‘Maureen’ Single Late Tulip


‘Maureen’ Single Late Tulip

Large oval-shaped creamy white blooms on long stems are just so classy. Because the bulbs mature early, they perform better in warmer climates than many other tulips.

24–28" tall. Late Spring blooms, Z3–8. 12cm/up bulbs. BACK!

ships in fall

6743 ‘Maureen’

A: 10 ea
sold out
B: 25 ea
sold out
C: 50 ea
sold out
D: 100 ea
sold out

Additional Information

Single Late Tulips

Sometimes called French Tulips, Single Lates have classic cup- or goblet-shaped flowers in a wide range of colors. A consistent and reliable performer with long strong stems. Ideal for cutting and mass border plantings.