You are viewing all Fedco Bulbs products related to “Zone 4 hardy.”

ships in fall
Wild About Alliums Mix
Flower Bulbs

sold out
Allium A half dozen or more kinds of medium to medium-tall alliums in violet, purple, blue and white. 16–33" tall. read more


ships in fall
Blue-of-the-Heavens Flowering Onion
Low-growing Allium Bulbs

sold out
Allium caeruleum Gorgeous flax-blue florets form a dense 2" umbel. 12–16" tall. read more


ships in fall
Low-Growing Alliums Mix
Low-growing Allium Bulbs

sold out
Allium A fragrant mix of three short alliums. Great in rock gardens, borders, or under shrubs and trees. read more


ships in fall
Yellow Lily Leek
Low-growing Allium Bulbs

sold out
Allium moly Flowering onion with bright yellow 2-3" upright umbels, naturalizes easily in sunny borders, rock gardens, and light woods. 6–8" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Purple Sensation’ Flowering Onion
Medium-height Allium Bulbs

sold out
Allium hollandicum Deep violet-purple 3–4" orbs on sturdy stems. Wonderful as a cutflower. 24–36" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Graceful Beauty’
Medium-height Allium Bulbs

sold out
Allium amplectens Elegant 2" white puffs with lavender stamens, sometimes with hints of pale pink and lilac. 14–18" tall. read more


ships in fall
Medium-height Allium Bulbs

sold out
Allium sphaerocephalon Long lasting blooms have a haunting color with hints of maroon, burgundy, or violet-red. 20–30" tall. read more


ships in fall
Star of Persia Flowering Onion
Medium-height Allium Bulbs

sold out
Allium christophii Large 8–12" violet flowers look like fireworks. Seedheads dry beautifully. 18–24" tall. read more


ships in fall
Tall Allium Bulbs

sold out
Allium One of the tallest, longest blooming and latest blooming of the statuesque Alliums, with tightly compacted globes of rich purple starry florets. read more


ships in fall
Tall Allium Bulbs

Allium christophii x A. macleanii Hundreds of deep lilac florets form a dense 6–8" ball. Makes a remarkable dried flower for winter arrangements. 30–40" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Mount Everest’
Tall Allium Bulbs

sold out
Allium stipitatum Like a giant 6" snowball on a stake. Sturdy stems and long-lasting blooms—one of the best all-white alliums. 36–48" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Summer Drummer’
Tall Allium Bulbs

sold out
Allium Dense globes of tiny purple and white florets that meld to appear frosty lilac. Stems mature to purple and grow an astounding 5 feet or taller! read more


ships in fall
Giant Flowering Onion
Tall Allium Bulbs

sold out
Allium giganteum Densely packed head of violet-purple florets atop a 3½–4' sturdy flower stalk. A spectacular cutflower. read more


ships in fall
Showy Persian Onion
Tall Allium Bulbs

sold out
Allium rosenbachianum Big ebullient dark-violet flowerheads comprised of up to 50 starry florets with delicate white stamens. 24–36" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Pink Giant’
Chionodoxa Bulbs

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Chionodoxa forbesii Starlike flowers with blush-pink petals with white centers. Does well in shade, woodland gardens and short grass as well as full sun. read more


ships in fall
Chionodoxa Bulbs

sold out
Chionodoxa forbesii Long-lasting all-white flowers. A lovely complement to one of the other varieties, or as diminutive cutflowers. read more


ships in fall
‘Blue Giant’
Chionodoxa Bulbs

sold out
Chionodoxa forbesii Starlike flowers with soft medium blue petals and white centers. Can spread to create a stunning blue carpet for over two weeks in spring. read more


ships in fall
‘Violet Beauty’
Chionodoxa Bulbs

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Chionodoxa luciliae Starlike flowers with violet-pink petals with pale pink to white centers. Does well in shade, woodland gardens and short grass as well as full sun. read more


ships in fall
Chionodoxa Collection
Flower Bulbs

sold out
Chionodoxa Fedco exclusive! A mix of these long-lived snow- and critter-resistant stars, in shades of blue, violet, pink and white. read more


ships in fall
Low Border Collection
Flower Bulbs

sold out
Fedco exclusive! Early border collection with plenty of spring color. Featuring crocus, dwarf iris, snowdrops, squill, and more! read more


ships in fall
‘Flower Record’
Jumbo Crocus Corms

Crocus vernus Deep violet-mauve flowers with a purple base. Spreads readily. Very Early to Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
Jumbo Crocus Corms

Crocus vernus Marble-white petals striped and tinged with lilac-purple veins. Very Early to Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
Jumbo Crocus mix
Flower Corms

Crocus vernus Yellow, white, purple, blue and stripes, for large-scale naturalizing or border plantings. Very Early to Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
‘Blue Pearl’
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus chrysanthus Pale blue petals with a bronze base outside, pearly white and pale blue inside with a yellow base. Very Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
‘Cream Beauty’
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus chrysanthus Light eggnog cream with a slightly darker base and orange stamens. Very Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus chrysanthus Bright deep orange-yellow inside with a light feathering of bronze on the base outside. Very Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
‘Prins Claus’
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus chrysanthus White petals brushed with dark violet on the outside, white inside with bright orange stamens. Very Early Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
‘Ruby Giant’
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus tommasinianus Purplish-red slender flowers with a lighter base and margins. Doesn’t compete well in grass, but easily reseeds itself and forms colonies in gardens. read more


ships in fall
‘Snow Bunting’
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus chrysanthus Winter white with gold stamens, very lightly feathered grey-blue on the outside. Lightly fragrant. read more


ships in fall
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus sieberi sbsp. sublimus f. tricolor Golden-orange throat banded with white makes a vivid center in these bright lilac-blue blooms. Flowers open wide and starlike in the sun. read more


ships in fall
‘Yellow Mammoth’
Snow Crocus Corms

Crocus x luteus The classic big yellow crocus, perhaps the most popular crocus variety for well over 300 years. read more


ships in fall
Species Crocus mix
Flower Corms

Crocus A mix of types and colors blooming in very early spring, mostly Snow Crocus with some of the other small, low-growing species as well. 2–4" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Red Beauty’
Fritillaria Bulbs

Fritillaria imperialis Vibrant clusters of orange-red inverted bell-shaped flowers hang from a peculiar leafy crown atop a tall spike. Long-lived if left undisturbed in a good planting site. read more


ships in fall
Guinea-Hen Flower
Fritillaria Bulbs

Fritillaria meleagris Checkered flowers in a mix of colors, mostly plum or bronze, with some lilac-pink or white. Will spread in a well-drained sheltered spot; also suitable in borders, grassy or humusy areas. read more


ships in fall
Chesnok Red - ECO
Hardneck Marbled Purple Stripe Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum Highly productive and form exceptionally large bulbs if conditions are favorable. Excellent for baking, though the flavor and depth... read more


ships in fall
Metechi - ECO
Hardneck Marbled Purple Stripe Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum Highly productive in both northerly and more southerly climates. With an average of 7 cloves per bulb and a storage time of ~8 months. read more


ships in fall
Siberian - ECO
Hardneck Marbled Purple Stripe Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum An heirloom variety with creamy cooked texture and robust well-rounded flavor. Long storage potential. read more


ships in fall
Georgian Crystal - ECO
Hardneck Porcelain Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum A Porcelain type with large cloves and medium bite. Stores well into winter. read more


ships in fall
Georgian Crystal - Organic
Hardneck Porcelain Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum A Porcelain type with large cloves and medium bite. Stores well into winter. read more


ships in fall
Georgian Fire - ECO
Hardneck Porcelain Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum A pungent and fiery Porcelain type loved by garlic aficionados. Sizable bulbs with blushed inner skins store well. read more


ships in fall
Georgian Fire - Organic
Hardneck Porcelain Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum A pungent and fiery Porcelain type loved by garlic aficionados. Sizable bulbs with blushed inner skins store well. read more


ships in fall
German Extra-Hardy - ECO
Hardneck Porcelain Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum Big Porcelain bulbs typically yield four huge cloves. White outer skin, rusty reddish-tan clove skins. Hardy plants, hearty flavor, excellent storage. read more


ships in fall
German Extra-Hardy - Organic
Hardneck Porcelain Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum Big Porcelain bulbs typically yield four huge cloves. White outer skin, rusty reddish-tan clove skins. Hardy plants, hearty flavor, excellent storage. read more


ships in fall
Music - ECO
Hardneck Porcelain Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum A very good cold-climate variety with large succulent cloves. Bakes up wonderfully. read more


ships in fall
Music - Organic
Hardneck Porcelain Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum A very good cold-climate variety with large succulent cloves. Bakes up wonderfully. read more


ships in fall
Czech Broadleaf - ECO
Hardneck Purple Stripe Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum This spicy easy-to-peel garlic has 6–10 large cloves per head. The lovely outer wrappers are purple striped and the inner papers... read more


ships in fall
Dunganski - ECO
Hardneck Purple Stripe Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum Also known as Samarkind and Persian Star, though originally from Kazakhstan. Late-maturing Dunganski grows 9–12 generously sized... read more


ships in fall
German Red - Organic
Hardneck Rocambole Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum Said to be a medieval strain of garlic brought to North America in the 1700s. Stores well for up to 6 months, longer with good storage. read more


ships in fall
Phillips - Organic
Hardneck Rocambole Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum Milder flavor than Russian Red. An excellent keeper—we’ve had reports of bulbs keeping for more than a year in ideal storage! read more


ships in fall
Russian Red - ECO
Hardneck Rocambole Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum Delicious garlic flavor with no bitter aftertaste. Burgundy skin. Keeps well for more than six months read more


ships in fall
Russian Red - Organic
Hardneck Rocambole Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum Delicious garlic flavor with no bitter aftertaste. Burgundy skin. Keeps well for more than six months. read more


ships in fall
Inchelium Red - ECO
Softneck Artichoke Garlic Bulbs

Allium sativum Did someone say braiding garlic? This softneck variety usually forms two rings of cloves, 2–3 inner cloves and 6–7 outer cloves,... read more


ships in fall
‘Delft Blue’
Hyacinth Bulbs

Hyacinthus orientalis Rich soft porcelain blue. The classic hyacinth color that goes with everything. Early Spring to Mid Spring blooms. read more


ships in fall
‘Pink Pearl’
Hyacinth Bulbs

Hyacinthus orientalis 1922 heirloom with rose pink florets and pale pink edges. Very fragrant and great for forcing. read more


ships in fall
Hyacinth mix
Flower Bulbs

Hyacinthus orientalis A medley of hyacinth hues—pink, purple, blue, red, white and peach. 8–12" tall. read more


ships in fall
Dwarf Iris Bulbs

Iris reticulata Velvety royal purple-blue falls with a yellow crest, and lavender-blue standards. Fragrant and long-lasting. read more


ships in fall
‘Katharine Hodgkin’
Dwarf Iris Bulbs

Iris histrioides Light blue standards with royal blue to purple striping, pale lavender-streaked falls and a yellow crest splashed with deep purple spots. read more


ships in fall
Iris danfordiae
Dwarf Iris Bulbs

Iris danfordiae This low growing iris has fragrant canary-yellow flowers with dark speckles. read more


ships in fall
Dwarf Iris Mix
Flower Bulbs

Iris A mix of colorful early spring standouts. Four or more varieties, 3–6" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Pearls of Spain’
Muscari Bulbs

Muscari botryoides Sweetly perfumed pure white bells. Attractive in borders, edging, or between other bulbs. read more


ships in fall
‘Valerie Finnis’
Muscari Bulbs

Muscari armeniacum Racemes of pearly sky-blue fat florets naturalize well, slowly spreading their unusual color. read more


ships in fall
Muscari armeniacum
Flower Bulbs

Fragrant bright cobalt-blue florets with subtle white rims; good for forcing, cutting, naturalizing and borders. read more


ships in fall
Muscari latifolium
Flower Bulbs

Muscari latifolium Tall, with a large dense ombre flower; sky-blue fading to lilac, then to dark violet. The earliest of all Muscari. read more


ships in fall
Muscari ‘Bluezz’ Mix
Flower Bulbs

Muscari A jazzy little quintet of blue and white spikes of fragrant long-lasting densely packed bells. read more


ships in fall
All-Spring Mix
Narcissus Bulbs

For big plantings where you want an extended bloom time, go with this superb mix of early, midseason and late varieties. read more


ships in fall
Miniatures Mix
Narcissus Bulbs

An assortment of miniature Narcissus. Great for low-borders, containers, rock gardens, or throughout your lawn! read more


ships in fall
Cyclamineus Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus cyclamineus Long bright-orange ribbed cup with reflexed golden-yellow petals. Lightly scented, good for forcing, tolerates shade. read more


ships in fall
‘Art Design’
Double Narcissus Bulbs

A firm favorite for bouquets due to its buttery colors, gorgeous scent and unusual form. read more


ships in fall
‘Bridal Crown’
Double Narcissus Bulbs

One of the earliest-blooming Doubles. Refined white petals surround a frilly yellow cup with orange segments. Intoxicatingly fragrant read more


ships in fall
Double Narcissus Bulbs

Unusual 4" double blooms with rounded creamy white petals surrounding a center swirl with short ruffled apricot segments. Star-shaped pointed... read more


ships in fall
‘Ice King’
Double Narcissus Bulbs

White petals surround a pleated pale yellow collar filled with a burst of lemony yellow center petals. A real show-off in the garden and perfect for spring bouquets. read more


ships in fall
Double Narcissus Bulbs

One of the finest of the doubles. Fragrant, showy 3-4" flowers open creamy with yellow highlights maturing to pure white. read more


ships in fall
Double Narcissus Bulbs

Bright white 4" flower with a frilly deep coral-pink center interlaced with slender white “flyer” petals. read more


ships in fall
‘Sir Winston Churchill’
Double Narcissus Bulbs

Double flowers 3" across are full of creamy white petals interspersed with orange flecks. Fragrant blossoms come 3-5 per stem. Long-lasting in garden or vase. read more


ships in fall
Double Narcissus Bulbs

Rich golden-yellow doubled flowers layered with red-orange segments. Large long-lasting blooms with stand-out color and fragrance. read more


ships in fall
‘White Lion’
Double Narcissus Bulbs

Big fluffy blooms with outer ivory white petals that surround pale yellow center ruffles. Strong and reliable. Scent is similar to gardenias. read more


ships in fall
‘Yellow Cheerfulness’
Double Narcissus Bulbs

Soft yellow rounded overlapping petals, with a loose ball of corona petals with subtle flecks of soft orange. Sublime scent. read more


ships in fall
‘Sun Disc’
Jonquilla Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus jonquilla Award-winning fragrant miniature just right for pots or the front of the border. Wide disc-shaped buttercup-yellow cup is lightly ribbed, lightly frilled. read more


ships in fall
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Classic 1960s American intro features a 4" upward-facing flower with crisp white petals and a soft coral cup. It holds up well in sunlight, but... read more


ships in fall
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Yellow petals back a deeper golden-yellow cup nearly long enough to be a Trumpet. Multiplies rapidly. Light vanilla fragrance. Said to be the world’s most planted narcissus. read more


ships in fall
‘Coral Light’
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Truly stunning with 4" overlapping white petals and a showy bowl-shaped cup with a yellow center and ruffled coral-pink rim. The cup fades to... read more


ships in fall
‘Flower Record’
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Showy lightly fragrant flowers with a great contrast between pure white petals and the slightly ruffled yellow cup with a glowing red-orange rim.... read more


ships in fall
‘Night Cap’
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Delicate overlapping white petals surround a shallow bowl-shaped cup with a yellow center that fades to an eye-catching coral pink at the edge.... read more


ships in fall
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Slightly star-shaped 3½" bloom with white petals and a large peach cup with a gold rim. The cup opens yellow, but will turn peachy-pink in a day... read more


ships in fall
‘Tom Pouce’
Large-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Named after the Dutch pastry tompouce, this narcissus is a real treat with its yummy color combination of pale yellow pointed petals around a ... read more


ships in fall
Poeticus Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus poeticus Glistening white petals surround a small red-rimmed yellow cup. Vigorous heirloom variety performs best in cool climates and tolerates damp. read more


ships in fall
Small-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Eye-catching red-orange shallow cup and unusual amber-tinted petals. Opens dark and gradually lightens. read more


ships in fall
Small-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Multi-flowered, each stem loaded with clusters of ivory white petals that surround slightly ribbed and bowl-shaped bright yellow-orange cups.... read more


ships in fall
‘Apricot Whirl’
Split-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Large fragrant blooms up to 4" across, with luminous white petals surrounding a ruffled split cup with richly colored and layered petals. Despite... read more


ships in fall
‘Cum Laude’
Split-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Creamy white petals surround a peach and yellow cup with ruffled peach edges. Flowers are long-lasting and have an unusual orchid-like shape.... read more


ships in fall
‘Lemon Beauty’
Split-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Award-winning 4" flower featuring white petals set off by a split cup adorned with a bright yellow star on a white background. Big, showy and... read more


ships in fall
‘Love Call’
Split-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

As eye-catching from afar as it is up close. White petals contrast perfectly with the vibrant ruffled yellow-orange cup. Pairs with trumpet and... read more


ships in fall
Split-Cup Narcissus Bulbs

Lavish 4" blooms with bright white petals surrounding a split cup of yellows and oranges that appear painted on with the finest watercolors.... read more


ships in fall
Triandrus Narcissus Bulbs

Narcissus triandrus Lightly fragrant flowers are milky white throughout; one of the few white narcissus to open with no yellow tones. read more


ships in fall
‘British Gamble’
Trumpet Narcissus Bulbs

Large 4–5" bloom with a star of crisp white petals around an oversized ruffled peach trumpet. Fragrant, with strong stems; perfect for wedding... read more


ships in fall
‘Dutch Master’
Trumpet Narcissus Bulbs

long-blooming 1938 introduction has large yellow petals and a straight yellow cup with a flared and notched rim. read more


ships in fall
‘Mt. Hood’
Trumpet Narcissus Bulbs

One of the finest white daffodils, this 1938 classic opens marble white to slightly pale yellow, and turns to pure white in a day or two. read more


ships in fall
Camas Lily
Camassia Bulbs

Camassia quamash Silvery medium-blue 6-petaled cup-shaped flowers on strong stalks. North American native. read more


ships in fall
Camas Lily ‘Alba’
Camassia Bulbs

Camassia leichtlinii Creamy-white-petaled mauve-anthered 2" star-shaped blossoms. Makes a graceful companion to flowering onions and holds up well in bouquets. read more


ships in fall
Galanthus elwesii
Flower Bulbs

Galanthus elwesii Taller than the common snowdrop with larger flowers and earlier bloom time. The best variety for naturalizing, and also well suited to forcing. read more


ships in fall
Galanthus nivalis
Flower Bulbs

Galanthus nivalis Frosty white 3-petaled bells with a touch of emerald green on the shorter inner segments. Often one of the first signs of life emerging from the melting snow. read more


ships in fall
Gravetye Giant Summer Snowflake
Leucojum Bulbs

Leucojum aestivum var. Gravetye Giant Pure white bells with scalloped edges and green spots resemble snowdrops or giant lilies-of-the-valley. Faintly violet-scented. read more


ships in fall
Puschkinia scilloides
Striped Squill Bulbs

Puschkinia scilloides Compact racemes of white to pale blue flowers, each petal striped with darker blue. 44–6"10 open bells per stem. Plant in... read more


ships in fall
‘Alexander Fleming’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora Among the hotter pink peonies. Fully double flowers have intense fragrance and very pink petals that lighten toward the edges.... read more


ships in fall
‘Big Ben’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora This tall robust highly fragrant peony is a classic, with long-lasting double 5–6" cherry-red to dark pink blooms atop sturdy... read more


ships in fall
‘Karl Rosenfield’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora A double flower of rare beauty-large bright crimson blooms on strong stems are a great choice for cutflowers. read more


ships in fall
‘Monsieur Jules Elie’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora This lovely French variety has been around for over 125 years, with many admirers due to its beautiful color, appealing... read more


ships in fall
‘Pink Hawaiian Coral’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora A symphony of coral, peach, melon and pink shades in semi-double form. Elegant 5–6" flowers change color as they age. Very... read more


ships in fall
‘Pink Pompadour’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora Bright two-tone fuchsia double flowers with a sweet fragrance. Outer petals lay back to show a ball of center petals. Strong... read more


ships in fall
‘Sarah Bernhardt’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora Fully double fragrant flowers open light rose-pink. Matures to a more delicate pink with a silvery edge. read more


ships in fall
‘Shirley Temple’
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora Highly fragrant large fully doubled flowers are pale pink as they emerge, lightening to white as they mature. read more


ships in fall
Garden Peony - Bare-Root Plants

Paeonia lactiflora Small frilly vanilla-cream petals sandwiched between larger petals of strawberry and raspberry. Pale-yellow center. Lusciously fragrant. read more


ships in fall
Siberian Squill
Scilla Bulbs

Scilla siberica Loose clusters of bright flax-blue pendent bells. Lightly scented. Very long bloom time. read more


ships in fall
White Siberian Squill
Scilla Bulbs

Scilla siberica Pure white clusters of delicate pendent bells. Naturalizes well, blooms for several weeks. read more


ships in fall
Canaan Cream - ECO
Sunchoke Tubers

Helianthus tuberosus A white-fleshed, cream-skinned variety. Crisp and tasty tubers are somewhat knobby. read more


ships in fall
Skorospelka - ECO
Sunchoke Tubers

Helianthus tuberosus Produces a considerable yield of sizable blunt-ended tubers. Relatively knob-free shape is popular with cooks! read more


ships in fall
‘Apeldoorn Elite’
Darwin Hybrid Tulip Bulbs

Bright red petals with contrasting yellow-orange edging. Classically shaped 4" flowers are famous for a reason; striking in the garden or vase.

... read more


ships in fall
‘Apricot Impression’
Darwin Hybrid Tulip Bulbs

Large lustrous apricot-pink blooms with a softer warm peach glow. A popular color for arrangements and a bold presence in the garden.


... read more


ships in fall
Darwin Hybrid Tulip Bulbs

Opens yellow, matures to rich apricot, with washes and blushes of yellow and rose. Fragrant and stunning. One of our every-year favorites. read more


ships in fall
‘Pink Impression’
Darwin Hybrid Tulip Bulbs

Impressive, handsome tulip is taller and larger than most, with lots of subtle gradations in shades of pink and rose. read more


ships in fall
‘Purple Pride’
Darwin Hybrid Tulip Bulbs

The first purple Darwin Hybrid to hit the market. Big lavish 5" blossoms. read more


ships in fall
Darwin Hybrid Impressions Mix
Darwin Hybrid Tulip Bulbs

Large egg-shaped blooms on tall sturdy stems in a striking mix of pinks, soft red and apricot. A popular choice for landscapes because they are... read more


ships in fall
‘Avant Garde’
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Large creamy-white blooms with yellow centers. Strong stems keep the heavy ruffled blossoms upright and highly visible in the garden or vase.... read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Large peony-like blooms are packed with raspberry-pink petals edged in cream. Long lasting on short sturdy stems. read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Lightly ruffled palm-sized pink and white blooms on strong stems. Slightly fragrant. An award-winning tulip well suited to cutflower... read more


ships in fall
‘Foxy Foxtrot’
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

An extra-foxy color-shifting double, with shades of pale yellow and apricot contrasting nicely with hints of rose and white. Blossoms are 4–5"... read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Plentiful magenta petals, paler at the scalloped edges, form large lively blooms. Subtle fragrance.

16–18" tall. Early Spring blooms, Z3-7.

... read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Glowing orange with subtle green streaks and yellow centers. Splendid citrusy colors shift as the large blooms develop. Popular as a long-lasting... read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Moody dark burgundy flowers with luxuriant layers of curved petals. Fragrant and borne on strong stems—a good choice for borders and ideal for... read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Loads of vibrant red petals create a full peony appearance. Green highlights on the outer petals lend a bit of flair. Exceptional for forcing... read more


ships in fall
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Bursting with petals in luminous shades of orange, salmon and gold. The fragrant blooms reach up to 6" across. Great for mixing in bouquets with... read more


ships in fall
‘Verona Sunrise’
Double Early Tulip Bulbs

Full, peony-like blooms seem to change colors depending on the light and maturity. The stunning coral and rose-colored petals will open to reveal... read more


ships in fall
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Shades of pastel pink and pale rose with lighter edges. This fragrant, sturdy, beauty is our best-selling peony-flowered tulip. Good for forcing. read more


ships in fall
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Intrepid layers of purple-violet petals create a peony-like form. Inner petals are lighter, adding extra dimension. Strong stems and upright... read more


ships in fall
‘Black Hero’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Scrumptious blackberry blooms with a maroon sheen that contrasts well with the bluish-green foliage. Enjoy this late-season hero after all the... read more


ships in fall
‘Charming Beauty’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Breathtaking color palette of apricot and coral that lightens to pale yellow and peach as it matures. Large and showy; protect them from the... read more


ships in fall
‘Copper Image’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Stunning double blossoms expand in size each day, showcasing warm shades of coral, rose and peach. Blooms mature to a pale peach.

14–16" tall.

... read more


ships in fall
‘Creme Upstar’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

An award-winning tulip that will catch anyone’s eye with its pale yellow petals sun-kissed with shades of pink. Although this multicolored beauty... read more


ships in fall
‘Double Gudoshnik’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Extravagant peony-like multi-layered double blooms open in rich shades of red and orange followed by warming tones of yellow and peach. Plant in a sheltered spot. read more


ships in fall
‘Double Negrita’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Layers of broad ruffled purple petals streaked with violet and green. Sturdy stems and light fragrance make them wonderful for arrangements.

... read more


ships in fall
‘Dream Touch’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Full fluffy blooms of slightly pointed purple-maroon petals edged in white. This artful contrast is the perfect touch to mixed bouquets.


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ships in fall
‘La Belle Epoque’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

A tulip like no other. This rare beauty has a vintage color palette of dusty rose, peach, salmon, and copper that evolves as the blooms mature. A... read more


ships in fall
‘Mount Tacoma’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Pure white. One of the fullest Double Lates and a great complement to just about anything, whether in beds, borders, or vases. read more


ships in fall
‘Orange Princess’
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

A double version of the popular Princess Irene. Big full blooms of glowing orange petals with crimson-purple flames. Flowers are long-lasting and... read more


ships in fall
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Multi-colored in streaks of pink, rose and ivory with distinct striping and contrasting petal edges. Colors deepen as blooms mature. No two... read more


ships in fall
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

Magnificent fully doubled blooms start out golden-yellow with red highlights, then shift to orange and even orange-red. Lights up the garden, looks great in a vase, and is fragrant too. read more


ships in fall
Romantic Mix
Double Late Tulip Bulbs

A classic combination of pinks and white blooms in the Double Late class features large long-lasting peony-like flowers on sturdy stems.... read more


ships in fall
‘Orange Emperor’
Fosteriana Tulip Bulbs

Beautiful deep salmon-orange petals streaked with yellow on a yellow base. Plant with pink tulips or narcissus. read more


ships in fall
‘Red Emperor’
Fosteriana Tulip Bulbs

Huge blooms of fiery red with enormously long petals on a black and yellow base. One of the all-time favorites. Great with narcissus. read more


ships in fall
Fringed Tulip Bulbs

Double-fringed with wild feathery effusions of salmon, peach and pale yellow petals. The full blooms are as luscious as peonies, but with the... read more


ships in fall
Fringed Tulip Bulbs

Vibrant 4" lavender cup-shaped blooms are edged with ornate white fringe. Long-lasting in the garden and vase. Spectacular in floral... read more


ships in fall
Fringed Tulip Bulbs

Dark maroon-black matures to deep burgundy, with extra-fringed edges for extra-fun bouquets.

18–20" tall. Z3–8. 12cm/up bulbs. NEW!

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ships in fall
Fringed Tulip Bulbs

Salmon-rose petals are trimmed with golden yellow-orange fringe that glistens in the sun. This zesty tulip partners well with pastels.


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ships in fall
Lily-Flowered Tulip Bulbs

Shimmering long-lasting tangerine Lily-flowered blooms are incredibly lovely, with elegant reflexed petals, a slender waist, and tall thin sturdy stems. Sweet scent perks up around dusk. read more


ships in fall
‘Amazing Parrot’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

Radiant salmon-rose outer petals with scalloped apricot edges tinged with green open to reveal inner apricot-pink tones with salmon streaking.... read more


ships in fall
‘Apricot Parrot’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

Large flowers with deeply scalloped and fringed petals in shades of apricot, cream and orange, with flames of green and pink. Slight sweet fragrance. Great in bouquets. read more


ships in fall
‘Avignon Parrot’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

Large ruffled blooms in a rich blend of warm coral and orange shades, with flashes of green. Sport of the Single Late tulip Avignon.

22–24" tall.

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ships in fall
‘Black Parrot’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

This 1937 heirloom is beloved for its deepest burgundy-purple blooms, scalloped and heavily feathered. Adds depth, texture and panache to... read more


ships in fall
‘Blue Parrot’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

One of the bluest tulips available. Large ruffled blooms are a potent lavender-violet with bright purple interiors. Just plain gorgeous.


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ships in fall
‘Parrot King’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

Ornate large blooms in shades of tangerine to soft orange, streaked with white and green flames. Feathery crimped petals. Great for cutflowers. read more


ships in fall
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

Carmine-red tulip with ruffled petal borders and central ribs splashed in shades of green and plum. Large, showy blooms make wonderful cutflowers, but need room and wind protection outdoors. read more


ships in fall
‘Super Parrot’
Parrot Tulip Bulbs

Extra-large blooms with white rumply petals feathered with lush green. Especially birdlike, and striking in floral arrangements. read more


ships in fall
‘Apricot Beauty’
Single Early Tulip Bulbs

Soft apricot-pink petals tinged with rose and salmon with an uncommon light green base. Fragrant, truly lovely, good for forcing, and one of the world’s best-selling tulips. read more


ships in fall
‘Purple Prince’
Single Early Tulip Bulbs

Large flowers with a scalloped edge are deep bluish-purple with dusky lilac flames, reddish-purple inside. Complex color mixes well with others. read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

No one can accuse you of being anywhere but the garden when these soft lavender tulips are in bloom. Pairs well with purples and white in mass... read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

This award-winning tulip has brilliant scarlet-pink flowers with apricot edging and a yellow base. Long-stemmed with large goblet-shaped blooms.... read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Large and handsome goblet-shaped blooms on tall stems combine raspberry-rose petals with lighter yellow-orange edges. The colors change daily and with the light. Fabulous for cutting. read more


ships in fall
‘El Niño’
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Lily-shaped blossoms open yellow-apricot and rose brushed with red and speckled with salmon. Color variation intensifies as each unique bloom... read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Dark cherry-red with scarlet edges. One of the best reds: large and long lasting with sturdy stems. read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Large oval-shaped creamy white blooms on long stems are just so classy. Because the bulbs mature early, they perform better in warmer climates... read more


ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Classic 1½–2" egg-shaped pink blooms with changing shades of salmon, apricot and peach borne on elegant long stems.

24–28" tall. Late Spring

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ships in fall
‘Purple Lady’
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Rich purple with crimson undertones adds contemporary style to spring flower gardens and arrangements. Blends well with pinks, purples and reds.

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ships in fall
‘Queen of Night’
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Called black, but really deep dark velvety purple-maroon with a hint of concord grape. The standard “black” in the Single Late group. read more


ships in fall
‘Stunning Apricot’
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Cup-shaped blooms glow in satiny apricot, coral and peach. A small green star appears on the inside of the cup for an endearing touch.


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ships in fall
Single Late Tulip Bulbs

Widely considered the best late-blooming pink tulip on the market, with its large 5" blooms in rich bright pink with a purplish hue.

24–26" tall.

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ships in fall
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa Petite and starry, Danique sends up multiple blooms per bulb and can perennialize well when happy. read more


ships in fall
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa cretica Pale pink exterior accented with darker magenta striations, and a golden-yellow heart. Up to three star-shaped flowers per stem.... read more


ships in fall
‘Little Beauty’
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa Reddish-pink pointy petals open to blue centers edged in white. Each bulb produces 2–5 fragrant flowers amid thin grass-like leaves. Wee and winsome at only 4–6" tall. read more


ships in fall
‘Peppermint Stick’
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa clusiana Pointed petals are white inside with a dusty crimson-pink exterior. Looks like candy when closed in the morning, opens wide in the sunshine to a big white star. read more


ships in fall
‘Persian Pearl’
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa humilis Dusky magenta outside, lightly veined green. Inside deep violet-magenta with a bright yellow base. Opens wide in sun offering a cheery splash of color and sweet scent. read more


ships in fall
‘Van Tubergen’s Variety’
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa praestans Brilliant scarlet-orange blooms. Unlike most species tulips, these flowers are as large as the early season hybrids, on short sturdy stems. read more


ships in fall
Tulipa tarda
Species Tulip Bulbs

Tulipa tarda Star-shaped yellow flowers with white tips open wide even on grey days. Highly multi-floral, very long-lived. read more


ships in fall
Little Stars Species Tulip Mix
Flower Bulbs

Tulipa Cheerful star-shaped multifloral tulips whose low-growing spreading habits make them perfect for a rock garden. read more


ships in fall
‘Apricot Foxx’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Popular for its stunning blend of apricot, salmon and pale yellow that soften to rose and peach at the petal margins. This two-toned beauty has... read more


ships in fall
‘Carnaval de Rio’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Cupped white blossoms feature painterly crimson streaks and subtle gold accents. read more


ships in fall
‘Flaming Flag’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Enormous glistening white petals contrast with a wave of subtle purple blushes and sharp purple flames. No two exactly the same. read more


ships in fall
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Bright and beautiful! Peach and orange blooms brushed with coral accents open to yellow centers. Stout stems hold up well during spring rains or... read more


ships in fall
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Maroon-red petals with broad dusky rose-gold edges feathering into the maroon. Rich color contrast will draw you in from afar. read more


ships in fall
‘Pretty Princess’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Flamboyant pink with crimson flames and veins of crimson-purple in the center of petals. The leaves are trimmed with a narrow cream band, adding... read more


ships in fall
‘Princess Irene’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Rich salmony-apricot-orange petals are finely etched with a variable plum-violet flame. Fragrant. Popular for forcing. read more


ships in fall
‘Purple Flag’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Vibrant purple with subtle violet undertones, this tulip has superb coloring and loads of charm. Angular cup shape and tight petals add... read more


ships in fall
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Unusual deep mulberry and burgundy blooms turn almost black toward the base. Contrasts nicely with the brighter colors of other spring-blooming... read more


ships in fall
‘White Flag’
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

Pure white flowers in timeless form create a great backdrop and visual impact in both arrangements as well as in the formal garden.

16–22" tall.

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ships in fall
Blushing Purple Mix
Triumph Tulip Bulbs

A sensational mix of Triumph tulips, featuring large cup-shaped flowers on sturdy stems. Shades of red, yellow and orange, with a touch of purple... read more


ships in fall
Viridiflora Tulip Bulbs

Green-feathered outer petals give way to assured rosy-salmon with hints of purple. The fluted flower structure is a work of art. read more


ships in fall
‘China Town’
Viridiflora Tulip Bulbs

Soft pink blossoms distinguished by green midrib flames to stunning effect. Gentle yet bold, and quite long-lasting. read more
