Syringa vulgaris 12x8'. Dazzling pearly lavender-pink buds open to delicate double light pink-shaded white flowers tinged with lavender. Long bloom period. Z3.
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Syringa vulgaris 12-15' x same. A mass of medium-light purple blooms. A magnificent New England sight for nearly 400 years. The best lilac for a spreading hedge. Z3.
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Syringa vulgaris alba 12-15' x 8-12'. One of only two types you see growing where the old homesteads once stood. May be the oldest loveliest purest white of them all. Gets the job done without messing around. Z2.
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Syringa × tribrida 6-9' x same. Masses of dark reddish-pink buds open to lovely fragrant single deep pink blossoms after most other lilacs have faded. Plant as a specimen rather than in a hedge. Z3.
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Syringa vulgaris 12-15' x 12'. French heirloom. Lavender-pink buds, fragrant double light violet blue-tinted flowers. Hardy. Z3.
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