ships in spring
Bleeding Heart - Bare-Root Plants

Dicentra formosa 15" tall. Heart-shaped blossoms dangle from long leafless stems. With consistent moisture, the lacy blue-green foliage stays good-looking all season long. Blooms in late spring. Z3. read more


ships in fall
‘Delft Blue’
Hyacinth Bulbs

sold out
Hyacinthus orientalis Rich soft porcelain blue. The classic hyacinth color that goes with everything. Early Spring to Mid Spring blooms. read more


ships in spring
‘Dream Queen’
Hosta - Bare-Root Plants

Hosta 18" tall and 26" wide. Distinctive puckered heart-shaped leaves have broad blue-green margins with a solid green detail next to buttery yellow centers. Z3. read more


ships in spring
‘Fimbriata Red’
Begonia Bulbs

Begonia × tuberhybrida 12" tall with an upright form. Deep true red carnation-like fringed double blossoms. Deep green serrated foliage. Upright stems make it a good candidate for the garden border. read more


ships in spring
Hosta - Bare-Root Plants

Hosta 22–24" tall, scapes to 36". Pale lavender flowers are large and fragrant, but the leaves are the main attraction. Rapid grower with good sun tolerance. Colors intensify in light. Z3. read more


ships in spring
‘High Roller’ Red Hot Poker
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Kniphofia uvaria 24" tall. A tropical-looking riot of fiery red-orange fading to coral and soft white tubular inflorescences. Breathtaking and playful. Makes an unusual accent in cutflower arrangements. Z5/6. read more


ships in spring
Daylily - Bare-Root Plants

Hemerocallis 30" tall. Intensely fragrant trumpet-shaped lemon-yellow flowers. Widely planted on old farmsteads in Maine. A must-have in the naturalized perennial border. Midsummer blooms. Z2. read more


ships in spring
‘Kansas Kitten’
Daylily - Bare-Root Plants

Hemerocallis 22" tall. Fragrant 5" blossom has ruffled slightly reflexed purple-lavender petals with a dash of magenta. This rebloomer is worth showcasing up front in the perennial garden. Z2. read more


ships in spring
‘Little Sapphire’ Flowering Onion
Allium - Bare-Root Plants

Allium 12" tall. Adds rugged charm and vertical structure to herb and rock gardens. Attracts beneficial insects with its sweet nectar yet repels an array of slithery, winged and legged pests. Z4. read more


ships in spring
‘Max Frei’ Bloody Cranesbill
Geranium - Bare-Root Plants

Geranium sanguinium 4-9" tall. Magenta cups with purple-blue anthers cover tidy deep green lacy foliage. Compact form works well in containers. Considered more drought tolerant than others in the genus. Z3. read more


ships in spring
‘New Vintage Violet’
Yarrow Plants

sold out
Achillea millefolium 24-28" tall. Charming bright magenta-violet flower clusters. Sturdy and upright, sports its vibrant color for a long bloom season, even in the heat. read more


ships in spring
‘Night Beacon’
Daylily - Bare-Root Plants

Hemerocallis 27" tall. Radiant raspberry-purple blossoms with luminous lemon-yellow throat. 4½'" flowers light up the landscape with showstopping color. Early to midseason rebloomer. Z2. read more


ships in spring
‘Oertel’s Rose’
Yarrow Plants

Achillea millefolium 12–15" tall. Deep rose-pink flower clusters. Well-behaved, not messy or floppy like some taller yarrow varieties. Z3. read more


ships in spring
Geranium - Bare-Root Plants

sold out
Geranium pratense 20–24" tall. Lush groundcover with sapphire-blue flowers. Attracts beneficial insects. Not the “geranium” you’re thinking of! Z4. read more


ships in spring
‘Panorama Reds’ - Organic
Bee Balm - Bare-Root Plants

Monarda didyma 3-4' tall. Fabulous blooms in a diverse range of red shades destined to attract scads of butterflies and hummingbirds. Z3. read more


ships in spring
Yarrow Plants

sold out
Achillea millefolium 18-36" tall. Handsome bright red flowerheads. Each tiny blossom within the cluster has a sunny yellow center. Draws a crowd when we have friends over for barbecue. Z3. read more


ships in fall
‘Pearls of Spain’
Muscari Bulbs

sold out
Muscari botryoides Sweetly perfumed pure white bells. Attractive in borders, edging, or between other bulbs. read more


ships in fall
‘Pink Giant’
Chionodoxa Bulbs

sold out
Chionodoxa forbesii Starlike flowers with blush-pink petals with white centers. Does well in shade, woodland gardens and short grass as well as full sun. read more


ships in fall
‘Pink Pearl’
Hyacinth Bulbs

sold out
Hyacinthus orientalis 1922 heirloom with rose pink florets and pale pink edges. Very fragrant and great for forcing. read more


ships in spring
‘Purple de Oro’
Daylily - Bare-Root Plants

Hemerocallis 18-24" tall. Broad ruffle-edged petals form 3" flowers. Continuous blooming tendencies and compact habit make this Stella-family member excellent for containers as well as the garden. Z2. read more


ships in fall
‘Red Beauty’
Fritillaria Bulbs

Fritillaria imperialis Vibrant clusters of orange-red inverted bell-shaped flowers hang from a peculiar leafy crown atop a tall spike. Long-lived if left undisturbed in a good planting site. read more


ships in spring
‘Rocket City’
Daylily - Bare-Root Plants

Hemerocallis 36" tall. Fragrant 6" bright glowing orange blossoms with bittersweet copper eye zones. Excellent landscape variety. Extended bloom, flowers remain open for at least 16 hours. Z2. read more


ships in spring
‘Ruby Stella’
Daylily - Bare-Root Plants

Hemerocallis 14-18" tall.

Dark ruby flowers with deep wine-red markings, a striking yellow-bordered greenish throat, and red anthers for

... read more


ships in spring
Begonia × tuberhybrida 10-12" tall and cascading. Fluffy double blooms of warm apricot with soft coral and yellow notes in varying degrees of saturation. Medium-green serrated decorative leaves. Great for containers. read more


ships in spring
‘Tootie Mae’
Hosta - Bare-Root Plants

Hosta 18" tall and 36" wide. Rounded heavily corrugated blue leaves with wide chartreuse margins. White flowers smoked with lavender. Holds its margin color well through the season. Z3. read more


ships in fall
‘Valerie Finnis’
Muscari Bulbs

Muscari armeniacum Racemes of pearly sky-blue fat florets naturalize well, slowly spreading their unusual color. read more


ships in spring
‘Velvet Moon’
Hosta - Bare-Root Plants

Hosta 24" tall and 36" wide. Bright golden-yellow leaves with striking dark green centers. Grows well in both shade and full sun! Z3. read more


ships in spring
‘Walker’s Low’ Catmint
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Nepeta × faassenii 2-3' tall, despite its name. Aromatic grey-green foliage with long arching stems topped by lavender-blue flowers. Attracts pollinators. Z3. read more


ships in spring
‘Primal Scream’
Daylily - Bare-Root Plants

Hemerocallis 24" tall. Let this daylily keep you company as you scream into the void. Giant glowing tangerine blossoms with apple-green throats. Early to midseason blooms. Z2. read more


ships in fall
Chionodoxa Bulbs

Chionodoxa forbesii Long-lasting all-white flowers. A lovely complement to one of the other varieties, or as diminutive cutflowers. read more


ships in fall
‘Blue Giant’
Chionodoxa Bulbs

Chionodoxa forbesii Starlike flowers with soft medium blue petals and white centers. Can spread to create a stunning blue carpet for over two weeks in spring. read more


ships in fall
‘Violet Beauty’
Chionodoxa Bulbs

Chionodoxa luciliae Starlike flowers with violet-pink petals with pale pink to white centers. Does well in shade, woodland gardens and short grass as well as full sun. read more


ships in fall
Muscari armeniacum
Flower Bulbs

Fragrant bright cobalt-blue florets with subtle white rims; good for forcing, cutting, naturalizing and borders. read more


ships in fall
Muscari latifolium
Flower Bulbs

Muscari latifolium Tall, with a large dense ombre flower; sky-blue fading to lilac, then to dark violet. The earliest of all Muscari. read more


ships year-round
Alaska Mix
Nasturtium Seeds

Tropaeolum majus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Striking variegated green and white foliage and tangy yellow and orange blossoms. Great plant for hanging baskets. 16" plants. read more


ships year-round
Alaska Strain
Daisy Seeds

Leucanthemum x superbum Open-pollinated. Clean snow-white flowers with bright yellow centers. 3' tall. read more


ships in fall
All-Spring Mix
Narcissus Bulbs

For big plantings where you want an extended bloom time, go with this superb mix of early, midseason and late varieties. read more


ships year-round
Sweet Pea Seeds

Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. An antique striated variety. Blossoms contain subtle variations of bright reds with creamy white streakings. Heavily perfumed. Vines grow to 3'. read more


ships year-round
American Basketflower
Bachelor’s Button Seeds

Centaurea americana (90 days) Open-pollinated. Open-pollinated. Annual. Resembles a thistle, but no prickles. Grassy honey-like fragrance. Native to south-central U.S. and northeastern Mexico. read more


ships year-round
American Blanketflower
Gaillardia Seeds

Gaillardia aristata (90 days) Open-pollinated. Sun-loving native wildflower of the American Southwest is a favorite of butterflies and of gardeners who make bouquets. Perennial. read more


ships in fall
Amsterdam Mix
Narcissus Bulbs

Brighten up your spring landscape with this balanced mix of yellows from several Narcissus classes. read more


ships year-round
April in Paris - Organic
Sweet Pea Seeds

Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. Soft primrose-cream blossoms with dark lilac bands at the edges. Long stems perfect for cutting. Lovely fragrance. 4–6' vines. read more


ships year-round
Astolat Pacific Giant
Delphinium Seeds

Delphinium x cultorum Open-pollinated. Perennial. Pastel mix in lilac, raspberry and rose with dark bees. 6'. read more


ships year-round
Autumn Beauty Mix - Organic
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus (70-90 days) Open-pollinated. Lovely mix of earthen shades: bright yellow to bronze and purples. Blossoms 4-6" across. 6-8' multibranching stalks. A top seller. read more


ships in spring
Aviv Pastel Mix
Ranunculus Bulbs

Ranunculus 12-16" tall. A combination of creamy whites, soft yellows and picotee-type bicolor creamy-yellows dipped in rose. A scrumptious bouquet so beautiful it almost hurts to behold. read more


ships in spring
Aviv Pink
Ranunculus Bulbs

Ranunculus 12-16" tall. All pink as a stand-alone set, or to mix with the pure whites, or any bunch of garden flowers. Folks will ask where you bought your arrangement. read more


ships in spring
Aviv White
Ranunculus Bulbs

Ranunculus 12-16" tall. Just white. Mix with pinks or as an elegant snowy stand-alone set. Brings romance to any mixed bouquet from your garden. read more


ships year-round
Bachelor’s Button Mix
Bachelor’s Button Seeds

Centaurea cyanus (90 days) Open-pollinated. Showy blend of blue, pink, red, white flowers with blue predominating. read more


ships year-round
Help feed the bees and butterflies and attract pollinators to your garden. Contains 10 packets of different flowers, herbs, and greens. read more


ships year-round
California Poppy Seeds

Eschscholzia californica Open-pollinated. Bright colorful semi-double 2–3" silky orange flowers are heat and drought tolerant. 8–9" tall. read more


ships year-round
Benary’s Giant Lime
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans (85 days) Open-pollinated. A trendy color in this superior series. A most elegant giant dahlia-flowered zinnia. Long stems perfect for cutting. read more


ships year-round
Benary’s Giant Mix
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans (85 days) Open-pollinated. Yellow, white, rose-pink, coral, lilac and purple. Long stems perfect for cutting. read more


ships year-round
Zinnia elegans (85 days) Open-pollinated. Yellow, white, rose-pink, coral, lilac and purple. Long stems perfect for cutting. read more


ships year-round
Benary’s Giant Scarlet
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans Open-pollinated. A big beautiful red. read more


ships year-round
Benary’s Giant Wine
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans (85 days) Open-pollinated. A very hot fuchsia. A most elegant giant dahlia-flowered zinnia. Long stems perfect for cutting. read more


ships year-round
Beneficials Mix - Organic
Flower Seeds

Attract and maintain a diverse population of beneficial insects and pollinators with this mix of annuals, biennials and perennials. read more


ships year-round
Black Hollyhock
Flower Seeds

Alcea rosea var. nigra Open-pollinated. Shimmering burgundy-black single flowers. read more


ships year-round
Black Knight
Sweet Pea Seeds

Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. Bred in 1898. Highly scented deep maroon flowers tolerant of heat. 5-6' vines. read more


ships year-round
Black Knight Pacific Giant
Delphinium Seeds

Delphinium x cultorum Open-pollinated. Perennial. Intense dark purple with black bees, 6' tall. read more


ships year-round
Black Peony
Poppy Seeds

Papaver Open-pollinated. Unusual fully double ruffled flower of the deepest purple, almost black. Strong tall stems. 2'. read more


ships year-round
Blue Bedder
Salvia Seeds

Salvia farinacea Open-pollinated. True blue flower spikes are abundant for weeks on bushy 3' plants. Grey-green foliage. read more


ships year-round
Blue Boy
Bachelor’s Button Seeds

Centaurea cyanus (90 days) Open-pollinated. Annual. Classic showy blue flowers are easy to grow. read more


ships year-round
Blue Celeste - Organic
Sweet Pea Seeds

Lathyrus odoratus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Large luminous azure silky ruffled blossoms with fabulous perfume. 6–8' tall. read more


ships year-round
Blue Flax
Flower Seeds

Linum perenne subs. lewisii Open-pollinated. Single light-blue flowers and finely cut foliage for borders or rock gardens. 9-12" tall. read more


ships in spring
Blue Sage - Organic
Salvia - Bare-Root Plants

Salvia azurea 3-5' tall. North American native with delicate spires of sky-blue tubular double-lipped flowers and sweetly scented foliage. Incredible in mixed bouquets. Blooms from August to October. Z4. read more


ships year-round
Brush Strokes
Pansy Seeds

Viola cornuta Open-pollinated. Large fragrant flowers in purple, pink, yellow and light blue striped with white and yellow strokes. Dwarf 6" plants. read more


ships year-round
Butterfly Weed
Flower Seeds

Asclepias tuberosa Open-pollinated. Native perennial. Bright orange waxy flowers are attractive to butterflies and bees. read more


ships in spring
Butterfly Weed
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Asclepias tuberosa Vivid tangerine-orange clusters of flowers in summer atop slender fuzzy stems, covered with green lance-shaped leaves. 24" tall. Z4. read more


ships year-round
Cactus Bright Jewel Mix
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans (75 days) Open-pollinated. Large ruffled zinnia blossoms resemble chrysanthemums. Profuse immense blooms in scarlet, orange, pink, yellow. 3' tall. read more


ships year-round
Zinnia elegans (85 days) Open-pollinated. 3-4' tall and bushy blooms with masses of brilliant 4-6" double flowers in red, yellow, orange, lavender, maroon, violet and white. read more


ships in spring
Can’t Gild This - Asiatic Lily Mix
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

24-36" with a few up to 48" tall. Jaw-dropping beauty with dramatic outlines and edging that add flare and fiesta to your garden. Blooms mid-June through July. Z3. Fedco exclusive! read more


ships year-round
Rudbeckia Seeds

Rudbeckia hirta Open-pollinated. With this stunning array of single and double blooms in raspberry, pink, yellow and copper, you'll have lovely bouquets and feast for the pollinators from midsummer to frost. read more


ships year-round
Cardinal Flower Lobelia
Flower Seeds

Lobelia cardinalis Open-pollinated. This gorgeous wetland native wildflower and hummingbird magnet can be grown in moist garden soils or meadows. 2–4' tall read more


ships year-round
Carnevale di Venezia Striped Mix
Morning Glory Seeds

Ipomoea purpurea Open-pollinated. Cheery masses of white flowers with blue or pink accents in a festive array of patterns. Vigorous 6' climbers. read more


ships year-round
Carpet of Snow
Alyssum Seeds

Lobularia maritima (60 days) Open-pollinated. Free-flowering long-blooming fragrant 4" dwarf white groundcover. Easy to grow. read more


ships year-round
Cascade Mix Lobelia
Flower Seeds

Lobelia pendula (60 days) Open-pollinated. Very uniform tiny lush flowers bloom continuously from early summer to early fall to grace your garden, window boxes and hanging baskets. Annual. read more


ships year-round
Chater’s Double Mix Hollyhock
Flower Seeds

Alcea rosea Open-pollinated. Doubles in shades of red, pink, yellow and white. 4-5' tall. read more


ships year-round
Cherry Twist
Snapdragon Seeds

Antirrhinum majus (90 days) Open-pollinated. Spikes of magenta and buttercream blossoms yellow throats bloom from mid-July into September. Ideal for beds, borders, and of course, cutflowers. A star in our 2023 flower trials. read more


ships in fall
Chionodoxa Collection
Flower Bulbs

Chionodoxa Fedco exclusive! A mix of these long-lived snow- and critter-resistant stars, in shades of blue, violet, pink and white. read more


ships year-round
Clarke’s Heavenly Blue
Morning Glory Seeds

Ipomoea tricolor (115 days) Open-pollinated. Classic morning glory. Intense azure blooms lighten toward center; a sun-loving 12' vine. read more


ships year-round
Common Milkweed
Flower Seeds

Asclepias syriaca Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 4. These 5' tall showy native wildflowers are an important member of the wild habitat. Buds open to large balls of sweetly fragrant pink flowers. read more


ships year-round
Cranberries Double Click
Cosmos Seeds

Cosmos bipinnatus Open-pollinated. Dark maroon semi- to fully double with lightly picoteed edge. 2-3' tall. read more


ships year-round
Crazy Daisy
Flower Seeds

Leucanthemum x superbum Open-pollinated. Quilled petals of creamy white blossoms are fully double. 24-28" tall. read more


ships year-round
Cream Troika
Nasturtium Seeds

Tropaeolum majus (65 days) Open-pollinated. Spicy edible creamy-yellow flowers with rich brown centers. Plants mound to about 12" tall. read more


ships year-round
Creeping Thyme
Flower Seeds

Thymus serpyllum Open-pollinated. Creeping sweet-scented ground cover with purple flowers good in rock gardens, between stepping stones or on dry slopes. read more


ships year-round
Crego Mix - Organic
China Aster Seeds

Callistephus chinensis (90 days) Open-pollinated. Bold ostrich-feather blooms in violet, lavender, pink, rose and fuchsia. 2' tall. read more


ships year-round
Sweet Pea Seeds

Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. Oldest and among the most fragrant of all sweet peas. Deep maroon-purple upper petals with deep violet-blue lower petals. 5' vines. read more


ships year-round
Cupcakes - Organic
Cosmos Seeds

Cosmos bipinnatus (90-100 days) Open-pollinated. Pink and white blooms. The 4' tall plants attract pollinators and have long stems for cutting. read more


ships year-round
Cutflower Collection
Flower Seeds

Annual flowers for bouquets! Selection is similar to our Cutflower Mix, but the seeds are packed separately, so you can consider each variety’s individual growing needs. read more


ships year-round
Cutflower Mix
Flower Seeds

Mix of annual flowers that can be used for cutting. Includes aster, bachelor’s button, calendula, cosmos, zinnia, and more. read more


ships year-round
Daddy Mix
Petunia Seeds

Petunia x hybrida F-1 hybrid. Showy 4" ruffled blooms in shades of light blue, orchid, peppermint, pink, plum and strawberry with darker veins. 12-15" tall. read more


ships year-round
Danish Flag
Poppy Seeds

Papaver Open-pollinated. White spots on petals form a cross reminiscent of the Danish flag. Attractive large seedheads ideal for drying. 27" stems. read more


ships year-round
Dondo Blue
Ageratum Seeds

Ageratum houstonianum (40 days from transplanting) Open-pollinated. A cutting ageratum with long stems. read more


ships year-round
Double Choice Mix Sweet William
Dianthus Seeds

Dianthus barbatus Open-pollinated. Fragrant biennial with flat-topped flowers in red, pink, white, lavender. 18" tall. read more


ships year-round
Double Click Mix
Cosmos Seeds

Cosmos bipinnatus (100-120 days) Open-pollinated. Puffy double and semi-doubles in pink, plum and white. 4' tall. read more


ships year-round
Drama Queen - Organic
Poppy Seeds

Papaver Open-pollinated. Yellow-green centers with prominent creamy-yellow anthers accentuate the 4-5" flower. 3' tall. read more


ships year-round
Drummondii Mix
Phlox Seeds

Phlox drummondi Open-pollinated. Large umbel blooms in a range of pinks, reds, white, and bicolor combinations. 24" sprawling plants. read more


ships year-round
Dyer’s Coreopsis
Flower Seeds

Coreopsis tinctoria Open-pollinated. Beautiful native ornamental. Provides a full palette of color from yellows and greens to rusts and browns-and even black. read more


ships year-round
Earl Grey Larkspur
Flower Seeds

Consolida ajacis Open-pollinated. Pearly grey-lavender flowers. 3-4' tall. read more


ships in fall
Early Doubles Collection
Narcissus Bulbs

Fedco exclusive! A gorgeous selection of popular early-blooming Narcissus with elaborate ruffles. read more


ships in fall
Early Fragrant Collection
Narcissus Bulbs

Fedco exclusive! An assortment of highly fragrant early-season Narcissus. 10 bulbs each of Bridal Crown, Flower Record and Geranium. read more


ships year-round
Early Sunrise Coreopsis
Flower Seeds

Coreopsis grandiflora Open-pollinated. Dense 18" plants loaded with 2" semi-double vivid golden-yellow blooms. read more


ships year-round
Petunia x hybrida F-1 hybrid. Bluish-purple flowers. Wave Series petunias are excellent for landscaping and show extreme drought tolerance. read more


ships year-round
Edible Flowers Collection
Flower Seeds

A cheerful collection of edible flowers. Grow them to add to salads, vases, or to add color to your garden. read more


ships year-round
Elephant Head - Organic
Amaranth Seeds

Amaranthus gangeticus (90 days) Open-pollinated. Heirloom with deep reddish-maroon blooms. 3-5' tall. read more


ships year-round
Elka - Organic
Poppy Seeds

Papaver Open-pollinated. Double-purpose poppy produces white lavender single blossoms and large seed heads. White seeds have sweet, nutlike taste. 4'. read more


ships year-round
Empress of India
Nasturtium Seeds

Tropaeolum majus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Dark purplish-green leaves with brilliant crimson-scarlet flowers contrast well with other varieties. 16" plants. read more


ships year-round
Sweet Pea Seeds

Lathyrus odoratus x L. belinensis Open-pollinated. Pale mauve-pink and deeper-hued lavender-blue wings, grandiflora type, growing to 6', with 3-4 flowers per stem. read more


ships year-round
European Columbine
Flower Seeds

Aquilegia vulgaris Open-pollinated. Spurless blossoms are mostly pink, with a few purples and whites. 2½' tall. read more


ships year-round
Evening Sun - Organic
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus (60-80 days) Open-pollinated. 3-5" blooms in sunset hues of burgundy, russet-bronze, vivid gold and red, with many bicolor blends. read more


ships year-round
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus F-1 hybrid. A formula blend with colors ranging from white to darkest red, with double and semi-double flowers. 4-5' stalks bearing 4-8" pollen-free flowers. read more


ships year-round
Flamenco Red Hot Poker
Flower Seeds

Kniphofia uvaria Open-pollinated. A riot of yellow, orange and fiery red tubular flowers. Blooms July-September. An unusual accent in arrangements. read more


ships year-round
Flashback - Organic
Calendula Seeds

Calendula officinalis (55 days) Open-pollinated. Mix of orange, apricot and peachy doubled petals, all with red backing. read more


ships year-round
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus Open-pollinated. Stunning brown-centered 6" blooms are maroonish red with yellow tips. Mix with others to make a bouquet pop. 3½' tall. read more


ships in spring
Floristan White Blazing Star
Liatris - Bare-Root Plants

Liatris spicata 30-36" tall. Dreamy white flower wands above fine grass-like foliage. Blooms from July to September. Great for cutflowers. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Flowering Lawn Mix
Flower Seeds

Alternative lawn mix includes 13 species of short and creeping plants, many of which feed pollinators. read more


ships year-round
Fluffy Ruffles - Organic
Poppy Seeds

Papaver Open-pollinated. 3' tall. Mostly pink on the outer two thirds of the petal edge with a slight purple blush in the middle and on the petal backs. Double, but not a full pompon. read more


ships in spring
Foxglove Beardtongue - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Penstemon digitalis 3' tall. Beckon the birds and bees to your garden with these white to light pink spires covered with nodding tubular bell-shaped flowers. Z3. read more


ships in spring
Fragrant Gladiolus
Flower Bulbs

Gladiolus murielae 12-18" tall. Sword-like foliage is topped by wonderfully scented star-shaped white flowers with mahogany-purple centers on arching stems. Beautiful in the garden or as a cutflower. Z7. read more


ships year-round
Frizzle Sizzle
Pansy Seeds

Viola x wittrockiana Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 6. Heart-shaped leaves on mounded 4-6" plants covered with 3" mostly bicolor flowers, with darker whiskers and yellow eyes. read more


ships year-round
Frosty Mix
Bachelor’s Button Seeds

Centaurea cyanus (96 days) Open-pollinated. Annual. Flowers have dark centers in maroons and purples that fade into white outer petals, creating a frosted effect. read more


ships year-round
Garnet Boy
Bachelor’s Button Seeds

Centaurea cyanus (90 days) Open-pollinated. Annual. Ruffled dark maroon flowers, sometimes called Black Gem Bachelor’s Button. 3' tall. Hard to find. read more


ships in fall
Giant Grape Hyacinth
Flower Bulbs

Bellevalia paradoxa Dense bud spikes are greenish teal at the top and navy blue at the bottom. Florets open deep purple. Excellent fragrant little cutflowers. Attractive to bees but not to deer. read more


ships year-round
Consolida ajacis Open-pollinated. Dark blue. 3-4' tall. read more


ships year-round
Giant Imperial Mixed Larkspur
Flower Seeds

Consolida ajacis Open-pollinated. Pinks, purples, blues and white. 3-4' tall. read more


ships year-round
Gold Medal Mix
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans Open-pollinated. Blend of cherry, orange, pink, purple, scarlet, white and yellow dahlia-flowered blossoms 4-5" across. Excellent for cutting. 3½'. read more


ships year-round
Tithonia Seeds

Tithonia rotundifolia Open-pollinated. Bright orange 3-4" blooms comparable to Torch’s. Upright and uniform habit. Attracts butterflies. 4' tall. read more


ships year-round
Rudbeckia Seeds

Rudbeckia hirta (86 days) Open-pollinated. Bright 4" golden-orange blooms with deep-set brown eyes. Long strong stems set on 24-30" plants make this an outstanding cutflower. read more


ships year-round
Rudbeckia Seeds

Rudbeckia fulgida Open-pollinated. Golden-yellow flowers with dark central cones. Much larger flowers—up to 5" across—than the common wildflower. Ideal for cutting. 2' tall. read more


ships year-round
Grandpa Ott’s
Morning Glory Seeds

Ipomoea purpurea (70 days) Open-pollinated. Climbs to at least 8-9' with trellising, rich deep purple bloom with a glowing magenta center and dark 5-pointed star pattern. read more


ships year-round
Green Heart
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus F-1 hybrid. Golden-yellow blooms with amazing 4" lime-green centers. Great for cutflowers and pollen-free. Tall straight single stems grow up to 5'. read more


ships in fall
Guinea-Hen Flower
Fritillaria Bulbs

Fritillaria meleagris Checkered flowers in a mix of colors, mostly plum or bronze, with some lilac-pink or white. Will spread in a well-drained sheltered spot; also suitable in borders, grassy or humusy areas. read more


ships in spring
Hairy Beardtongue - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Penstemon hirsutus 16-30" tall. Shorter than P. digitalis, with fuzzy stems topped by clusters of slender tubular nodding 1" lavender flowers with arching white lips. Z3. read more


ships in spring
Here’s Looking at You Kid - Oriental Lily Mix
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Fedco exclusive! 30-48" tall.

While we disagree that classic film is improved by colorization, this flower collection jumps off the silver screen

... read more


ships in spring
Hoary Vervain - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Verbena stricta 12-48" tall. North American native. Attracts scads of pollinators, most notably the Buckeye butterfly. Birds will devour the seeds! Blooms June through August. Z3. read more


ships in fall
Holland Mix
Narcissus Bulbs

An elegant mix of white Narcissus that brings a level of sophistication to flower arrangements and landscapes. read more


ships in spring
Hollow Stem Joe Pye Weed - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Eutrochium fistulosum 6' tall. Dusky-rose flowers are held on beautiful wine-red stems dusted with a light purplish bloom. More adaptable to heat and drought than the other species we’re offering. Z4. read more


ships year-round
Hopi Black Dye Sunflower - Organic
Flower Seeds

Helianthus annuus (90-100 days) Open-pollinated. Rare indigenous heirloom used as a natural dye source for coloring baskets purplish charcoal. Also edible. 8' stalks. read more


ships year-round
Hopi Red Dye - Organic
Amaranth Seeds

Amaranthus cruentus (46 days) Open-pollinated. Stately 6' plant with 1-2' deep burgundy inflorescences. Traditional food dye. read more


ships year-round
Hot Biscuits - Organic
Amaranth Seeds

Amaranthus cruentus (65-75 days) Open-pollinated. Flaunts glorious 2' chestnut-bronze to copper-colored well-branched seedheads atop its majestic 4' stalks at maturity. read more


ships in fall
Hyacinth mix
Flower Bulbs

Hyacinthus orientalis A medley of hyacinth hues—pink, purple, blue, red, white and peach. 8–12" tall. read more


ships year-round
Ideal Florist Mix Verbena
Flower Seeds

Verbena hybrida var. grandiflora Open-pollinated. Mix of deep magenta, white, lilac, blue-violet and fuchsia, with white throats. Multi-branching semi-sprawling habit. read more


ships year-round
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans Open-pollinated. Waist-high stems bear striking 3-4" single blaze-orange blooms with showy yellow disk florets. Long stems for cutting. Flowers July-Oct. read more


ships year-round
Indian Spring Single Mix Hollyhock
Flower Seeds

Alcea rosea Open-pollinated. Old-fashioned single 7' beauty in red, yellow, white and rose. read more


ships year-round
Jazzy Mix
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia haageana Open-pollinated. Small Mexican-style haageana zinnias in a mix of pink, orange, carmine and burgundy-red blooms tipped yellow to carmine. read more


ships year-round
Jewel Mix
Nasturtium Seeds

Tropaeolum majus (42 days) Open-pollinated. Bushy variety holds its blooms above the foliage. Early free-flowering blend of orange, yellow, red and gold. 16". read more


ships year-round
Jewel Mix - Organic
Nasturtium Seeds

Tropaeolum majus (42 days) Open-pollinated. Bushy variety holds its blooms above the foliage. Early free-flowering blend of orange, yellow, red and gold. 16". read more


ships year-round
Zinnia elegans (85-90 days) Open-pollinated. Brilliantly hued large flowers on long stems come in an array of colors: oranges, yellows, red, magenta and pink with many petal forms. read more


ships year-round
Joe Pye Weed
Flower Seeds

Eutrochium maculatum Open-pollinated. Dusty pinkish-purple flowers. Stately and beautiful. 5-9' tall. read more


ships year-round
The Joker
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Pollen-free bicolor blooms with two rings of petals. Rated among the best for cutting. 5-7' stalks. read more


ships year-round
Jubilee Gem - Organic
Bachelor’s Button Seeds

Centaurea cyanus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Early frilly 2" periwinkle-blue blooms on semi-dwarf 2' plants. A popular favorite with a long bloom period. read more


ships year-round
Kablouna Mix - Organic
Calendula Seeds

Calendula officinalis (60 days) Open-pollinated. Striking crested blooms of gold, orange, lemon and apricot with dark centers. read more


ships year-round
Kaleidoscope Mix
Sweet Pea Seeds

Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. Contains solids, bicolors, reverse bicolors, flakes and stripes in a wide array. Over 5' tall. read more


ships year-round
King Size Silvery Rose
Strawflower Seeds

Xerochrysum bracteatum (80 days) Open-pollinated. Light pink to warm rose 2–2½" double flowers bloom lavishly throughout the season for stellar fresh and dried bouquets. Annual. read more


ships year-round
Knee-High Mix
Sweet Pea Seeds

Lathyrus odoratus Open-pollinated. Semi-dwarf 20" bush-type plants need no support, produce full-length stems. Mix includes chianti, pink, blue-violet and lavender. read more


ships year-round
Kniola’s Purple - Organic
Morning Glory Seeds

Ipomoea purpurea (50 days) Open-pollinated. Rich deep purple flowers vibrate against lush green foliage. Starts blooming while it is only 2' tall and still vining. read more


ships year-round
Poppy Seeds

Papaver Open-pollinated. Fire engine-red blooms resemble ladybugs with four black center dots. Compact 1½" delicate single blooms atop wiry 15" stems. read more


ships year-round
Large Lavender - Organic
Poppy Seeds

Papaver Open-pollinated. Tall poppies with 2½-3" single flowers. Long blooming period. Large 1" seed pods used in dried arrangements. read more


ships in spring
Large-Flowering Glad Mix
Gladiolus Bulbs

Gladiolus 36" tall. A mercurial mix of colors, stripes, stipples, bicolors, tricolors, and everything else under the sun—what fun! read more


ships in fall
Large-Flowering Mix
Narcissus Bulbs

A favorite of landscape professionals for mass plantings. Includes multiple classes of long-stemmed Narcissus in a wide range of colors. read more


ships year-round
Las Vegas Mix Globe Amaranth
Flower Seeds

Gomphrena globosa Open-pollinated. Clover-like blossoms in pink, purple and white are great for drying. read more


ships year-round
Las Vegas Purple Globe Amaranth
Flower Seeds

Gomphrena globosa Open-pollinated. Beautiful round clover-like 1" purple flowers on 2' stems perfect for drying. Also enjoyable as bedding plant. read more


ships in fall
Late Doubles Collection
Narcissus Bulbs

Fedco exclusive! Much like the Early Doubles Collection, but selected to bloom later in the season. Bring on the ruffled edges! read more


ships in fall
Late Fragrant Collection
Narcissus Bulbs

Fedco exclusive! An assortment of highly fragrant later-season Narcissus. 10 bulbs each of Sir Winston Churchill, White Lion and Yazz. read more


ships year-round
Lemon Queen
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus Open-pollinated. Luxuriant 8" blooms with lemon-yellow petals surrounding striking solid brown centers. Can grow up to 10' tall in rich soil. read more


ships year-round
Lemon Queen - Organic
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus Open-pollinated. Luxuriant 8" blooms with lemon-yellow petals surrounding striking solid brown centers. Can grow up to 10' tall in rich soil. Organic. read more


ships year-round
Lighthouse Red
Salvia Seeds

Salvia splendens (70-85 days) Open-pollinated. Glowing red tubular flowers grow along spikes on a big bushy low-maintenance shrub-like plant. Pollinators love them. 24" tall. read more


ships year-round
Lime Green Nicotiana
Flower Seeds

Nicotina alata (70-80 days) Open-pollinated. Elegant abundant upward-facing 2" star-shaped light chartreuse flowers upon 3' plants of contrasting green. read more


ships year-round
Lorenziana Double Mix
Gaillardia Seeds

Gaillardia pulchella Open-pollinated. Daisy-type flowers in reds, yellow, rust and orange with a prominent colored center. Free flowering, low maintenance and easy to grow. Attracts butterflies. Good cutflower. read more


ships year-round
Amaranth Seeds

Amaranthus caudatus (90 days) Open-pollinated. Vigorous 2-4' branching annual with long drooping red tassels. read more


ships in fall
Low Border Collection
Flower Bulbs

Fedco exclusive! Early border collection with plenty of spring color. Featuring crocus, dwarf iris, snowdrops, squill, and more! read more


ships year-round
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans (95 days) Open-pollinated. Crimson-centered flowers with petal edges that appear dipped in gold. Reliable, long vase life, easy to grow. An excellent replacement for Zowie! read more


ships year-round
Mammoth Grey Stripe
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus (120 days) Open-pollinated. A traditional variety of giant single-stem sunflower with large seed heads. One to grow if you want to eat the seeds or plant a maze. 6”12'. read more


ships year-round
Mammoth Mix
Sweet Pea Seeds

Lathyrus odoratus (75 days) Open-pollinated. Mixture of crimson, scarlet, white, lavender, deep rose, medium blue and pink. Long stems make ideal cutflowers. 4-6' staking variety. read more


ships in fall
Mellow Yellows Collection
Narcissus Bulbs

Fedco exclusive! A jolly trio, all with bright white petals, and each with a different variation on the yellow cup. read more


ships year-round
California Poppy Seeds

Eschscholzia californica (60 days) Open-pollinated. Cheery cup-shaped silky blooms range from light orange to deep rust, opening their faces to the sun each morning and closing up again at night. read more


ships in fall
Miniatures Mix
Narcissus Bulbs

An assortment of miniature Narcissus. Great for low-borders, containers, rock gardens, or throughout your lawn! read more


ships year-round
Monstrosum Fire Ball
Strawflower Seeds

Xerochrysum bracteatum Open-pollinated. Bright red, 2-2½" fully double flowers, excellent for drying. 30-40" tall. read more


ships year-round
Monstrosum Mix
Strawflower Seeds

Xerochrysum bracteatum Open-pollinated. Hot pink, light pink, white, gold and deep rose. 2-2½" fully double flowers, excellent for drying. 30-40" tall. read more


ships in spring
Moonlight Mix
Dahlia Bulbs

Dahlia 24-30" tall. A mix of pompon and cactus forms in whites, creamy light yellows and the slightest whiff of apricot-pink. Makes an elegant bouquet. read more


ships year-round
Moulin Rouge
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus (65 days) F-1 hybrid. Also known as Rouge Royale. Gorgeous 5-7" dark red pollen-free blossoms on 5-6' multi-branching stems. Favorite among commercial growers for its color. read more


ships in fall
Muscari ‘Bluezz’ Mix
Flower Bulbs

Muscari A jazzy little quintet of blue and white spikes of fragrant long-lasting densely packed bells. read more


ships year-round
My Castle Red Russell Lupine
Flower Seeds

Lupinus polyphyllus Open-pollinated. Genetics determine that blues will dominate in lupine mixes. Revitalize your patch with a new burst of red. read more


ships in spring
Nanus Glad Mix
Gladiolus Bulbs

Gladiolus 24" tall. Marvelous miniature glads in mixed colors, bicolors and butterfly types. Very satisfying clumped in a bed or as cuts. They’re just darling! Z6. read more


ships in spring
New England Aster - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 4-6' tall. North American native. Blooms range from blue-purple to lavender-pink with yellow eyes. Z3. read more


ships year-round
New Hybrids Aster
Flower Seeds

Symphyotrichum novi-belgii Open-pollinated. Hardy “New York” perennial asters bloom late in red, purple, bluish and white. 4' tall. read more


ships year-round
New Hybrids Mix
Phlox Seeds

Phlox paniculata F-1 hybrid. Mix of white, pinks, reds and lilacs excellent for borders and cutflowers. Blooms from June till frost. Perennial. read more


ships year-round
Northeast Wildflower Mix
Flower Seeds

For the Northeast. A blend of 19 perennial and self-sowing annual species native to or naturalized in northeast U.S. and Canada. read more


ships in spring
Northern Blue Flag - Organic
Iris - Bare-Root Plants

Iris versicolor 30-36" tall. Northeastern native species with gorgeous blue-violet flowers with bold purple veining and a white and lemon-yellow blaze. Early. Z2. read more


ships in spring
Old-Fashioned Bleeding Heart
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Dicentra spectabilis 30-36" tall. Distinctive heart-shaped flowers dangle in a row on each raceme like charms on a bracelet. A classic! Z3. read more


ships year-round
Only the Lonely - Organic
Nicotiana Seeds

Nicotiana sylvestris Open-pollinated. Clusters of drooping tubular white blossoms that perfume the garden day and night. Full powerful scent. 5' tall. read more


ships year-round
Pacific Beauty Mix
Calendula Seeds

Calendula officinalis Open-pollinated. The classic lovely yellow and orange mix. Herbalists highly regard its healing gifts. read more


ships year-round
Panorama Red Bee Balm
Flower Seeds

Monarda didyma Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 3. Bushy clumping 30", bears 1-2 whorls of red tubular flowers on each stem from mid to late summer. read more


ships in fall
Peach Fuzz Collection
Narcissus Bulbs

Fedco exclusive! A selection of three varieties with soft peachy cups. 10 bulbs each of British Gamble, Cosmopolitan and Salome. read more


ships year-round
Peach Melba
Nasturtium Seeds

Tropaeolum minus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Named for the dessert. Primrose-cream blossoms with pearly red centers. Sets abundant blooms above compact lily-pad foliage. read more


ships year-round
Perennial Sweet Pea
Flower Seeds

Lathyrus latifolius Open-pollinated. The traditional English cottage sweet pea. Shades of rose, white and pink in big clusters. Good cutflowers. Climbs 6'. read more


ships year-round
Persian Catmint
Flower Seeds

Nepeta mussinii Open-pollinated. Soft grey-green leaves with clusters of bluish-lavender tubular flowers. 1' tall. read more


ships year-round
Flower Seeds

Phacelia tanacetifolia Open-pollinated. Small frizzy lavender-blue flowers. Long bloom period. Excellent for pollinators and beneficial insects. Bushy 18-30" plants. read more


ships year-round
Phacelia - Organic
Flower Seeds

Phacelia tanacetifolia Open-pollinated. The small frizzy curling lavender-blue sprays provide high-quality pollen and nectar. Can be used to increase beneficial insect diversity and populations while suppressing weeds. Great for honey. read more


ships year-round
Cosmos Seeds

Cosmos bipinnatus (90 days) Open-pollinated. Bicolor cosmos! White to pink to rose, with serrated petal edged in magenta. 4' tall. read more


ships year-round
Potomac Berry Blend
Snapdragon Seeds

Antirrhinum majus (110 days) F-1 hybrid. A marvelous assembly of our favorite pinks and purples from the Potomac Snapdragon series. All colors mature at the same time and have impressively sturdy stems and a long vase life. read more


ships in spring
Prairie Blazing Star - Organic
Liatris - Bare-Root Plants

Liatris pycnostachya 20-30" tall. North American native with tall brilliant purple wands loved by butterflies. Blooms from July to September. Great for cutflowers. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Prairie Sun
Rudbeckia Seeds

Rudbeckia hirta (88 days) Open-pollinated. Very large and distinctive. Pointy golden petals with light yellow tips. Branching 24-30" plants have long stems, ideal for cutflowers. read more


ships year-round
Princess Mix
China Aster Seeds

Callistephus chinensis (110 days) Open-pollinated. Pompon blooms in purple, salmon, magenta, rose and lavender on long wiry stems. read more


ships year-round
ProCut Red
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus (55 days) F-1 hybrid. Deep red petals surround a brown disc on 4–6" flowerheads. Pollen-free, 4–6' tall. read more


ships year-round
Pumila Mix
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans Open-pollinated. Small 2' plants with flowers 2½-3" across. Wide range of colors includes orange, yellow, white, pink, lavender and scarlet. read more


ships in spring
Purple Blazing Star
Liatris - Bare-Root Plants

Liatris spicata 20-30" tall. Magenta-purple flower spikes above fine grass-like foliage. Blooms from July to September. Great for cutflowers. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Purple Top Verbena
Flower Seeds

Verbena bonariensis (90 days) Open-pollinated. Proud strong 3”4' stems topped with vibrant purple flowers that bloom from July to October. Ideal cutflower. Extremely drought-resistant. read more


ships year-round
QIS Formula Mix Pincushion Flower
Flower Seeds

Scabiosa atropurpurea Open-pollinated. Mix features purple, lavender, red, pink, white and almost-maroon. Each 2" bloom is a rounded mass of tiny florets. read more


ships year-round
QIS Red Globe Amaranth
Flower Seeds

Gomphrena globosa Open-pollinated. Vibrant strawberry-red profuse blooms are great for drying. Enormously popular with commercial growers. read more


ships year-round
Quartet Rainbow - Organic
Stock Seeds

Matthiola incana (90 days) Open-pollinated. Soft lovely mostly double blooms sit atop sturdy 24" stems. A bouquet of this stock can perfume an entire room with its deep warm peppery scent. read more


ships year-round
Queeny Series Mix
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans (75-85 days) Open-pollinated. 2–3¼" doubles and semi-doubles in: lime-orange, lime-red, and lemon-peach. Great cutflowers, 24–30" tall. read more


ships year-round
Rainbow Loveliness Mix
Dianthus Seeds

Dianthus x hybrida Open-pollinated. Annual. Otherworldly, deeply-fringed, 1½" blossoms create a wispy feathery effect. Mix of carmine, white, pink and bicolored blooms. Heavenly fragrance. 14" tall. read more


ships year-round
Red Boy
Bachelor’s Button Seeds

Centaurea cyanus (90 days) Open-pollinated. Annual. Deep red flowers are cheery and bright. 3' tall. read more


ships year-round
Red Flint
Ageratum Seeds

Ageratum houstonianum (60 days) Open-pollinated. Dense fuzzy purplish-red heads on sturdy 2' stems. Good cut, as well as dried. read more


ships year-round
Reisen Giant Superb Carnation Mix
Dianthus Seeds

Dianthus caryophyllus Open-pollinated. Fully double fringed carnations in red, violet, rose, white and bicolor. 20". read more


ships year-round
Resina - Organic
Calendula Seeds

Calendula officinalis (70 days) Open-pollinated. Bright yellow with yellow centers. Best calendula for tinctures and oils. Very resinous. read more


ships year-round
Rocket Mix Snapdragon
Flower Seeds

Antirrhinum majus (120 days) F-1 hybrid. Long stems and vibrant colors: pink, red, yellow, orange, white and orchid on 2-3' plants. Ideal for cutting. Lasts 5-8 days. read more


ships in fall
Rotterdam Mix
Narcissus Bulbs

A soft blend of Narcissus, with cups in shades of coral, salmon, apricot and peach. read more


ships year-round
Royal Carpet Purple Alyssum
Flower Seeds

Lobularia maritima (63 days) Open-pollinated. Easy-to-grow dwarf 3" tall alyssum with fragrant purple flowers. read more


ships year-round
Royal Ensign Bush Morning Glory
Flower Seeds

Convolvulus tricolor (50 days) Open-pollinated. Each trumpet appears hand painted, with royal blue exteriors and iridescent white-to-gold centers. Eye-catching in beds, borders and pots. 18" tall bushes are covered in blooms all summer. read more


ships year-round
Cosmos Seeds

Cosmos bipinnatus (75-90 days) Open-pollinated. Delicate cosmos in rich hues ranging from burgundy to deep amber rose. The 2¼–3¼" flowers contrast nicely with bright green foliage. 3–4' tall. read more


ships year-round
Ruby Eclipse
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus (55 days) F-1 hybrid. Ruby-red petals with lemon tips. Dark centers sometimes shade into pink. Gorgeous pollen-free 4-5" flowers on 6' branching plants. read more


ships year-round
Lupinus polyphyllus Open-pollinated. Mostly purple blooms with some bicolors in magenta, white and pink. read more


ships year-round
Scarlet Flame
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans Open-pollinated. Even Gene, who doesn’t like gaudy zinnias, was attracted to Scarlet Flame’s elegant bright scarlet blooms. 3' stems. Predates 1934. read more


ships year-round
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus Open-pollinated. Handsome single-headed 5' sunflower. Double ring surrounded by deep yellow petals makes a striking display. 8-10" blooms. A superb cutflower. read more


ships year-round
Selma Suns Mix - Organic
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus (63 days) Open-pollinated. These sunflowers have small dark centers and pointed petals in various hues including yellows, golds, maroons and reds. 6–7' tall. read more


ships year-round
Sensation Mix Cosmos
Flower Seeds

Cosmos bipinnatus (85-90 days) Open-pollinated. Pinks, roses, magentas and occasional whites. 4-5'. read more


ships year-round
Shirley Double Choice Mix
Poppy Seeds

Papaver Open-pollinated. Elegant semi-double blooms all summer in shades of pink, rose, salmon, scarlet and white. 2½' tall. read more


ships in fall
Siberian Squill
Scilla Bulbs

Scilla siberica Loose clusters of bright flax-blue pendent bells. Lightly scented. Very long bloom time. read more


ships in spring
Smooth Blue Aster - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Symphyotrichum laeve 3-4' tall. North American native has Loose clusters of lavender-blue blossoms with yellow eyes. Smooth blue-green foliage. Provides important late-season nectar to hungry pollinators. Z3. read more


ships in spring
Solar Flare Mix
Dahlia Bulbs

Dahlia 32-40" tall. Pompon blooms of deep burgundy-wine red, and bicolor semi-cactus blooms of pink-coral-orange with surging yellow centers. We hope you saved your eclipse-viewing glasses! read more


ships year-round
Solar Flashback - Organic
Calendula Seeds

Calendula officinalis (55 days) Open-pollinated. Yellow, pinkish-blond, some with light tips, all with contrasting red backs. read more


ships year-round
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus (80 days) Open-pollinated. Deep orange petals, dark centers, and sturdy branching habit. Up to 25 4-6" blooms per plant, Perfect for cutting. 6' plant spreads 2-3'. read more


ships year-round
Spotted Bee Balm - ECO
Flower Seeds

Monarda punctata Open-pollinated. A whimsical beauty with complex blossoms and many culinary and medicinal uses. Its oregano-like aroma and flavor is lovely for tea and seasoning. read more


ships in spring
Spotted Cranesbill
Geranium - Bare-Root Plants

Geranium maculatum 24" tall. Also called Wild Geranium. Clusters of single 1¼" wide pinkish-lilac saucer-shaped flowers. Attracts beneficial insects. Native. Z4. read more


ships in spring
Spotted Joe Pye Weed - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Eutrochium maculatum 4-7' tall. Whimsical flat-topped terminal flower clusters bloom mid-July into August. Seed clusters add unique interest to the winter landscape. Attracts pollinators. Z4. read more


ships year-round
Pincushion Flower Seeds

Scabiosa stellata (90 days) Open-pollinated. Delicate periwinkle flowers pass by into ethereal bronze globes of transparent seedheads studded with black stars. These papery pods add texture and interest to dried and fresh arrangements. read more


ships year-round
State Fair Mix
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans (90 days) Open-pollinated. Huge single and double blooms on 30" plants. Colors include red, magenta, purple, orange, lavender and pink. Our best-selling zinnia. read more


ships year-round
Streamers Mix
Sweet Pea Seeds

Lathyrus odoratus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Mix of blue, lavender, pink, purple, chocolate, orange and scarlet, streaked with white. Huge blossoms and great as a cutflower. Over 5' tall. read more


ships year-round
Summer Pastels
Yarrow Seeds

Achillea millefolium Open-pollinated. Full range of soft pastel colors on flat flower heads. Easy to grow. 18-24". read more


ships year-round
Summer Sensation
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus (65 days) Open-pollinated. Vibrant 8" flowers, yellow surrounding a dark disk, on 5' plants. Can be grown as a single stem or pinched to branch out. read more


ships year-round
Sunflower Sampler
Flower Seeds

Helianthus annuus Our third-best seller among flowers. This mix of a half dozen varieties creates a lovely display. No dwarfs or mammoths. read more


ships year-round
Sunrise Serenade
Morning Glory Seeds

Ipomoea nil Open-pollinated. Large double 1-3" ruby-red blooms with white throats. Heirloom. Vigorous 12-15' plant blooms early. read more


ships year-round
Sussex Flax - Organic
Flower Seeds

Linum usitatissimum (110 days) Open-pollinated. A most useful flax for spinning or seeds. Annual. read more


ships in spring
Swamp Red Milkweed - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Asclepias incarnata 5' tall. Unique flat-topped clusters of upturned red-rose-colored flowers. Long willow-like leaves. Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Native. Z3. read more


ships in spring
Swamp Red Milkweed
Flower Plants

Asclepias incarnata 5' tall. Unique flat-topped clusters of upturned red-rose-colored flowers. Long willow-like leaves. Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Native. Z3. read more


ships in spring
Sweet Joe Pye Weed - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Eutrochium purpureum 4-6' tall. Massive vanilla-scented pinkish-purple domed flowers are held atop sturdy green stems with whorls of 4 to 5 sharply serrated leaves. Often found in average to dry woodland edges. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Tall Climbing Mix
Nasturtium Seeds

Tropaeolum majus (65 days) Open-pollinated. Red, orange, gold and bicolor shades. Red blossoms spicier than lighter colors. Prolific blossom set. 4-6' tall. read more


ships year-round
Tango Cosmos
Flower Seeds

Cosmos sulphureus Open-pollinated. Flame-red free-flowering double blossoms on wiry stems. 4' tall. read more


ships year-round
Tidal Wave Silver
Petunia Seeds

Petunia x hybrida F-1 hybrid. Very pale purple rather than silver, with darker purple veining. 2002 AAS. Part of the Wave Series. read more


ships year-round
Tithonia Seeds

Tithonia rotundifolia (120 days) Open-pollinated. Stately 6' plants with velvety leaves bear scarlet-orange 4-5" blooms that attract hummingbirds and monarch butterflies. Popular variety. read more


ships year-round
Tower Chamois
China Aster Seeds

Callistephus chinensis (110 days) Open-pollinated. Lustrous salmony-pink peony-type 2–3" blooms. Bred for uniform height and bloom time. read more


ships year-round
Tower Silver
China Aster Seeds

Callistephus chinensis (110 days) Open-pollinated. Irresistible bicolor 2–3" peony-type blooms of iridescent white and purple. Bred for uniform height and bloom time. read more


ships year-round
Tricolor Salvia
Flower Seeds

Salvia viridis Open-pollinated. White and blue flowers set off by large pink-to-purple bracts. Leaves entirely green. Remains colorful when dried. 18" stalks. read more


ships year-round
Vanilla Ice
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus debilis Open-pollinated. Pale yellow petals are nearly white and contrast well with the rich dark center disk. Polyheaded with 5' stalks, 3-4" blossoms. read more


ships year-round
Vintage Mix
Stock Seeds

Matthiola incana Open-pollinated. Fragrant mix of pink, lavender, red, rose, peach, yellow, copper and white bred for larger flowers and early bloom. Sturdy, well-branched. 15-20". read more


ships year-round
Wave Pink
Petunia Seeds

Petunia x hybrida F-1 hybrid. Pink, with white throats. Wave Series petunias are excellent for landscaping and show extreme drought tolerance. read more


ships year-round
Wave Purple Classic
Petunia Seeds

Petunia x hybrida F-1 hybrid. Wave Series petunias are excellent for landscaping and show extreme drought tolerance. read more


ships year-round
Whirlybird 7-Color Blend
Nasturtium Seeds

Tropaeolum majus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Large spurless upward-facing flowers. Compact non-trailing plant habit. Recommended for commercial growers. 12". read more


ships year-round
White Alyssum - Organic
Flower Seeds

Lobularia maritima (60 days) Open-pollinated. Similar to Carpet of Snow, but slightly taller. read more


ships in fall
White Siberian Squill
Scilla Bulbs

Scilla siberica Pure white clusters of delicate pendent bells. Naturalizes well, blooms for several weeks. read more


ships year-round
White Yarrow
Flower Seeds

Achillea millefolium Open-pollinated. Perennial grows 1-2', spreads slowly, preferring lean soil. Rich garden soil may produce lush 3' plants that need staking. Zone 2. read more


ships in fall
Wild About Alliums Mix
Flower Bulbs

Allium A half dozen or more kinds of medium to medium-tall alliums in violet, purple, blue and white. 16–33" tall. read more


ships year-round
Wild Bergamot - Organic
Bee Balm Seeds

Monarda fistulosa Open-pollinated. 3-4' plants bear aromatic lavender blossoms highly attractive to pollinators. read more


ships in spring
Wild Bergamot - Organic
Bee Balm - Bare-Root Plants

Monarda fistulosa 2-4' tall. Our native wildflower species with aromatic lavender blossoms. This is the variety most commonly used for medicinal purposes. Z3. read more


ships in spring
Wild Columbine - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Aquilegia canadensis 12-24" tall. This eastern North American native features delicate red-spurred sepals with yellow petaled skirts. Blooms late May to early June. Irresistible to hummingbirds! Z3. read more


ships in spring
Yarrow - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Achillea millefolium 24" tall. A natural anti-inflammatory, cold remedy and fever reducer. White flowers June to September. Excellent orchard companion. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Zeolights - Organic
Calendula Seeds

Calendula officinalis Open-pollinated. Pinky-maroon and yellow with dark centers. read more


ships year-round
Zohar - Organic
Sunflower Seeds

Helianthus annuus (55-65 days) F-1 hybrid. This splendid single-stem sunflower matches the cutting standard ProCut® Orange in reliability, quality and timing. Radiant golden petals surround a dark pollenless center. read more


ships year-round
Zowie!™ Yellow Flame
Zinnia Seeds

Zinnia elegans (85 days) Open-pollinated. Semi-double 3-4" blooms. Glowing magenta centers, rose petals with yellow tips. Well-branched and profuse. Long-lasting. 2-3'. read more


ships year-round
Crackerjack Mix
African Marigold Seeds

Tagetes erecta Open-pollinated. Early mix of orange, gold, yellow. Large fully doubled flowers. 30" tall. read more


ships year-round
Marvel II Mix
African Marigold Seeds

Tagetes erecta (60 days) F-1 hybrid. Fully double 4" pompon blooms in gold, orange and yellow. Perfect for stringing into garlands. Early to bloom, 18" tall. read more


ships year-round
Florist Blue Balloon Flower
Flower Seeds

Platycodon grandiflorus Open-pollinated. Long-lasting deep blue rounded star-shaped flowers. Buds like inflated balloons. read more


ships in spring
Blue False Indigo - Organic
Baptisia - Bare-Root Plants

Baptisia australis 3-4' x same. Vibrant blue lupine-like flowers in early summer. Bushy habit and shrub-like structure once mature. Good for erosion control. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Nonstop Tuberous Begonia
Flower Seeds

Begonia x tuberhybrida (140 days) F-1 hybrid. Nine bright shades for a riot of color in the garden border or hanging pots. read more


ships year-round
Bells of Ireland
Flower Seeds

Moluccella laevis (110 days) Open-pollinated. Everlasting annual. Spikes of bright green bell-shaped “flowers” turn creamy white when dried for winter arrangements. read more


ships in spring
Willow-leaf Bluestar - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Amsonia tabernaemontana var. salicifolia 30" tall. Fine grassy willow-like foliage. Clusters of powder-blue star-shaped florets bloom in early June. Best planted en masse. Adaptable but performs best in full sun to part shade. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Autumn Colors Broom Corn Blend
Flower Seeds

Sorghum bicolor (105 days) Open-pollinated. Sprays of ornamental seedheads in gold, bronze, brown, black, burgundy, red and cream are great for making natural straw brooms and classic autumnal displays. Small shiny seeds are beloved by birds. read more


ships year-round
Griffithii Bupleurum
Flower Seeds

Bupleurum griffithii (90 days) Open-pollinated. Everlasting annual. Features round leaves and unusual yellowish flowers air dry perfectly, retaining their color. Great filler for bouquets. read more


ships in fall
Camas Lily
Camassia Bulbs

Camassia quamash Silvery medium-blue 6-petaled cup-shaped flowers on strong stalks. North American native. read more


ships in fall
Camas Lily ‘Alba’
Camassia Bulbs

Camassia leichtlinii Creamy-white-petaled mauve-anthered 2" star-shaped blossoms. Makes a graceful companion to flowering onions and holds up well in bouquets. read more


ships year-round
Blue Clips Campanula
Flower Seeds

Campanula carpatica Open-pollinated. Perennial. Also known as Bellflower or Carpathian Harebell. Masses of light azure bellflowers above a tidy mound of foliage. read more


ships year-round
Blue Clips Campanula, pelleted
Flower Seeds

Campanula carpatica Open-pollinated. Perennial. Also known as Bellflower or Carpathian Harebell. Masses of light azure bellflowers above a tidy mound of foliage. Pelleted for ease of sowing. read more


ships year-round
Canary Creeper
Flower Seeds

Tropaeolum peregrinum Open-pollinated. Profuse 8' vines with deeply lobed foliage and clusters of lacy golden-yellow flowers. read more


ships year-round
Ruby Parfait - Organic
Celosia Seeds

Celosia argentea var. spicata (75 days) Open-pollinated. Upright 20-26" tall multi-branched wheat-type celosia produces showy spikes, light pink at the base turning to a deep rose-magenta at the tip. Green foliage starts at ground level. read more


ships year-round
Kiwi Blue Cerinthe
Flower Seeds

Cerinthe major var. purpurescens Open-pollinated. Annual. Features coin-shaped grey-green foliage and profuse blue shrimp-like bracts with purple flowers. Beloved by bumblebees. 12-30" tall. read more


ships year-round
Firmament Chinese Forget-Me-Not
Flower Seeds

Cynoglossum amabile Open-pollinated. Bright dainty 5-petaled azure-blue blossoms. 16-18" tall. read more


ships year-round
Cleome Mix - Organic
Flower Seeds

Cleome hassleriana Open-pollinated. An organic mix of three colors: rose, violet and white. read more


ships year-round
Wizard Coleus
Flower Seeds

Plectranthus scutellarioides (45 days) Open-pollinated. Leaves are a resplendent kaleidoscope of twelve colors. Shade. 10-12" tall. read more


ships year-round
Yellow Prairie Coneflower
Flower Seeds

Ratibida columnifera Open-pollinated. Yellow petals around protruding chocolate-brown center disk. read more


ships in spring
Crocosmia Bulbs

Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora 24-36" tall. Midsummer sprays of bright red flowers open from bottom to top on long arching bronze stems. Grows well in pots. Makes a long-lasting cutflower. read more


ships in fall
Cyclamineus Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus cyclamineus Long bright-orange ribbed cup with reflexed golden-yellow petals. Lightly scented, good for forcing, tolerates shade. read more


ships in fall
‘Apeldoorn Elite’
Darwin Hybrid Tulip Bulbs

Bright red petals with contrasting yellow-orange edging. Classically shaped 4" flowers are famous for a reason; striking in the garden or vase.

... read more


ships in fall
‘Apricot Impression’
Darwin Hybrid Tulip Bulbs

Large lustrous apricot-pink blooms with a softer warm peach glow. A popular color for arrangements and a bold presence in the garden.


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ships in fall
Darwin Hybrid Tulip Bulbs

Opens yellow, matures to rich apricot, with washes and blushes of yellow and rose. Fragrant and stunning. One of our every-year favorites. read more


ships in fall
‘Pink Impression’
Darwin Hybrid Tulip Bulbs

Impressive, handsome tulip is taller and larger than most, with lots of subtle gradations in shades of pink and rose. read more


ships in fall
‘Purple Pride’
Darwin Hybrid Tulip Bulbs

The first purple Darwin Hybrid to hit the market. Big lavish 5" blossoms. read more


ships in fall
Darwin Hybrid Impressions Mix
Darwin Hybrid Tulip Bulbs

Large egg-shaped blooms on tall sturdy stems in a striking mix of pinks, soft red and apricot. A popular choice for landscapes because they are... read more


ships in fall
‘Double King’
Double Amaryllis Bulbs

Hippeastrum Huge bright crimson-red double blooms. 20–24" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Avant Garde’
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Large creamy-white blooms with yellow centers. Strong stems keep the heavy ruffled blossoms upright and highly visible in the garden or vase.... read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Large peony-like blooms are packed with raspberry-pink petals edged in cream. Long lasting on short sturdy stems. read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Lightly ruffled palm-sized pink and white blooms on strong stems. Slightly fragrant. An award-winning tulip well suited to cutflower... read more


ships in fall
‘Foxy Foxtrot’
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

An extra-foxy color-shifting double, with shades of pale yellow and apricot contrasting nicely with hints of rose and white. Blossoms are 4–5"... read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Plentiful magenta petals, paler at the scalloped edges, form large lively blooms. Subtle fragrance.

16–18" tall. Early Spring blooms, Z3-7.

... read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Glowing orange with subtle green streaks and yellow centers. Splendid citrusy colors shift as the large blooms develop. Popular as a long-lasting... read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Moody dark burgundy flowers with luxuriant layers of curved petals. Fragrant and borne on strong stems—a good choice for borders and ideal for... read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Loads of vibrant red petals create a full peony appearance. Green highlights on the outer petals lend a bit of flair. Exceptional for forcing... read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Bursting with petals in luminous shades of orange, salmon and gold. The fragrant blooms reach up to 6" across. Great for mixing in bouquets with... read more


ships in fall
‘Verona Sunrise’
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Full, peony-like blooms seem to change colors depending on the light and maturity. The stunning coral and rose-colored petals will open to reveal... read more


ships in fall
Golden Girls Collection
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Fedco exclusive! Tulips in antique shades of gold, burgundy and cream. read more


ships in fall
Spring Roses Collection
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Fedco exclusive! Three Double Early tulip varieties in shades of pink and white evoke the romantic allure of a rose garden. read more


ships in fall
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Shades of pastel pink and pale rose with lighter edges. This fragrant, sturdy, beauty is our best-selling peony-flowered tulip. Good for forcing. read more


ships in fall
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Intrepid layers of purple-violet petals create a peony-like form. Inner petals are lighter, adding extra dimension. Strong stems and upright... read more


ships in fall
‘Black Hero’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Scrumptious blackberry blooms with a maroon sheen that contrasts well with the bluish-green foliage. Enjoy this late-season hero after all the... read more


ships in fall
‘Charming Beauty’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Breathtaking color palette of apricot and coral that lightens to pale yellow and peach as it matures. Large and showy; protect them from the... read more


ships in fall
‘Copper Image’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Stunning double blossoms expand in size each day, showcasing warm shades of coral, rose and peach. Blooms mature to a pale peach.

14–16" tall.

... read more


ships in fall
‘Creme Upstar’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

An award-winning tulip that will catch anyone’s eye with its pale yellow petals sun-kissed with shades of pink. Although this multicolored beauty... read more


ships in fall
‘Double Gudoshnik’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Extravagant peony-like multi-layered double blooms open in rich shades of red and orange followed by warming tones of yellow and peach. Plant in a sheltered spot. read more


ships in fall
‘Double Negrita’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Layers of broad ruffled purple petals streaked with violet and green. Sturdy stems and light fragrance make them wonderful for arrangements.

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ships in fall
‘Dream Touch’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Full fluffy blooms of slightly pointed purple-maroon petals edged in white. This artful contrast is the perfect touch to mixed bouquets.


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ships in fall
‘La Belle Epoque’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

A tulip like no other. This rare beauty has a vintage color palette of dusty rose, peach, salmon, and copper that evolves as the blooms mature. A... read more


ships in fall
‘Mount Tacoma’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Pure white. One of the fullest Double Lates and a great complement to just about anything, whether in beds, borders, or vases. read more


ships in fall
‘Orange Princess’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

A double version of the popular Princess Irene. Big full blooms of glowing orange petals with crimson-purple flames. Flowers are long-lasting and... read more


ships in fall
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Multi-colored in streaks of pink, rose and ivory with distinct striping and contrasting petal edges. Colors deepen as blooms mature. No two... read more


ships in fall
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Magnificent fully doubled blooms start out golden-yellow with red highlights, then shift to orange and even orange-red. Lights up the garden, looks great in a vase, and is fragrant too. read more


ships in fall
Antique Frills Collection
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Fedco Exclusive! Three tulip varieties with layers of petals in captivating hues of coral, salmon and pale yellow. read more


ships in fall
Dreamy Angels Collection
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Fedco Exclusive! A heavenly medley of pink, purple-maroon and white ruffled petals provide timeless elegance and grace. read more


ships in fall
Romantic Mix
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

A classic combination of pinks and white blooms in the Double Late class features large long-lasting peony-like flowers on sturdy stems.... read more


ships in fall
‘Art Design’
Double Narcissus Bulbs

A firm favorite for bouquets due to its buttery colors, gorgeous scent and unusual form. read more


ships in fall
‘Bridal Crown’
Double Narcissus Bulbs

One of the earliest-blooming Doubles. Refined white petals surround a frilly yellow cup with orange segments. Intoxicatingly fragrant read more


ships in fall
Double Narcissus Bulbs

Unusual 4" double blooms with rounded creamy white petals surrounding a center swirl with short ruffled apricot segments. Star-shaped pointed... read more


ships in fall
‘Ice King’
Double Narcissus Bulbs

White petals surround a pleated pale yellow collar filled with a burst of lemony yellow center petals. A real show-off in the garden and perfect for spring bouquets. read more


ships in fall
Double Narcissus Bulbs

One of the finest of the doubles. Fragrant, showy 3-4" flowers open creamy with yellow highlights maturing to pure white. read more


ships in fall
Double Narcissus Bulbs

Bright white 4" flower with a frilly deep coral-pink center interlaced with slender white “flyer” petals. read more


ships in fall
‘Sir Winston Churchill’
Double Narcissus Bulbs

Double flowers 3" across are full of creamy white petals interspersed with orange flecks. Fragrant blossoms come 3-5 per stem. Long-lasting in garden or vase. read more


ships in fall
Double Narcissus Bulbs

Rich golden-yellow doubled flowers layered with red-orange segments. Large long-lasting blooms with stand-out color and fragrance. read more


ships in fall
‘White Lion’
Double Narcissus Bulbs

Big fluffy blooms with outer ivory white petals that surround pale yellow center ruffles. Strong and reliable. Scent is similar to gardenias. read more


ships in fall
‘Yellow Cheerfulness’
Double Narcissus Bulbs

Soft yellow rounded overlapping petals, with a loose ball of corona petals with subtle flecks of soft orange. Sublime scent. read more


ships year-round
Drumstick Flower
Flower Seeds

Craspedia globosa (100 days) Open-pollinated. Globular dimpled ¾" yellow flower heads set atop durable 18" stems. read more


ships in fall
Dutch Iris Mix
Flower Bulbs

Iris x hollandica These elegant airy blooms on stiff stems are among the best cutflowers. Mixed colors include blue, white, ivory, yellow, mauve, violet and more. read more


ships in fall
Dwarf Iris Bulbs

Iris reticulata Velvety royal purple-blue falls with a yellow crest, and lavender-blue standards. Fragrant and long-lasting. read more


ships in fall
‘Katharine Hodgkin’
Dwarf Iris Bulbs

Iris histrioides Light blue standards with royal blue to purple striping, pale lavender-streaked falls and a yellow crest splashed with deep purple spots. read more


ships in fall
Iris danfordiae
Dwarf Iris Bulbs

Iris danfordiae This low growing iris has fragrant canary-yellow flowers with dark speckles. read more


ships in fall
Dwarf Iris Mix
Flower Bulbs

Iris A mix of colorful early spring standouts. Four or more varieties, 3–6" tall. read more


ships in fall
Winter Aconite
Eranthis Bulbs

Eranthis cilicica Bright buttercup-yellow flowers in very early spring, each with a frilly green collar which opens bronzy. read more


ships year-round
Silver Dollar Eucalyptus
Flower Seeds

Eucalyptus cinerea Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 8. Charming silvery blue-green 2" leaves make a fabulous bouquet filler that dries nicely and freshens the room with fragrant oils. 2–3' tall. read more


ships year-round
Flower Seeds

Myosotis sylvatica Open-pollinated. Clusters of tiny sky-blue flowers. Self-seeds. 6" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Orange Emperor’
Fosteriana Tulip Bulbs

Beautiful deep salmon-orange petals streaked with yellow on a yellow base. Plant with pink tulips or narcissus. read more


ships in fall
‘Red Emperor’
Fosteriana Tulip Bulbs

Huge blooms of fiery red with enormously long petals on a black and yellow base. One of the all-time favorites. Great with narcissus. read more


ships year-round
Tall Mix Four O’Clock
Four O’Clock Seeds

Mirabilis jalapa Open-pollinated. Fragrant trumpet-shaped flowers in cerise, burgundy, pink, yellow, white. 2-3' tall. read more


ships year-round
French Marigold Seeds

Tagetes patula Open-pollinated. Single-petaled flowers set early, bloom strong until frost. Variegated petals of dark and light orange. 8" tall. read more


ships year-round
Brocade Mix
French Marigold Seeds

Tagetes patula Open-pollinated. Ruffled double flowers in rust, yellow, orange, red and bicolors. Neat, compact 10" plants. read more


ships year-round
Court Jester
French Marigold Seeds

Tagetes patula (100 days) Open-pollinated. Small single striped flowers with bright stripes of burgundy and yellow. Good for bouquets. 20" tall. read more


ships year-round
French Marigold Seeds

Tagetes patula Open-pollinated. A beautiful true yellow extra-dwarf crested variety. Blooms early, through summer into fall. 6-8" read more


ships year-round
Queen Sophia
French Marigold Seeds

Tagetes patula (60 days) Open-pollinated. Anemone-flowered dwarf. Bicolored double blooms are deep rusty orange, petals edged with gold. 10-12" tall. read more


ships year-round
Sparky Mix
French Marigold Seeds

Tagetes patula Open-pollinated. Mix of yellow, gold, orange and red. Double flowers are 2-2½" wide. Compact 10-12" plants. read more


ships in fall
Fringed Tulip Bulbs

Double-fringed with wild feathery effusions of salmon, peach and pale yellow petals. The full blooms are as luscious as peonies, but with the... read more


ships in fall
Fringed Tulip Bulbs

Vibrant 4" lavender cup-shaped blooms are edged with ornate white fringe. Long-lasting in the garden and vase. Spectacular in floral... read more


ships in fall
Fringed Tulip Bulbs

Dark maroon-black matures to deep burgundy, with extra-fringed edges for extra-fun bouquets.

18–20" tall. Z3–8. 12cm/up bulbs. NEW!

Items from

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ships in fall
Fringed Tulip Bulbs

Salmon-rose petals are trimmed with golden yellow-orange fringe that glistens in the sun. This zesty tulip partners well with pastels.


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ships in fall
Galanthus elwesii
Flower Bulbs

Galanthus elwesii Taller than the common snowdrop with larger flowers and earlier bloom time. The best variety for naturalizing, and also well suited to forcing. read more


ships in fall
Galanthus nivalis
Flower Bulbs

Galanthus nivalis Frosty white 3-petaled bells with a touch of emerald green on the shorter inner segments. Often one of the first signs of life emerging from the melting snow. read more


ships in fall
‘Alexander Fleming’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora Among the hotter pink peonies. Fully double flowers have intense fragrance and very pink petals that lighten toward the edges.... read more


ships in fall
‘Big Ben’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora This tall robust highly fragrant peony is a classic, with long-lasting double 5–6" cherry-red to dark pink blooms atop sturdy... read more


ships in spring
‘Coral Sunset’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora 28" tall. Intense sunset coral with rose overtones and fluffy golden stamens. Semi-double. Early season. Light fragrance and long vase life. Z3. read more


ships in spring
‘Festiva Maxima’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora 3' tall. Heavenly scented large double white flowers with a light crimson drizzle upon the central petals. Flowers late spring to early summer. Z3. read more


ships in spring
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora Late midseason. 34" tall. Fully double type. Dark sensational burgundy red is unusual and arresting. Pairs well with any color. Sturdy stems make a great cutflower. Heirloom! Z3. read more


ships in fall
‘Karl Rosenfield’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora A double flower of rare beauty-large bright crimson blooms on strong stems are a great choice for cutflowers. read more


ships in fall
‘Monsieur Jules Elie’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora This lovely French variety has been around for over 125 years, with many admirers due to its beautiful color, appealing... read more


ships in spring
‘Nippon Beauty’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora 24" tall. Single anemone-type with scarlet-red guard petals surrounding fringed red and gold petaloid centers. Unique and hard-to-find variety. Early-midseason blooms. Z3. read more


ships in fall
‘Pink Hawaiian Coral’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora A symphony of coral, peach, melon and pink shades in semi-double form. Elegant 5–6" flowers change color as they age. Very... read more


ships in fall
‘Pink Pompadour’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora Bright two-tone fuchsia double flowers with a sweet fragrance. Outer petals lay back to show a ball of center petals. Strong... read more


ships in fall
‘Sarah Bernhardt’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora Fully double fragrant flowers open light rose-pink. Matures to a more delicate pink with a silvery edge. read more


ships in spring
‘Sarah Bernhardt’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora 36" tall. Fragrant flowers open with narrow red lines shot onto light rose-pink. One of our favorites! Z3. read more


ships in fall
‘Shirley Temple’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora Highly fragrant large fully doubled flowers are pale pink as they emerge, lightening to white as they mature. read more


ships in fall
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora Small frilly vanilla-cream petals sandwiched between larger petals of strawberry and raspberry. Pale-yellow center. Lusciously fragrant. read more


ships in spring
‘Top Brass’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora 28" tall. Double bomb type. Pure white guard petals under a tuft of bright yellow petals topped with pink-white petaloids. Jazzy and dazzling. Mild fragrance. Midseason. Z3. read more


ships year-round
New Day Formula Mix Gazania
Flower Seeds

Gazania rigens Open-pollinated. Singles in bronze, orange, yellow, mauve, white and sepia with yellow centers. 8-10" tall. read more


ships in spring
‘Blue Glow’ Blue Globe Thistle
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Echinops bannaticus 3-4' tall. Luminous 1½" steel-blue spiky globes balance atop stiff stems with deeply divided silvery green leaves. Blooms July to August. Z3. read more


ships in spring
Globeflower Sunshine Mix
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Trollius 24" tall. We are crazy about Trollius. The fancy petal-filled flowers (like big overgrown hyper-selected buttercups) seem miraculous blooming so early in the season. Excellent for cutting. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Grace Mix Godetia - Organic
Flower Seeds

Clarkia amoena (90 days) Open-pollinated. 3" “satin flowers” blooms in red, pink, salmon, lavender and white, and with a bright red patch in the heart of the four petals. Best for cutting. read more


ships in spring
Stiff Goldenrod - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Oligoneuron rigidum 2-5' tall. The gorgeous yellow-gold vibrancy of goldenrod packed into a dense, showy, flat-topped cluster. Attractive lush slate-green foliage. Z3. read more


ships in fall
Anemone blanda Blue Shades Mix
Grecian Windflower Corms

Anemone blanda Short daisy-like flowers with bright yellow centers in rich mixed shades of blue and violet. Enchanting dancing in the spring wind. read more


ships in fall
Anemone blanda Mix
Grecian Windflower Corms

Anemone blanda A mix of shades of blue, pink and white. A great ground cover in light shade and under deciduous trees. Charming and easy to grow. read more


ships year-round
Helen’s Flower Mix
Helenium Seeds

Helenium autumnale Open-pollinated. Bronze, brown, crimson and yellow for an end-of-summer display. 4-5' tall. Also called Sneezeweed. read more


ships year-round
Luna Mix Hibiscus
Flower Seeds

Hibiscus moscheutos Open-pollinated. Perennial, Zones 5-9. 6-8" saucer-shaped flowers in a mix of pinks, red and white, with contrasting red eyes where a contrast is to be had. read more


ships year-round
Flower Seeds

Lunaria annua Open-pollinated. Coin-shaped seed pods shimmer in winter bouquets. 3' tall. read more


ships in fall
English Bluebell
Hyacinthoides Bulbs

Hyacinthoides non-scripta Flax-blue flowers, sweetly scented. The flower of the mythic “bluebell woods” of western Europe and England. read more


ships year-round
Paradise Mix
Impatiens Seeds

Impatiens wallerana F-1 hybrid. Lavender, fuchsia, violet and cantaloupe-colored flowers. 8-10" plants. read more


ships year-round
Flower Seeds

Persicaria tinctoria Open-pollinated. Japanese indigo preferred by dyers in Maine. A tender annual, indigo thrives in fertile soil and likes heat and humidity. read more


ships in fall
Spring Starflower Mix
Ipheion Bulbs

Ipheion uniflorum Sweetly scented low-growing flowers in a mix of colors: pale blue, medium blue, yellow, bluish-white and violet. Easy and attractive. read more


ships in spring
‘Cora Louise’
Itoh Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia (Itoh) x 28-30" tall. Semi-double 10" white blooms with a splash of cranberry/purple/lavender at the center. Surrounding petals reflect a shadow of these hues like a tie-dyed halo. Yellow stamens. Z3. read more


ships in spring
‘Julia Rose’
Itoh Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia (Itoh) x 30-36" tall. Cherry-red buds open to 8" fragrant semi-double orange-apricot-pink flowers with subtle purple edging. Blossoms eventually fade to yellow. Z3. read more


ships in spring
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Arisaema triphyllum 12–24" tall. Magical Northeastern woodland native prefers dappled shade and moist rich woodland soil. Appears midspring. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Blue Pearl Jacob’s Ladder
Jacob’s Ladder Seeds

Polemonium caeruleum (90 days) Open-pollinated. Sky blue blooms with gold stamens. Prefers shade. 1' tall. read more


ships year-round
Jewels of Opar
Flower Seeds

Talinum paniculatum (95 days) Open-pollinated. Petite pink flowers on thin stems mature into airy glistening bronze-to-burgundy sprays of teensy seedpods. Annual. read more


ships year-round
Job’s Tears - Organic
Job’s Tears Seeds

Coix lacryma-jobi (100 days) Open-pollinated. Sets pendulous sprays of globular pearly purple-grey seeds, which may be strung as beads for necklaces. Spiky 2–3' stalks good for planters or as filler in dried fall arrangements. read more


ships year-round
Helen Mount Johnny-Jump-Up
Flower Seeds

Viola tricolor Open-pollinated. Cute tricolor blooms in violet, lavender and canary yellow. 4-6" tall. read more


ships in fall
Jonquilla Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus jonquilla White petals surround a long ribbed pastel-peach cup with a pale yellow throat. This 2016 Dutch intro has taken the gardening... read more


ships in fall
Jonquilla Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus jonquilla Exquisite 3" star-shaped flower has white petals encircling a pale yellow cup. This long-flowering jonquilla produces 1–3... read more


ships in fall
‘Sun Disc’
Jonquilla Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus jonquilla Award-winning fragrant miniature just right for pots or the front of the border. Wide disc-shaped buttercup-yellow cup is lightly ribbed, lightly frilled. read more


ships in fall
Jonquilla Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus jonquilla Creamy white outer petals surround a yellow ruffled cup with peach-pink edges. Sprays of fragrant flowers are borne on tall... read more


ships in fall
Jumbo Amaryllis Bulbs

Hippeastrum Deep vibrant pink rounded petals of this Jumbo Amaryllis have a seersucker texture. read more


ships in fall
‘Cherry Blossom’
Jumbo Amaryllis Bulbs

Hippeastrum White blossoms with soft pink blushes, vivid pink striations, and luminous green throats. read more


ships in fall
Jumbo Amaryllis Bulbs

Hippeastrum Brilliant gleaming white petals, with highly reflexed tips, and a green throat. 20–24" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Lemon Star’
Jumbo Amaryllis Bulbs

Hippeastrum Elegant star-shaped blossoms with large white petals and lemon-yellow centers. Each stalk will produce up to 4–5 blooms. read more


ships in fall
Jumbo Amaryllis Bulbs

Hippeastrum Deep red flower with a velvety near-black center and bright yellow-green stamens and anthers. 20–25" tall. read more


ships in fall
Jumbo Amaryllis Bulbs

Hippeastrum Extra showy, with deep red centers radiating out to dark pink with bold edging. 4–5 blooms per stalk. read more


ships in fall
Jumbo Amaryllis Bulbs

Hippeastrum Large tangerine-orange flowers with intense color saturation. 24–28"tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Flower Record’
Jumbo Crocus Corms

Crocus vernus Deep violet-mauve flowers with a purple base. Spreads readily. Very Early to Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
Jumbo Crocus Corms

Crocus vernus Marble-white petals striped and tinged with lilac-purple veins. Very Early to Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
Jumbo Crocus mix
Flower Corms

Crocus vernus Yellow, white, purple, blue and stripes, for large-scale naturalizing or border plantings. Very Early to Early Spring blooms. read more


ships year-round
Kiss-Me-over-the-Garden-Gate - Organic
Flower Seeds

Polygonum orientale Open-pollinated. Large tassels of pink blossoms and heart-shaped leaves 6-7' tall. read more


ships year-round
White Finch Laceflower - Organic
Flower Seeds

Orlaya grandiflora (65-70 days) Open-pollinated. 2-3' with ferny foliage and sturdy stems, dainty delicacy resembling lace-cap hydrangea, with the central florets of a flat-topped cluster surrounded by a ring of larger flowers. read more


ships in fall
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Classic 1960s American intro features a 4" upward-facing flower with crisp white petals and a soft coral cup. It holds up well in sunlight, but... read more


ships in fall
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Yellow petals back a deeper golden-yellow cup nearly long enough to be a Trumpet. Multiplies rapidly. Light vanilla fragrance. Said to be the world’s most planted narcissus. read more


ships in fall
‘Coral Light’
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Truly stunning with 4" overlapping white petals and a showy bowl-shaped cup with a yellow center and ruffled coral-pink rim. The cup fades to... read more


ships in fall
‘Flower Record’
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Showy lightly fragrant flowers with a great contrast between pure white petals and the slightly ruffled yellow cup with a glowing red-orange rim.... read more


ships in fall
‘Night Cap’
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Delicate overlapping white petals surround a shallow bowl-shaped cup with a yellow center that fades to an eye-catching coral pink at the edge.... read more


ships in fall
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Slightly star-shaped 3½" bloom with white petals and a large peach cup with a gold rim. The cup opens yellow, but will turn peachy-pink in a day... read more


ships in fall
‘Tom Pouce’
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Named after the Dutch pastry tompouce, this narcissus is a real treat with its yummy color combination of pale yellow pointed petals around a ... read more


ships year-round
Lavatera Mix
Flower Seeds

Lavatera trimestris Open-pollinated. Mix contains mostly pink shades and some white. Explosion of funnel-shaped blossoms on 2' tall bushy plants. read more


ships in fall
Gravetye Giant Summer Snowflake
Leucojum Bulbs

Leucojum aestivum var. Gravetye Giant Pure white bells with scalloped edges and green spots resemble snowdrops or giant lilies-of-the-valley. Faintly violet-scented. read more


ships in fall
Lily-Flowered Tulip Bulbs

Shimmering long-lasting tangerine Lily-flowered blooms are incredibly lovely, with elegant reflexed petals, a slender waist, and tall thin sturdy stems. Sweet scent perks up around dusk. read more


ships year-round
Persian Jewels Mix
Love-In-A-Mist Seeds

Nigella damascena (70 days) Open-pollinated. Mix of pink, blue and white flowers. Spiky decorative seed pods used in dried arrangements. 18". read more


ships in fall
Blue-of-the-Heavens Flowering Onion
Low-growing Allium Bulbs

Allium caeruleum Gorgeous flax-blue florets form a dense 2" umbel. 12–16" tall. read more


ships in fall
Cameleon Flowering Onion
Low-growing Allium Bulbs

Allium oreophilum Bright rosy-pink florets change to white with rose midribs over time for a pale pink apple-blossom effect. 10–12" tall. read more


ships in fall
Low-Growing Alliums Mix
Low-growing Allium Bulbs

Allium A fragrant mix of three short alliums. Great in rock gardens, borders, or under shrubs and trees. read more


ships in fall
Yellow Lily Leek
Low-growing Allium Bulbs

Allium moly Flowering onion with bright yellow 2-3" upright umbels, naturalizes easily in sunny borders, rock gardens, and light woods. 6–8" tall. read more


ships in spring
‘Mrs. Moon’ Lungwort
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Pulmonaria 9-12" tall and eventually up to 2' wide. Periwinkle-blue buds open to pink flowers in spring. Large slate-green leaves with silver-white splotches. Woodland plant. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Madder - Organic
Flower Seeds

Rubia tinctorum Open-pollinated. Ancient and excellent source of red dye. Harvest roots after three years and grind to yield a wash- and light-fast red dye par excellence. 4' plants. read more


ships year-round
Maltese Cross
Flower Seeds

Lychnis chalcedonica Open-pollinated. Brilliant scarlet, cross-shaped florets. Attractive to pollinators, excellent for cutflowers. 3' tall. read more


ships in spring
‘Burgundy Manor’
Masterwort - Bare-Root Plants

Astrantia 24-28". Clump-forming perennial makes an excellent groundcover when planted en masse. Makes long-lasting cutflowers and is also a great container plant. Z4. read more


ships in fall
‘Purple Sensation’ Flowering Onion
Medium-height Allium Bulbs

Allium hollandicum Deep violet-purple 3–4" orbs on sturdy stems. Wonderful as a cutflower. 24–36" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Graceful Beauty’
Medium-height Allium Bulbs

Allium amplectens Elegant 2" white puffs with lavender stamens, sometimes with hints of pale pink and lilac. 14–18" tall. read more


ships in fall
Medium-height Allium Bulbs

Allium sphaerocephalon Long lasting blooms have a haunting color with hints of maroon, burgundy, or violet-red. 20–30" tall. read more


ships in fall
Sicilian Honey Garlic
Medium-height Allium Bulbs

Allium siculum This rugged beauty bears cream-colored florets painted with purple-maroon. 24–36" tall. read more


ships in fall
Star of Persia Flowering Onion
Medium-height Allium Bulbs

Allium christophii Large 8–12" violet flowers look like fireworks. Seedheads dry beautifully. 18–24" tall. read more


ships year-round
Flower Seeds

Reseda odorata Open-pollinated. Insignificant yellow-green blossoms grown for their enticing raspberry scent. Once common in Paris. Compact plants. read more


ships year-round
Purple Majesty Millet
Flower Seeds

Pennisetum glaucum (120 days) Open-pollinated. Ornamental grass with deep-purple foliage and large purple seed spikes. Popular in arrangements. 3-5' tall. read more


ships in spring
English Monkshood
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Aconitum napellus 36-40" tall. Classic deep violet-blue monkshood. Delphinium-style blooms on dense showy spikes. Excellent cutflower. Attracts pollinators. Z3. read more


ships in spring
Oriental Poppy - Bare-Root Plants

Papaver orientale 20-30" tall. Surely named after one of the three Greek Graces, Aglaea, which means something like ‘festive radiance.’ Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit. Z3. read more


ships in spring
‘Little Patty’s Plum’
Oriental Poppy - Bare-Root Plants

Papaver orientale 10-15" tall. Dusky damson-plum–colored blossoms. A short version of the original Patty’s Plum poppy, a compost-pile surprise discovered in the 1990s. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Dwarf Allegro Oriental Poppy
Flower Seeds

Papaver orientale Open-pollinated. Fuzzy fern-like leaves, showy buds open to dazzling scarlet blooms with contrasting black eyes. Grows 16". read more


ships in fall
Paperwhite - Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus tazetta Creamy white petals with a highly doubled center flecked with yellow. read more


ships in fall
Paperwhite - Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus tazetta Abundant white flowers bloom early with strong musky spicy fragrance. read more


ships in fall
‘Amazing Parrot’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

Radiant salmon-rose outer petals with scalloped apricot edges tinged with green open to reveal inner apricot-pink tones with salmon streaking.... read more


ships in fall
‘Apricot Parrot’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

Large flowers with deeply scalloped and fringed petals in shades of apricot, cream and orange, with flames of green and pink. Slight sweet fragrance. Great in bouquets. read more


ships in fall
‘Avignon Parrot’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

Large ruffled blooms in a rich blend of warm coral and orange shades, with flashes of green. Sport of the Single Late tulip Avignon.

22–24" tall.

... read more


ships in fall
‘Black Parrot’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

This 1937 heirloom is beloved for its deepest burgundy-purple blooms, scalloped and heavily feathered. Adds depth, texture and panache to... read more


ships in fall
‘Blue Parrot’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

One of the bluest tulips available. Large ruffled blooms are a potent lavender-violet with bright purple interiors. Just plain gorgeous.


... read more


ships in fall
‘Parrot King’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

Ornate large blooms in shades of tangerine to soft orange, streaked with white and green flames. Feathery crimped petals. Great for cutflowers. read more


ships in fall
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

Carmine-red tulip with ruffled petal borders and central ribs splashed in shades of green and plum. Large, showy blooms make wonderful cutflowers, but need room and wind protection outdoors. read more


ships in fall
‘Super Parrot’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

Extra-large blooms with white rumply petals feathered with lush green. Especially birdlike, and striking in floral arrangements. read more


ships in fall
Poeticus Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus poeticus Glistening white petals surround a small red-rimmed yellow cup. Vigorous heirloom variety performs best in cool climates and tolerates damp. read more


ships year-round
Dara - Organic
Queen Anne’s Lace Seeds

Daucus carota (70 days) Open-pollinated. 3' plant bearing 7-15 sturdy upright stems. read more


ships in spring
Russian Sage
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Perovskia atriplicifolia 36-48" tall. Slender spires of lavender-blue tubular flowers midsummer. Finely divided grey-green leaves are aromatic when crushed. Z4/5. read more


ships year-round
Northern Sea Oats
Flower Seeds

Chasmanthium latifolium Open-pollinated. Perennial. Strong 2' arching stems with airy flattened seedheads are beautiful for dried arrangements. read more


ships in spring
Hens & Chicks Mix
Sempervivum Plants

Sempervivum Low-growing rosette-forming succulents produce runners and babies. Drought and heat tolerant. Cold-hardy too! Colorful mix of reds, greens and purples. Z3. read more


ships in spring
‘A Capella’
Siberian Iris - Bare-Root Plants

Iris sibirica 26" tall. Mid-late to very late season. 2–3 blooms per stem in shades of rosy-violet and red-blue with small white signals that fan out blue to fine white edging. Bred in Maine. Z2. read more


ships in spring
‘Harpswell Happiness’
Siberian Iris - Bare-Root Plants

Iris sibirica 32" tall. Bred by legendary Maine hybridizer Currier McEwen in shades of creamy white with accents of yellow-green and buttery yellow. Early midseason to late. Z3. read more


ships in spring
‘Orville Fay’
Siberian Iris - Bare-Root Plants

Iris sibirica 36" tall. From Maine hybridizer Currier McEwen. Sweet and simple, an elegant companion to the other two Siberian irises we are offering. The first tetraploid cultivar. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Starfire Mix
Signet Marigold Seeds

Tagetes tenuifolia (68 days) Open-pollinated. Bears tiny abundant “gems” in shades of crimson, burnt orange and yellow. Excellent for containers and companion planting. Edible flowers. 12–15" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Apricot Beauty’
Single Early Tulip Bulbs

Soft apricot-pink petals tinged with rose and salmon with an uncommon light green base. Fragrant, truly lovely, good for forcing, and one of the world’s best-selling tulips. read more


ships in fall
‘Purple Prince’
Single Early Tulip Bulbs

Large flowers with a scalloped edge are deep bluish-purple with dusky lilac flames, reddish-purple inside. Complex color mixes well with others. read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

No one can accuse you of being anywhere but the garden when these soft lavender tulips are in bloom. Pairs well with purples and white in mass... read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

This award-winning tulip has brilliant scarlet-pink flowers with apricot edging and a yellow base. Long-stemmed with large goblet-shaped blooms.... read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Large and handsome goblet-shaped blooms on tall stems combine raspberry-rose petals with lighter yellow-orange edges. The colors change daily and with the light. Fabulous for cutting. read more


ships in fall
‘El Niño’
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Lily-shaped blossoms open yellow-apricot and rose brushed with red and speckled with salmon. Color variation intensifies as each unique bloom... read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Dark cherry-red with scarlet edges. One of the best reds: large and long lasting with sturdy stems. read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Large oval-shaped creamy white blooms on long stems are just so classy. Because the bulbs mature early, they perform better in warmer climates... read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Classic 1½–2" egg-shaped pink blooms with changing shades of salmon, apricot and peach borne on elegant long stems.

24–28" tall. Late Spring

... read more


ships in fall
‘Purple Lady’
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Rich purple with crimson undertones adds contemporary style to spring flower gardens and arrangements. Blends well with pinks, purples and reds.

... read more


ships in fall
‘Queen of Night’
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Called black, but really deep dark velvety purple-maroon with a hint of concord grape. The standard “black” in the Single Late group. read more


ships in fall
‘Stunning Apricot’
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Cup-shaped blooms glow in satiny apricot, coral and peach. A small green star appears on the inside of the cup for an endearing touch.


... read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Widely considered the best late-blooming pink tulip on the market, with its large 5" blooms in rich bright pink with a purplish hue.

24–26" tall.

... read more


ships in fall
Bedazzled Gems Collection
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Fedco Exclusive! This jewel-toned trio features color combinations and textures that are truly dazzling. read more


ships in fall
Melon and Cream Collection
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Fedco Exclusive! These blooms offer a tantalizing blend of soft melon tones with a touch of creamy white. read more


ships in fall
Purple Tuxedo Collection
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Fedco Exclusive! Springtime becomes a black-tie affair when the deepest purples are matched with pristine white blooms. read more


ships in fall
Small-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Eye-catching red-orange shallow cup and unusual amber-tinted petals. Opens dark and gradually lightens. read more


ships in fall
Small-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Multi-flowered, each stem loaded with clusters of ivory white petals that surround slightly ribbed and bowl-shaped bright yellow-orange cups.... read more


ships year-round
White Snakeroot - ECO
Flower Seeds

Ageratina altissima Open-pollinated. Flat-topped fuzzy clusters of small pure white disk flowers bloom August through October, attracting multiple species of bees, moths and butterflies. read more


ships in spring
Gold Sneezeweed - Organic
Flower - Bare-Root Plants

Helenium autumnale 4-5' tall. Rich and blazing yellow lends itself to a vibrant end-of-summer display. Easy to grow, excellent cutflower. Z3. read more


ships in fall
‘Blue Pearl’
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus chrysanthus Pale blue petals with a bronze base outside, pearly white and pale blue inside with a yellow base. Very Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
‘Cream Beauty’
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus chrysanthus Light eggnog cream with a slightly darker base and orange stamens. Very Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus chrysanthus Bright deep orange-yellow inside with a light feathering of bronze on the base outside. Very Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
‘Prins Claus’
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus chrysanthus White petals brushed with dark violet on the outside, white inside with bright orange stamens. Very Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
‘Ruby Giant’
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus tommasinianus Purplish-red slender flowers with a lighter base and margins. Doesn’t compete well in grass, but easily reseeds itself and forms colonies in gardens. read more


ships in fall
‘Snow Bunting’
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus chrysanthus Winter white with gold stamens, very lightly feathered grey-blue on the outside. Lightly fragrant. read more


ships in fall
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus sieberi sbsp. sublimus f. tricolor Golden-orange throat banded with white makes a vivid center in these bright lilac-blue blooms. Flowers open wide and starlike in the sun. read more


ships in fall
‘Yellow Mammoth’
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus x luteus The classic big yellow crocus, perhaps the most popular crocus variety for well over 300 years. read more


ships year-round
Flower Seeds

Saponaria officinalis Open-pollinated. Not a dye plant; saponin-rich roots and leaves used to gently wash wool. Sweetly clove-scented pink perennial attracts pollinators. 3' plant. read more


ships in fall
Species Crocus mix
Flower Corms

Crocus A mix of types and colors blooming in very early spring, mostly Snow Crocus with some of the other small, low-growing species as well. 2–4" tall. read more


ships in fall
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa Petite and starry, Danique sends up multiple blooms per bulb and can perennialize well when happy. read more


ships in fall
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa cretica Pale pink exterior accented with darker magenta striations, and a golden-yellow heart. Up to three star-shaped flowers per stem.... read more


ships in fall
‘Little Beauty’
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa Reddish-pink pointy petals open to blue centers edged in white. Each bulb produces 2–5 fragrant flowers amid thin grass-like leaves. Wee and winsome at only 4–6" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Peppermint Stick’
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa clusiana Pointed petals are white inside with a dusty crimson-pink exterior. Looks like candy when closed in the morning, opens wide in the sunshine to a big white star. read more


ships in fall
‘Persian Pearl’
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa humilis Dusky magenta outside, lightly veined green. Inside deep violet-magenta with a bright yellow base. Opens wide in sun offering a cheery splash of color and sweet scent. read more


ships in fall
‘Van Tubergen’s Variety’
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa praestans Brilliant scarlet-orange blooms. Unlike most species tulips, these flowers are as large as the early season hybrids, on short sturdy stems. read more


ships in fall
Tulipa sylvestris
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa sylvestris A 16th-century heirloom, known as The Woodland Tulip, grown for Thomas Jefferson in his garden at Monticello. Elliptical... read more


ships in fall
Tulipa tarda
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa tarda Star-shaped yellow flowers with white tips open wide even on grey days. Highly multi-floral, very long-lived. read more


ships in fall
Little Stars Species Tulip Mix
Flower Bulbs

Tulipa Cheerful star-shaped multifloral tulips whose low-growing spreading habits make them perfect for a rock garden. read more


ships in fall
‘Apricot Whirl’
Split-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Large fragrant blooms up to 4" across, with luminous white petals surrounding a ruffled split cup with richly colored and layered petals. Despite... read more


ships in fall
‘Cum Laude’
Split-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Creamy white petals surround a peach and yellow cup with ruffled peach edges. Flowers are long-lasting and have an unusual orchid-like shape.... read more


ships in fall
‘Lemon Beauty’
Split-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Award-winning 4" flower featuring white petals set off by a split cup adorned with a bright yellow star on a white background. Big, showy and... read more


ships in fall
‘Love Call’
Split-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

As eye-catching from afar as it is up close. White petals contrast perfectly with the vibrant ruffled yellow-orange cup. Pairs with trumpet and... read more


ships in fall
Split-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Lavish 4" blooms with bright white petals surrounding a split cup of yellows and oranges that appear painted on with the finest watercolors.... read more


ships year-round
Mixed Colors
Statice Seeds

Limonium sinuatum (115 days) Open-pollinated. Mix includes lavender, rose, purple, white, yellow. Especially suited for dried arrangements, also good in fresh. 2-2½' tall. read more


ships in fall
Puschkinia scilloides
Striped Squill Bulbs

Puschkinia scilloides Compact racemes of white to pale blue flowers, each petal striped with darker blue. 44–6"10 open bells per stem. Plant in... read more


ships year-round
Sweet Annie - Organic
Flower Seeds

Artemisia annua (120 days) Open-pollinated. The scent of the Common Ground Fair. Light green leaves valued for wreaths, flower crowns and other dried arrangements. Grows up to 5'. read more


ships in fall
Tall Allium Bulbs

Allium One of the tallest, longest blooming and latest blooming of the statuesque Alliums, with tightly compacted globes of rich purple starry florets. read more


ships in fall
Tall Allium Bulbs

Allium christophii x A. macleanii Hundreds of deep lilac florets form a dense 6–8" ball. Makes a remarkable dried flower for winter arrangements. 30–40" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Mount Everest’
Tall Allium Bulbs

Allium stipitatum Like a giant 6" snowball on a stake. Sturdy stems and long-lasting blooms—one of the best all-white alliums. 36–48" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Summer Drummer’
Tall Allium Bulbs

Allium Dense globes of tiny purple and white florets that meld to appear frosty lilac. Stems mature to purple and grow an astounding 5 feet or taller! read more


ships in fall
Giant Flowering Onion
Tall Allium Bulbs

Allium giganteum Densely packed head of violet-purple florets atop a 3½–4' sturdy flower stalk. A spectacular cutflower. read more


ships in fall
Showy Persian Onion
Tall Allium Bulbs

Allium rosenbachianum Big ebullient dark-violet flowerheads comprised of up to 50 starry florets with delicate white stamens. 24–36" tall. read more


ships in fall
Tall Alliums Collection
Flower Bulbs

Allium Fedco exclusive! A selection of our favorite tall flowering alliums. read more


ships in fall
Tazetta Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus tazetta An award-winning heirloom daffodil also known as Seventeen Sisters for its sheer abundance of blooms. Each 1" flower has white... read more


ships in fall
Tazetta Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus tazetta Hardy outdoor Tazetta has carrot-orange short cups surrounded by bright yellow petals. Multiple highly fragrant blossoms per stem. read more


ships in fall
Tazetta Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus tazetta Diminutive lemon-yellow and white Tazetta with light sweet fragrance. Tolerates shade. read more


ships in fall
Triandrus Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus triandrus Lightly fragrant flowers are milky white throughout; one of the few white narcissus to open with no yellow tones. read more


ships in fall
‘Apricot Foxx’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Popular for its stunning blend of apricot, salmon and pale yellow that soften to rose and peach at the petal margins. This two-toned beauty has... read more


ships in fall
‘Carnaval de Rio’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Cupped white blossoms feature painterly crimson streaks and subtle gold accents. read more


ships in fall
‘Flaming Flag’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Enormous glistening white petals contrast with a wave of subtle purple blushes and sharp purple flames. No two exactly the same. read more


ships in fall
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Bright and beautiful! Peach and orange blooms brushed with coral accents open to yellow centers. Stout stems hold up well during spring rains or... read more


ships in fall
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Maroon-red petals with broad dusky rose-gold edges feathering into the maroon. Rich color contrast will draw you in from afar. read more


ships in fall
‘Pretty Princess’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Flamboyant pink with crimson flames and veins of crimson-purple in the center of petals. The leaves are trimmed with a narrow cream band, adding... read more


ships in fall
‘Princess Irene’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Rich salmony-apricot-orange petals are finely etched with a variable plum-violet flame. Fragrant. Popular for forcing. read more


ships in fall
‘Purple Flag’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Vibrant purple with subtle violet undertones, this tulip has superb coloring and loads of charm. Angular cup shape and tight petals add... read more


ships in fall
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Unusual deep mulberry and burgundy blooms turn almost black toward the base. Contrasts nicely with the brighter colors of other spring-blooming... read more


ships in fall
‘White Flag’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Pure white flowers in timeless form create a great backdrop and visual impact in both arrangements as well as in the formal garden.

16–22" tall.

... read more


ships in fall
Blushing Purple Mix
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

A sensational mix of Triumph tulips, featuring large cup-shaped flowers on sturdy stems. Shades of red, yellow and orange, with a touch of purple... read more


ships in fall
Bromance Collection
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Fedco exclusive! Truimph tulips 'Ronaldo' and 'Jimmy' make a perfect partnership of deep mulberry tones with shades of coral and apricot. read more


ships in fall
Princess Tea Party Collection
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Fedco Exclusive! Tulips 'Princess Irene' and 'Pretty Princess' show off regal hues of orange and pink with flashes of burgundy. read more


ships in fall
Royal Pennant Collection
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Fedco Exclusive! Let these pennants wave proudly in your garden, commanding attention and heralding the arrival of a splendid and colorful spring season. read more


ships in fall
‘British Gamble’
Trumpet Narcissus Bulbs

Large 4–5" bloom with a star of crisp white petals around an oversized ruffled peach trumpet. Fragrant, with strong stems; perfect for wedding... read more


ships in fall
‘Dutch Master’
Trumpet Narcissus Bulbs

long-blooming 1938 introduction has large yellow petals and a straight yellow cup with a flared and notched rim. read more


ships in fall
‘Mt. Hood’
Trumpet Narcissus Bulbs

One of the finest white daffodils, this 1938 classic opens marble white to slightly pale yellow, and turns to pure white in a day or two. read more


ships in spring
Common Blue Violet - Organic
Bare-Root Plants

Viola sororia 6-10" tall. North American native with cheery blue-purple flowers and attractive heart-shaped leaves, all edible. Larval host plant for multiple species of butterflies. Z3. read more


ships in fall
Viridiflora Tulip Bulbs

Green-feathered outer petals give way to assured rosy-salmon with hints of purple. The fluted flower structure is a work of art. read more


ships in fall
‘China Town’
Viridiflora Tulip Bulbs

Soft pink blossoms distinguished by green midrib flames to stunning effect. Gentle yet bold, and quite long-lasting. read more


ships year-round
Siberian Wallflower
Flower Seeds

Cheiranthus allionii Open-pollinated. Hardy biennial, blooms first year. Charming bright orange spice-scented phlox-like 4-petaled blossoms. read more


ships year-round
Black Eagle Spring Wheat - Organic
Flower Seeds

Triticum aestivum Open-pollinated. Dual-purpose spring wheat: Harvest early for ornamental grain, later for 6-row wheat for baking. read more


ships year-round
Utrecht Blue Spring Wheat - Organic
Flower Seeds

Triticum durum Open-pollinated. Too beautiful to eat! Used for wheat weaving and flower arrangements. Four rows with blue-grey husks and long black awns. Sow in April, reap in Sept. read more


ships in spring
Canadian Wild Ginger

Asarum canadense 6–12" tall. Heart-shaped leaves up to 7" wide spread into a beautiful groundcover. Aromatic roots used medicinally. Needs shade. Z3. read more


ships year-round
Winged Everlasting
Flower Seeds

Ammobium alatum (75 days) Open-pollinated. Shimmery ½" pearl-like buds on long stems add a studded silvery sparkle to both fresh summer arrangements and to dried bouquets and wreaths. read more


ships in spring
‘Blue Moon’
Woodland Phlox Plants

Phlox divaritica 12-18" tall. Sweet lavender-blue florets that will make you wonder where they’ve been all your life. Z3. read more


ships in spring
‘May Breeze’
Woodland Phlox Plants

Phlox divaritica 2-15" tall. Loose clusters of cool pale bluish-white or white washed with blue florets. Selected for compactness, fragrance and refreshing color. Z3. read more
