollinated. Bred by Fred Ashworth. 5' stalks, 6-7" yellow ears, good flavor. Harvest at milk stage; does not hold in the field. Starts well in cool soil. read more


ships year-round
Bodacious RM
Yellow Sweet Corn Seeds

Zea mays (77 days) F-1 hybrid. 8" ears. 16 rows. 7' plants. Same as original Bodacious with enhanced resistance. Exceptional sweetness. read more


ships year-round
Yellow Sweet Corn Seeds

Zea mays (68 days) F-1 hybrid. Early, combines large size, flavor and quality with cold-soil performance. Bright yellow, tip-filled 8" ear. 5–6' plant. read more


ships year-round
Incredible RM
Yellow Sweet Corn Seeds

Zea mays (85 days) F-1 hybrid. Handsome 8" tip-filled ears; not just sweet, but with a deep corn taste. read more
