Beta vulgaris (54 days) Open-pollinated. Gene pool based on 3 heirlooms. Expect 3 colors: pink-red with orange, bright gold and vivid orange. 3.5 x 7-8" tapered form.
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Pastinaca sativa (120 days) Open-pollinated. Outstanding variety. Those with good tilth can get refined tapered cylindrical roots 12-14" long.
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Solanum melongena (64 days in unheated tunnel, 72 days open field) F-1 hybrid. Slightly curved 8" extended-teardrop shape covered with purple and lavender streaks with emanations of ivory and light pink.
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Spinacia oleracea (30 days) Open-pollinated. Prized as a baby green for its striking magenta-red stems and veins in deep green arrowhead leaves. For the cooler ends of the season only.
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red skin, orange flesh Ipomoea batatas A well-known staple variety in the U.S., with vigorous growth and heavy yields of silky smooth, sweet but not too sweet potatoes.
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Abelmoschus esculentus (85 days) Open-pollinated. Big fluted tender green pods on sturdy plants. Will produce in central Maine, but better suited to farther south.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (65 days) F-1 hybrid. Unmarred heads with firm curds, without warping, melting or discoloration in high summer. Also makes excellent mid-early fall heads.
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Solanum melongena (79 days) F-1 hybrid. Shiny 7" bulging oval fruits avg 0.9 lb. Good flavor. Vigorous high-yielder suitable for both greenhouse and open-field.
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Spinacia oleracea (42 days) Open-pollinated. Standard crinkled-leaf spinach. Very good cold soil emergence. Much better in fall than spring.
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Spinacia oleracea (42 days) Open-pollinated. Standard crinkled-leaf spinach. Very good cold soil emergence. Much better in fall than spring.
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Beta vulgaris Includes a yellow, a cylindra, a chioggia, a white, and one with great greens. Varieties vary.
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Beta vulgaris (60 days) Open-pollinated. Grown for greens, not roots. Large glossy reddish-purple leaves. Holds quality in summer but best in fall and under winter cover.
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Beta vulgaris (60 days) Open-pollinated. Grown for greens, not roots. Large glossy reddish-purple leaves. Holds quality in summer but best in fall and under winter cover.
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Abelmoschus esculentus (65 days) Open-pollinated. Early 1x7" pods. Dwarf spineless 3-4' plants. Adapts well to cooler climate.
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Helianthus tuberosus A white-fleshed, cream-skinned variety. Crisp and tasty tubers are somewhat knobby.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Short stems bear compact 1-2 lb uniform firm white tight heads with fine beads. Early, but less dense than later varieties.
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Laetiporus sulphureus Large bright orange fruit bodies have a texture reminiscent of chicken.
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Beta vulgaris (55 days) Open-pollinated. Selection from heirloom. Light red exterior; interior rings of pink and white. Green tops. Exceptional sweetness.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (75 days) F-1 hybrid. Dark green large heads with medium-fine bead. Heat-tolerant in spring and summer, also good for fall harvests.
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Allium cepa (aggregatum group) (110 days) F-1 hybrid. Lustrous pinky-bronze shallot with elongated 4–5" bulbs that are easy to peel and slice. Sweet and slightly citrusy when raw, also great sautéed.
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Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. Refined, fancy, pricy and rare lettuces, all suitable for cut-and-come-again culture. Contrasting colors and leaf forms and all organic!
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Beta vulgaris (60 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. Uniform globular smooth red beet. Tender interior with deep red flesh. A favorite of home gardeners and canners.
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Brassica oleracea (gemmifera group) (105 days) F-1 hybrid. Tall-stalked Divino’s plentiful very tight half-dollar-sized sprouts are dark green. Open branch architecture makes for low presence of aphids.
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Beta vulgaris (48 days) Open-pollinated. From 1911, beloved by commercial growers and home gardeners. Early beet greens and bunching beets. Quick cold soil emergence. Attractive purple tops.
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Beta vulgaris (48 days) Open-pollinated. From 1911, beloved by commercial growers and home gardeners. Early beet greens and bunching beets. Quick cold soil emergence. Attractive purple tops.
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Raphanus sativus (25 days) Open-pollinated. Bunching radish color mix. Includes pink, purple, red, violet and white. Bestseller.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (62 days) F-1 hybrid. Consistent 6–8" high-domed heads with gorgeous blue-green beads. Resilient variety developed for growers in the Northeast.
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Allium cepa (aggregatum group)
(105 days) Open-pollinated. Several years ago in our OP shallot trials, Ed’s Red won hands down in taste: full... read more
(105 days) Open-pollinated. Several years ago in our OP shallot trials, Ed’s Red won hands down in taste: full... read more
Brassica juncea (47 days mesclun, 62 full size) Open-pollinated. Sweet succulent ribs and moderately pungent winter-hardy greens. Good for summer mesclun; excellent cut-and-come-again.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (86 days) F-1 hybrid. 5-7" bright green tightly domed heads. Compact plants. Good for mid-season.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Flowering stick type cauli with fine-textured curd. Florets extend into a single-serve branch to be harvested individually. Delicate Japanese beauty.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (68 days) F-1 hybrid. Pastel orange uniform heads of dense curds on sturdy plants. Highly adaptable; consistently performs well in a range of conditions, including heat stress.
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Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. At least 10-12 different forms of disease-resistant great-tasting lettuces. And all open-source seed.
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Raphanus sativus (26 days) Open-pollinated. French heirloom. Medium-sized olive-shaped scarlet-red radish with a pure white tip.
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Glebionis coronaria (40 days) Open-pollinated. Japanese Shungiku prized for small grey-green leaves and 5" yellow flowers, both edible. Sow in spring.
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deep red skin, deep orange flesh Ipomoea batatas The standard variety for commercial sweet potato production in the North. Moist flesh is moderately sweet.
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Spinacia oleracea (45 days) Open-pollinated. Recommended for late fall, winter greenhouse, or overwintering under mulch. Large semi-savoyed medium-green spinach selected for cold hardiness.
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Brassica napus x Brassica rapa (85 days) Open-pollinated. Light green skin, knobby and bulky. Sweeter and later to mature than other turnips, not woody even at softball size, and taste better after frost.
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Zingiber officianale Rose-tinged pearlescent skin will draw customers from yards away. Suitable for high tunnel cultivation, even in our northern climate!
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Allium cepa (aggregatum group)
(100 days) Open-pollinated. Longtime Montana farmer and plant breeder Judy Owsowitz loved the hybrid shallot Prisma... read more
(100 days) Open-pollinated. Longtime Montana farmer and plant breeder Judy Owsowitz loved the hybrid shallot Prisma... read more
Beta vulgaris (55 days) Open-pollinated. Vibrantly golden beets, sweet and delicious. Elongated pyramid shape with no green shoulders. Greens also delicious!
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Beta vulgaris (54 days) Open-pollinated. Gold beet with Lutz shape, size and mild sweet flavor. Green tops with some golden stem. Golden orange roots with orange shoulders.
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Apium graveolens (80 days) Open-pollinated. Often easier to grow than standard celery. Bred for leaf production, its hollow stems can also be used fresh or dried.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (85 days) F-1 hybrid. Consistent yields of exceptionally tender, high-quality blue-green domed 8” heads with rather large beads. Tolerates some heat.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (90 days) F-1 hybrid. Late-summer to fall, delivers a dark green semi-domed 6-8" head with medium-small tight bead. Abundant side shoots, good heat tolerance.
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Open-pollinated. Five or more kinds chosen from among arugulas, beets, chards, chervil, mustards, orachs, purslane, and kales. All organic, exact components vary.
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Pastinaca sativa (120 days) Open-pollinated. Classic smooth tapered sweet white parsnip average 10" long.
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Grifola frondosa Rich earthy semi-firm mushroom resembles a fat hen with leafy feathers and can weigh up to 20 lbs.
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Brassica rapa (37 days) Open-pollinated. Produces many pencil-thick deep purple flowering shoots with pleasing mild mustard flavor. Grows best in cool weather.
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Brassica oleracea (gongylodes group) (45 days) F-1 hybrid. Quick growing uniform purple kohlrabi with crisp white interior. Extremely hardy. May overwinter.
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Brassica rapa (45 days) Open-pollinated. Slow-growing 8-10" deep purple rounded leaves stand beautifully, and are mild and delectable all the way through the season.
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Brassica napus (95 days) Open-pollinated. Canadian origin. Uniform 5-6" almost neckless rutabaga with deep purple crown and cream-yellow base. Sweet pale yellow flesh.
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Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. Contrasting colors and leaf forms! At least a half-dozen different lettuces, all suitable for cut-and-come-again culture.
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Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. Contrasting colors and leaf forms and all certified organic! At least a half-dozen different lettuces, all suitable for cut-and-come-again culture.
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Beta vulgaris (60 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom, also known as Winter Keeper. The best winter storage beet. Glossy green tops with no purple.
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Brassica rapa (pekinensis group) (35 days) Open-pollinated. Loose round chartreuse leaves, flat white stems, and blossoms, all edible. Can be cut small for mesclun. Fair bolt tolerance.
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Asparagus officinalis Heirloom. Large early green stalks tolerate heat well and demonstrate good resistance to rust. Early, vigorous, uniform. Planted in American gardens for more than a century. Very winter hardy. Z3/4.
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Allium cepa (aggregatum group)
(105 days) F-1 hybrid. A traditional French storage shallot, nicely divided with pretty bronze skins. Prevailed in... read more
(105 days) F-1 hybrid. A traditional French storage shallot, nicely divided with pretty bronze skins. Prevailed in... read more
Grow trays of tasty vibrant greens year round. Contains 8 packets of kale, collards, broccoli, purple basil, cress, arugula, mustard and spinach.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (94 days) F-1 hybrid. Large deep green heads are finely beaded, high domed with no lobing. Amazing resilience and crazy-weather tolerance.
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Asparagus officinalis High-yielding good-quality tender green spears are long-lived and very cold hardy. On the rise as an excellent replacement for Jersey, even outproducing Jersey in northern Minnesota trials! Z3.
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Grow to mix with your lettuces for more interest in your salad bowl. Or use for braising greens mix.
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Pholiota nameko Gelatinous orange-to-amber caps thicken soups and are popular in Japanese cuisine.
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Brassica oleracea (gemmifera group) (120 days) F-1 hybrid. 1" tightly wrapped sprouts are widely spaced for ease of harvest and good air circulation. Vigorous and sturdy plants showed little aphid damage.
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Brassica rapa (50 days) F-1 hybrid. Smooth round pure white bunching turnip with delicate sweet flavor and crisp tender texture. Compares to and exceeds Hakurei Turnip.
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Brassica napus x Brassica rapa (pekinensis group) (95 days) Open-pollinated. A cross between Chinese cabbage and rutabaga, has very fine-grained tasty yellow flesh. Exterior much like purple-crowned Laurentian rutabaga.
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Raphanus sativus (25 days) Open-pollinated. Rosy-pink color with bright white flesh, crisp and mild. Oblong plump roots hold longer than others without cracking or getting soft and pithy.
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Raphanus sativus (26 days) Open-pollinated. Popular plum-colored ping pong ball-sized radish with crisp white flesh. Tolerant to culture under row cover.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (62 days) F-1 hybrid. This super early deep purple cauliflower with tight curds will start forming heads before than any other purple around.
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Asparagus officinalis Early. Very large deep purple stalk with a creamy white interior. Z4.
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Brassica rapa (50 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. Purple tops, white bottoms, white flesh.
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Brassica rapa (50 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. Purple tops, white bottoms, white flesh.
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Beta vulgaris (50 days) F-1 hybrid. Refined uniform Early Wonder-type red beet with purple tops. Excellent flavor. Market-grower favorite. Bestseller.
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Abelmoschus esculentus (75 days) Open-pollinated. Edible and ornamental. Slender burgundy pods best harvested at 4". Green leaves and burgundy stems and pods.
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Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. A rich mix of over a half-dozen organically grown bronze and red varieties. Contrasting leaf shapes to please in the garden and in the salad bowl.
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Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis (90 days) Open-pollinated. Impressive 14-18" thin burgundy pods. Small brown seed.
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Apium graveolens (84 days) Open-pollinated. Delicious chewy stalks with interior red color. Lively flavor for soups, salads, casseroles.
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Brassica oleracea (105 days) Open-pollinated. Compact deep-burgundy red heads are excellent raw, cooked or fermented. In good storage they'll keep till March.
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Solanum melongena (88 days) Open-pollinated. Italian heirloom. White with lavender streaking, plump, 3-4" wide by 5" long. Fruits avg 2 lb. Creamy, delicate, great for gourmet markets.
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Solanum melongena (84 days) Open-pollinated. Pink-lavender with white shoulders, pear-shaped, 4-6" wide by 6-8" long. Sweet tender white flesh. Early and productive.
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Solanum aethiopicum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Sometimes called Ethiopian Eggplant or Garden Egg. Slightly sweeter and more delicate than S. melongana eggplants. Great in curries and spreads.
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Helianthus tuberosus Produces a considerable yield of sizable blunt-ended tubers. Relatively knob-free shape is popular with cooks!
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (80 days) F-1 hybrid. You won’t need to use the force to attain revolutionary fall harvests of dependable cold-tolerant medium-large heads.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (70 days) F-1 hybrid. Reliable producer of uniform 6-7" white heads. Probably the easiest cauli to grow.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (93 days) F-1 hybrid. Very large upright plants set dense 2-4 lb attractive white domed heads. Tender with very good flavor.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group)
(71 days) Open-pollinated. Mild sweet heads, at 4–5" across, are intermediate between non-heading Piracicaba’s... read more
(71 days) Open-pollinated. Mild sweet heads, at 4–5" across, are intermediate between non-heading Piracicaba’s... read more
Spinacia oleracea
(37 days) F-1 hybrid. We regularly sell more than 3,500 packets per year! Produces the kind of vigorous big thick wavy mostly... read more
(37 days) F-1 hybrid. We regularly sell more than 3,500 packets per year! Produces the kind of vigorous big thick wavy mostly... read more
Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. Our best-selling blend is a multicolored splash of varieties chosen to stand into July without bolting.
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Apium graveolens (90 days) Open-pollinated. Large dense plants with no punky centers. Smooth tender sweet nearly stringless stalks.
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Brassica rapa (narinosa group) (45 days) Open-pollinated. Spoon-shaped dark green leaves in compact rosettes. Very hardy. Cut-and-come-again.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (67 days) F-1 hybrid. 6-7" semi-domed head with blue-green medium-large bead. Moderate side shoot production. Cannot tolerate extreme heat.
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Beta vulgaris (55 days) Open-pollinated. Refined round golden beet. Dependable germination. Excellent flavor. Bestseller.
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Spinacia oleracea (25 days to baby leaf, 45 days to mature) F-1 hybrid. Well suited for early spring and fall plantings. Reasonable early summer tolerance, with slow steady growth that results in a stunning high-quality winter crop.
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Curcuma longa Vibrantly orange tuber is a potent spice and medicine fetching top dollar at markets. Suitable for high tunnel cultivation, even in Maine!
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (95 days) Open-pollinated. Handsome uniform dark-green 5-6" heads. Abundant side shoots over a long harvest window. Ideal home-garden variety for the fall.
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Allium cepa (aggregatum group) (105 days) Open-pollinated. Handsome golden-bronze 1¼–2" bulbs uniformly divide into triples and quadruples, store into the spring, and have a luxurious caramel flavor.
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Apium graveolens (80 days) Open-pollinated. Thick crisp stalks have rich flavor, not harsh even in less-than-ideal conditions. Ventura must receive adequate, even moisture for best growth.
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Brassica oleracea (botrytis group) (92 days) Open-pollinated. Reliable 6" heads with medium bead. No side shoot production. For fall crops only.
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Raphanus sativus (30 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. Slender 4-6" long white radish of high quality. Harvest young. Recommended for home gardens.
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Brassica oleracea (gongylodes group) (58 days) Open-pollinated. Central European heirloom. Green kohlrabi with short tops and medium stems. White interior is crisp, tender, pungent.
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Brassica oleracea (45-60 days) F-1 hybrid. Also called Chinese Broccoli. Grown for succulent stems, leaves and florets. Uses and flavor similar to broccoli. Tolerant to heat and cold.
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Stropharia rugosoannulata Vigorous fruiting bodies. Grow in sawdust beds, wood chips or straw.
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Spinacia oleracea (47 days) Open-pollinated. Old variety grows slowly, tolerates low temps. Good spring and fall, and great for overwintering. Deeply savoyed leaves.
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Lactuca sativa Open-pollinated. Blend of kinds that stand the cold, for late fall eating, for keeping under cover for winter salads, for winter survival and the earliest spring growth.
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Brassica rapa (narinosa group) (21 days baby, 45 days mature) F-1 hybrid. Mild deep green tender leaves used raw or cooked. Good season extender. Excellent tolerance to heat, cold. Cut-and-come-again.
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Cucurbita pepo (90 days) Open-pollinated. Black-green ribbed 1-1.5 lb fruit. Compact bush habit. Excellent flavor.
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Cucurbita pepo (90 days) Open-pollinated. Classic heirloom. Black-green ribbed 1.5-2 lb fruit.
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Cucurbita pepo
(85 days) Open-pollinated. Perhaps the most delicious acorn squash we’ve ever tasted. Unusual light tan 7–8" long 1-lb fruits have... read more
(85 days) Open-pollinated. Perhaps the most delicious acorn squash we’ve ever tasted. Unusual light tan 7–8" long 1-lb fruits have... read more
Amaranthus hybridus (65 days to flower, 125 days to seed) Open-pollinated. Is it a green vegetable? An ornamental? A gluten-free grain? Why, yes! No wonder Amaranth was sacred in pre-Columbian Mexico.
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Cynara scolymus (120 days from transplant) Open-pollinated. An artichoke bred to be accessible for northern growers! Left to bloom, the buds open into massive otherworldly blue flowers that dry well.
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Eruca sativa (47 days) Open-pollinated. Musky greens, certified organic. Cold tolerant, great for early spring, late fall, over-wintering. Eat the flowers if you miss some of the greens.
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Eruca sativa (21 days baby, 35 days mature) Open-pollinated. Profuse basal growth. Dense clusters of tasty lush leaves. Grows well in hot and cool seasons.
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Eruca sativa (44 days) Open-pollinated. Cross of two European heirlooms and selected for vigor and cold hardiness. Turns purple when it freezes. Full of flavor.
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Diplotaxis erucoides (21 days baby, 50 days mature) Open-pollinated. Wild Arugula. Deeply lobed dark green narrow leaves. Excellent for cold-season salads, but also shows good summer endurance.
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Allium ampeloprasum (porrum group) (84 days) Open-pollinated. 6" tall, 3" thick shanks. Blue-green leaves. Very cold tolerant. A good candidate for overwintering.
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Hordeum vulgare Open-pollinated. An historic 6-rowed barley selected by Luther Burbank from California hulless barley. In his final seed catalog he called it “one of [his] greatest grain creations.”
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Lactuca sativa (72 days) Open-pollinated. Slow-growing compact dark green Batavian with crisp outer leaves surrounding a round tightly-packed heart. Excellent heat tolerance.
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Lactuca sativa (65 days) Open-pollinated. Compact hardy plants with reddish-amber–tipped green leaves and crunchy batavian taste. French heirloom stands the test of time as well as the chill of fall.
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Lactuca sativa (48 days) Open-pollinated. Hefty wine-red Batavian forms open rosette that folds together like a romaine at maturity. Shiny red leaves, green in the center, good for baby leaves.
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Lactuca sativa (51 days) Open-pollinated. Combination of Batavian and romaine, with whorling thick succulent medium-green leaves. Tolerant of heat and rarely bitter.
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Lactuca sativa (68 days) Open-pollinated. Large plants form loose heads with bronzy coloration. Green interior is sweet and mild. Always one of the last to bolt.
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Lactuca sativa
(50 days) Open-pollinated. Summer lettuce aficionados can rejoice that we again have a fresh crop of organic seed for Sierra, a... read more
(50 days) Open-pollinated. Summer lettuce aficionados can rejoice that we again have a fresh crop of organic seed for Sierra, a... read more
Cucumis sativus (54 days) F-1 hybrid. 7-8" smooth-skinned dark green fruits with crunchy sweet seedless pale green flesh. Tolerant of cool temps.
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Cucumis sativus (54 days) Open-pollinated. Smooth thin-skinned fruits are juicy, refreshingly cool, enjoyably mild and almost completely free of the bitterness common in American slicers.
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Zea mays (78 days) F-1 hybrid. Large sweet tender creamy kernels from well-filled 8" blunt ears with 14-16 rows. 6-7' plants. Sturdy thick stalks allow second ear production.
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blue skin, blue flesh Maintains its color after boiling, roasting or frying. This spud is packed with anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that can lower risks of heart and neurological diseases.
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blue skin, blue flesh Maintains its color after boiling, roasting or frying. This spud is packed with anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that can lower risks of heart and neurological diseases.
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blue skin, blue flesh A sought-after specialty potato with brilliant color and great flavor. Stores well.
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deep dark purple skin and flesh Above-average yields of uniformly round spuds with thin delicate skins, smooth creamy dark purple flesh, and super-high concentrations of cancer-fighting anthocyanins.
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blue skin, yellow flesh Round sapphire exterior creates a striking contrast with stunning gold flesh. High yielding. Also known as Peter Wilcox.
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purple skin, purple flesh Exceptionally rich color in these uniform small- to medium-sized tubers. Starchy enough for baking or mashing but firm enough to hold its shape in salads.
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pink-splashed purple skin, white flesh For size, style, yield and taste, it's an all-around winner. Show-stopping colorful skin and creamy rich flesh. Delicious baked, roasted or mashed.
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pink-splashed purple skin, white flesh For size, style, yield and taste, it's an all-around winner. Show-stopping colorful skin and creamy rich flesh. Delicious baked, roasted or mashed.
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Brassica rapa (ruvo group) (40 days) Open-pollinated. A non-heading version of broccoli with a more pungent flavor. Harvest young stems, leaves and small flower buds to steam, stir-fry or add to salads.
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Allium fistulosum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Japanese heirloom. Hardy perennial bunching onion. For a steady market crop, seed every two weeks.
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Arctium lappa (120 days) Open-pollinated. Standard Japanese variety. Thin 1-2' long mild earthy root for stir-fries, soups and herbal medicine. Can be dug in spring with parsnips.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (61 days) Open-pollinated. Dark green straight 6-8" filet pods with excellent flavor. Heavy producer. Speckled brown seed.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (57 days) Open-pollinated. A very refined haricot vert for home gardeners. Exquisitely tender, delicately flavored dark green pods are excellent raw with minimal bitterness.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (62 days) Open-pollinated. Slender straight 4-5" purple pods. Upright medium-sized plant. Light brown seed.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (57 days) Open-pollinated. 6" creamy yellow pods mottled with purple tiger stripes. Seeds are purplish brown with blue stripes.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (54 days) Open-pollinated. Straight round 5-6" tender yellow pods with green tips and great flavor. High yields, holds well.
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Phaseolus vulgaris (56 days) Open-pollinated. Straight yellow pods with rich color and beany flavor. White seed.
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Cucurbita maxima (110 days) Open-pollinated. Old buttercup variety. More vigorous vines, higher yields and larger fruit with blocky turban shape and a cup.
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Cucurbita maxima (95 days) Open-pollinated. Slightly smaller than the standard Burgess, with a lighter green rind. Very high-quality fruits.
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Lactuca sativa (46 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. Very small ruffled bronze-tinged butterhead lettuce.
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Lactuca sativa (50 days) Open-pollinated. Dark green outer leaves with broad mid-ribs and a creamy white center heart. Slow to bolt. Excellent flavor. Bestseller.
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Lactuca sativa (50 days) Open-pollinated. Dark green outer leaves with broad mid-ribs and a creamy white center heart. Slow to bolt. Excellent flavor. Bestseller.
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Lactuca sativa
(62 days) Open-pollinated. You don’t have to free climb a 3000' rock face to find fulfillment. Simply tuck into big bowl of torn... read more
(62 days) Open-pollinated. You don’t have to free climb a 3000' rock face to find fulfillment. Simply tuck into big bowl of torn... read more
Lactuca sativa (50 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. Red butterhead. Dark green butterhead base is fully blushed carmine and pebbled with bronze and brown.
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Lactuca sativa (48 days) Open-pollinated. Compact tight uniform heads form upright rosettes for a clean market and salad harvest. Pebbled leaves shaded red and light plum on a green base.
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Lactuca sativa (58 days) Open-pollinated. Elegant pale green heads of exceptional tender quality. Excellent heat tolerance.
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Lactuca sativa (58 days) Open-pollinated. Thick medium-green leaves make a tight well-developed heart. Holds well in the field, a standout both for commercial growers and home gardeners.
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Lactuca sativa (51 days) Open-pollinated. Elegant lime-green 6" buttery heads, sweet and tasty. Great for cold-weather growing.
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Lactuca sativa (52 days) Open-pollinated. Dark green uniform Nancy-type butterhead with large plant and head size, juicy sweetness and silky texture.
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Lactuca sativa (55 days) Open-pollinated. German heirloom. Elegant loose softball-sized green butterhead lettuce with light brown pebbling on leaves. Excellent flavor and bolt resistance.
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Lactuca sativa (55 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. Very attractive bibb lettuce has apple-green leaves splashed with maroon-red flecks. Selected for resistance to tip burn.
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Lactuca sativa (56 days) Open-pollinated. Large spreading bronzed butterhead with veined leaves. Delicate sweet flavor. Slow to bolt.
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Lactuca sativa (52 days) Open-pollinated. Large fancy fast-growing light-green butterhead lettuce. Bolts quickly in heat. Recommended for fall or overwintering where climate permits.
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Cucurbita moschata (87 days) Open-pollinated. Smooth, 2-3 lb butternut-type fruit with a small seed cavity and distinctive deep orange colored flesh.
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Cucurbita moschata (104 days) F-1 hybrid. Full running vines yield a ton of uniform tan 2-3 lb fruits. Smooth semi-dry texture and medium nutty sweetness hold in storage. Disease resistant.
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Cucurbita moschata (105 days) Open-pollinated. Classic. 9" long buff tan fruit weighing 4-5 lb. Our best-selling winter squash.
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Cucurbita moschata (105 days) Open-pollinated. A top-of-the-line Waltham strain, with improved yield and consistency. 9" long buff tan fruit weighing 4-5 lb.
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Cucumis melo (88 days) Open-pollinated. Outside: wrinkled bumpy warted puffy-looking grey-green rock. Inside: green, yellow and deep orange juicy melting dense flesh. Rich aroma.
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Physalis peruviana (115 days) Open-pollinated. Yellow fruits the size of cherry tomatoes on bushes 3-4' tall and wide. Tropical flavor; coconut, pineapple, citrus.
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Apium graveolens var. rapaceum (95 days) F-1 hybrid. Slightly oblong 3–4" roots have nice mild flavor and dense white interiors that resist hollow heart and pithiness.
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Apium graveolens var. rapaceum (100 days) Open-pollinated. A classy early celeriac, high yielding with relatively smooth roots, uniform white internal color and splendiferous eating quality.
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Beta vulgaris (55 days for bunching, 35–40 days baby leaf ) Open-pollinated. Very dark lush green fully savoyed leaf, brilliant red contrasting stalk. Excellent regrowth for multiple harvests.
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Beta vulgaris (56 days) Open-pollinated. Gold, yellow, orange and pink stems, midribs and veins. Tender dark green to bronze leaves with mild chard flavor.
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Beta vulgaris (50 days) Open-pollinated. Standard broad white stems and dark green savoyed leaves with white veins.
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Beta vulgaris (56 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. Large light green semi-savoyed leaves contrast with bright yellow stems and veins.
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Beta vulgaris (55 days) Open-pollinated. Tender smooth leaves, thin stems, spinach-like flavor. Lasts through summer into fall. Withstands some frosts.
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Beta vulgaris (59 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom. Crimson stalks and dark green leaves. Hardy.
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Beta vulgaris (60 days) Open-pollinated. Clear rich red stems contrast deep green savoy leaves. Good bolt resistance.
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Beta vulgaris (56 full size; 30 days baby leaf) Open-pollinated. Much like Fordhook, except it’s more compact, deeply savoyed, more uniform and with a narrower stem. Long harvest window.
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Capsicum annuum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Also known as Golden Delicious Apple Pepper. Heirloom from Hungary forms delicious flattened thick-walled fruits that ripen through yellow to red.
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Solanum lycopersicum (65 days) Open-pollinated. Prolific clusters of 10–12 1½" very shiny red fruits hold on the vine and can be picked all at once. Excellent fresh, stewed or added to sauce.
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Solanum lycopersicum (65 days) Open-pollinated. This productive cherry is the result of a cross between a beefsteak and two cherries, one orange and one red. Rich sweet flavor, regular tomato foliage.
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Solanum lycopersicum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Gorgeous two-bite dusky black cherry. Juicy, delicious, complex flavor of black tomatoes. Resists disease; cracks in wet weather.
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Solanum lycopersicum (64 days) F-1 hybrid. Red small fruit, with bomb-proof resistance against late blight lineage US 23. Great taste, highly productive, great look at market.
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Solanum lycopersicum Small-fruited tomatoes in a variety of colors, sizes, shapes and flavors.
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Solanum lycopersicum (75 days) Open-pollinated. This fantastic cherry tomato is beautiful, healthy, highly productive, resistant to cracking and not resistant to flavor. 10–20g fruits.
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Solanum lycopersicum (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Large bright yellow cherries! Productive, disease resistant, crack-free and borne in large clusters.
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Solanum lycopersicum (70 days) Open-pollinated. 1¼ x 1" fruits are meaty but not dense; juicy and sweet but tangy, delivering the correct flavor combination that so many yellow cherries and pears lack.
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Solanum lycopersicum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Deep red 1+" cherry. Superb rich sweet flavor makes up for annoying tendency to crack.
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Solanum lycopersicum (68 days) Open-pollinated. Deep red 1+" cherry. Superb rich sweet flavor makes up their tendency to crack.
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Solanum lycopersicum (62 days) Open-pollinated. Light orange sweet juicy treats, much less prone to cracking in wet weather than Sun Gold.
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Solanum lycopersicum (69 days) F-1 hybrid. Red round two-bite unblemished fruits. Juicy, rich, sprightly. Very marketable. Great vigor and disease-resistance.
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Solanum lycopersicum (78 days) Open-pollinated. Red 1" cherry. Similar to Sweet 100, bearing gazillions of clusters of sweet fruits. Dependable and prolific.
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Solanum lycopersicum (62 days) Open-pollinated. We have never tasted a pink cherry tomato as deliciously sweet! 12.7g fruits are large and early.
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Solanum lycopersicum (74 days) Open-pollinated. Green with little flecks of gold; produces an abundance of 1"