ships year-round
Autumn Colors Broom Corn Blend
Flower Seeds

Sorghum bicolor (105 days) Open-pollinated. Sprays of ornamental seedheads in gold, bronze, brown, black, burgundy, red and cream are great for making natural straw brooms and classic autumnal displays. Small shiny seeds are beloved by birds. read more


ships year-round
Purple Majesty Millet
Flower Seeds

Pennisetum glaucum (120 days) Open-pollinated. Ornamental grass with deep-purple foliage and large purple seed spikes. Popular in arrangements. 3-5' tall. read more


ships year-round
Black Eagle Spring Wheat - Organic
Flower Seeds

Triticum aestivum Open-pollinated. Dual-purpose spring wheat: Harvest early for ornamental grain, later for 6-row wheat for baking. read more


ships year-round
Utrecht Blue Spring Wheat - Organic
Flower Seeds

Triticum durum Open-pollinated. Too beautiful to eat! Used for wheat weaving and flower arrangements. Four rows with blue-grey husks and long black awns. Sow in April, reap in Sept. read more
