Latte Bicolor Sweet Corn


Latte Bicolor Sweet Corn

Zea mays
(68 days) Synergistic F-1 hybrid. We know what you’re thinking: Why would I grow a corn named after diluted coffee? But after our taste test, even staff skeptics were won over: “WOW, Corn plus Sugar!” “Beautiful bicolor, best flavor!” and “Full ears, full kernels!” Every tip was filled out on these super-early extra-fancy 8" ears with 14 rows. Such high quality and great taste is normally reserved for a later-maturity slot, but why not start the first corn picking with the good stuff? While it often bears only a single ear per stalk, Latte is easy to grow and excels at cold-soil emergence. So, have a Latte and breathe a sigh of sweet (corn) relief. We suggest staggered plantings for successive harvests. Intermediate resistance to R and ST.
ships year-round

572 Latte

A: 1/2oz
B: 2oz
C: 8oz
D: 1lb
E: 5lb

Additional Information

Sweet Corn at a Glance

varietydayscolortype (see below)heightear length# rows
516Ashworth OP72yellowNormal Sugary60"6-7"12
541Bodacious RM77yellowSugary Enhanced87"8"18
561Incredible RM85yellowSugary Enhanced90"8"18
582Ambrosia75bicolorSugary Enhanced78"8"16
636Luther Hill OP82whiteNormal Sugary48"3-6"12
658Silver Queen96whiteNormal Sugary102"8"14-16

Types of sweet corn

Normal Sugary (su): standard varieties with traditional sweet corn texture & flavor. Sugar converts to starch quickly, so eat them within a few days. Tend to have high yields and germinate well in cool soils.

Sugary Enhanced (se): more sugar than su, tender kernels & slightly longer storage time. The * indicates heterozygous (only one parent contributes the se gene); all others are homozygous (both parents se).

Supersweet (sh2): 4 to 10 times the sugar content of su and se. Conversion of sugar to starch occurs at a much slower rate. Stays sweet long after harvest. Extra shriveled seed does not germinate well in cool soil.

Synergistic: more sugar than se. Very tender with long harvest and storage windows. Can be homozygous or heterozygous se with added sh2 kernels.

TripleSweet® Sugary Enhanced: has homozygous se kernels, and 25% of these also contain the sh2 trait.


  • About 85–200 seeds/oz. Seeds per packet vary.
    • Open-pollinated selections average 100 seeds/oz
    • Normal sugary varieties 140 seeds/oz
    • SE cultivars with shrunken seeds 150-160 seeds/oz
  • Days to maturity are from emergence after direct sowing; for transplants, subtract 20 days.

Culture: Untreated sweet corn seed will not germinate in cold wet soil. Please be patient and wait till soil warms to at least 60° before sowing, or start seedlings indoors and transplant at 3–6" before taproots take off. Minimum soil temperature 55°, optimal temperature range 65–85°. Tender, will not survive frost. Heavy nitrogen requirements.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.