You are viewing all Organic Growers Supply products related to “Clover.”
Perennial legume. Up to 12". Vigorous large-leafed white clover. Readily self-seeds. Excellent for perennial grazing pasture and improving soil quality in areas transitioning from woody growth.
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Tender biennial legume. Up to 18". Rapid growth in cool weather makes this vigorous clover great for cover cropping and green manure. Crimson blooms attract bees and make good cutflowers.
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Perennial legume. The lowest-growing clover. This shade- and traffic-tolerant perennial makes nice garden paths and living mulch. Our most popular clover.
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Short-lived perennial legume. Up to 24". A high-yielding red hay clover with glabrous stems for fast dry-down. Excellent winter hardiness and persistence. Good for acidic or wet soils.
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Perennial legume. 8–12" tall. Fantastic nitrogen fixer with great protein and digestibility. Tall enough to be harvested for hay, silage, and green chop. Good choice for poorly drained soil.
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Biennial legume. Up to 36". Vigorous red clover for cover cropping or grazing. Deep taproot. Tolerates shade, so a good choice for overseeding into standing crops. Blossoms make a lovely tea.
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Short-lived perennial legume. Up to 24". Vigorous and high-yielding clover suitable for pastures, underseeding and cover-cropping. More drought-tolerant than white clover.
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Perennial legume. Up to 9". Small-leafed perennial clover establishes quickly and withstands traffic and close mowing. Our favorite clover for organic pasture.
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Biennial legume. Up to 6'. Vigorous clover for cover cropping, bee forage and green manure. Long thick taproots are very effective at breaking up subsoils and improving soil aeration.
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All-purpose lawn blend for the Northeast. Good for a range of conditions, full sun to partial shade. Makes a great understory for orchards and other perennial woody crops.
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Diverse multispecies clover-heavy mix is great as a soil-building living mulch under tall-growing competitive crops, like cannabis. Suitable in raised beds, containers and high tunnels.
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This mix offers organic matter production, nitrogen fixation, nutrient scavenging, erosion control, and weed suppression. Perfect for no-till growers and gardeners who work with hand tools only.
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Perennial pasture mix of grasses and clover, well suited to Maine and other areas with similarly variable weather and temperatures. Provides season-long regrowth and good grazing.
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