A premium high-test potting soil recommended for indoor growers, container gardening, soil-blocking, or slow-growing seedlings that will be in the greenhouse for six weeks or more. Made in New York.
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Use this complete soil mix in Fabric Pots to take your cannabis plants from 12" to harvest. Contains a wide variety of organic fertilizers, including biochar to support microbial activity.
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currently on backorder
Compost and Potting Soil
75% composted salmon, oyster-shell fragments, and wild blueberries with 25% sphagnum peat. Perfect for mulching trees and shrubs, or topdressing lawns. Adds nutrients and structure to planting mixes.
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currently on backorder
Compost and Potting Soil
Soil conditioner for flower & vegetable gardens. Blend of compost, peat, aged bark and crab meal. Rich in micronutrients. Ideal for flower and vegetable beds.
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currently on backorder
Compost and Potting Soil
A light-textured potting soil with extra perlite, screened to ½". Recommended for the smallest flower and herb seeds. Transplant to a more nutrient-rich blend to grow out. Made in Maine.
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currently on backorder, ETA 10/25
Compost and Potting Soil
This top-quality compost has strong nitrogen levels and sky-high organic matter. Use as a top-dressing, mix into garden soil, or apply around the trees. Made in Sidney, Maine.
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Dirtcraft Peat-Free Soil -
Compost and Potting Soil
currently on backorder
Dirtcraft Peat-Free Soils
Compost and Potting Soil
Optimized for strong root growth, and charged with a fine-tuned organic fertilizer blend. Recommended for seed starting, transplants, paper-pot trays and rooting cuttings.
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currently on backorder
More Planting Mediums
Compost and Potting Soil
An environmentally sound substitute for peat moss. Use in potting mixes or to add organic matter to your soil. Improves aeration, nutrient retention, and moisture-retention capacity.
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currently on backorder
More Planting Mediums
Compost and Potting Soil
A lightweight, porous and stable material made from volcanic glass. Widely used in potting mixes to improve water retention and prevent compaction. Also great for rooting cuttings.
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currently on backorder
More Planting Mediums
Compost and Potting Soil
A great alternative to perlite in your growing medium—carbonaceous, renewable and less dusty to mix. Also used as a mulch for container plants. Parboiled to eliminate viable weed seeds.
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Vermont Compost Potting Mixes -
Compost and Potting Soil
currently on backorder
Vermont Compost Potting Mixes
Compost and Potting Soil
Recommended for cell-tray seedlings, but not for soil-blocking. Warms more quickly and drains better than Fort Vee, but might need additional fertilizing prior to transplanting.
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Vermont Compost Potting Mixes -
Compost and Potting Soil
currently on backorder
Vermont Compost Potting Mixes
Compost and Potting Soil
Widely used by growers who make soil blocks. Has good water retention and a long-lasting nutrient supply from the high proportion of compost in the mix. Highly recommended for slow-growing seedlings.
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Vermont Compost Potting Mixes -
Compost and Potting Soil
Vermont Compost Potting Mixes
Compost and Potting Soil
Sick and tired of poor yields from your container-grown cannabis or hemp? Ahoy, matey, this flowering and fruiting mix is for you! Also great for tomatoes and other vegetables, flowers or houseplants.
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Vermont Compost Potting Mixes -
Compost and Potting Soil
currently on backorder
Vermont Compost Potting Mixes
Compost and Potting Soil
Great for filling their raised beds or large containers Coarser than potting mixes, and formulated as a complete soil for organic cultivation of woody plants, shrubs, herbs, vegetables and flowers.
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Vermont Compost Potting Mixes -
Compost and Potting Soil
currently on backorder
Vermont Compost Potting Mixes
Compost and Potting Soil
A great boost for transplants, potted plants and garden soils. Improves soil structure, provides a generous dose of slowly released nutrients and enhances microbial activity.
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Vermont Compost Potting Mixes -
Compost and Potting Soil
expect 1-2 weeks for fulfillment
Vermont Compost Potting Mixes
Compost and Potting Soil
For the times when those little bags just won't cut it, Vermont Compost blends are available in 2 cubic yard totes, perfect for larger gardens and growing operations. Choose from a variety of blends.
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Perennial legume, up to 3' high. This fragrant plant has beautiful purple flowers and is great for hay and as a cover crop. Herbalists consider it a valuable nutritive tonic.
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Annual spring grain. Truly hulless variety, which makes for quick, easy, low-tech processing. Fast-growing, and competes well with weeds. Tolerates drought and heavy soils.
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Annual broadleaf. Excellent cover crop for outcompeting summer weeds. Makes tasty flour for pancakes or baked goods. Bees like its abundant nectar.
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Biennial legume. Up to 36". Vigorous red clover for cover cropping or grazing. Deep taproot. Tolerates shade, so a good choice for overseeding into standing crops. Blossoms make a lovely tea.
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Short-lived perennial legume. Up to 24". Vigorous and high-yielding clover suitable for pastures, underseeding and cover-cropping. More drought-tolerant than white clover.
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Perennial legume. Up to 9". Small-leafed perennial clover establishes quickly and withstands traffic and close mowing. Our favorite clover for organic pasture.
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Biennial legume. Up to 6'. Vigorous clover for cover cropping, bee forage and green manure. Long thick taproots are very effective at breaking up subsoils and improving soil aeration.
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Perennial grass. Long-lived, versatile and low-maintenance grass good for pasture, lawn, or hay. Deep and extensive root system protects against erosion. Tolerates most adverse conditions.
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Superb cover crop mix for fall planting where mechanical tillage is available the following spring. 78% winter rye and 22% hairy vetch. Adds nitrogen to the soil and suppresses weed growth.
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With annuals and biennials, grasses and legumes and broadleafs, and roots of all shapes and sizes, this blend mimics natural diversity and encourages a flourishing and balanced microbial population.
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Perennial pasture mix of grasses and clover, well suited to Maine and other areas with similarly variable weather and temperatures. Provides season-long regrowth and good grazing.
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This dynamic cover crop duo has become a favorite of growers who value its vigorous growth and soil-building prowess, along with the assurance that it will winterkill up North.
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A superior soil-building cover crop mix. The oats come up first and are pulled down by the peas, which are then pulled down by the smothering vetch. Weeds don’t stand a chance in that jungle!
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Annual grass. A solid all-purpose oat. Generates biomass and smothers weeds. Tolerates bad weather and soil conditions. Excellent feed for cows and horses.
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Annual grass. Vigorous, lush foliage. Significantly more biomass production than common oats, making them superior for cover-cropping/soil-building, and for feeding livestock. Organic seed.
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Annual grass. Great for food or feed. The hull sheds easily during the normal threshing process—industrial-grade milling not required! Medium straw. Resistant to crown rust.
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Perennial grass. Long-lived vigorous grass. Tall leafy plants grow rapidly even in poor soils, tolerates moderately drained soils. Can be established in spring, summer, or even late winter.
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Annual legume. Also called Forage Peas. Great as weed-smothering workhorse soil builder, or a tasty and highly digestible forage. Likes cool moist conditions. Will grow in most soil types.
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Broadleaf annual. Roots penetrate hardpans and loosen soil down to 30" or beyond. Takes up available soil nutrients and prevents losses to leaching or runoff. Suppresses weeds if planted thickly.
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Winter annual grass. Extremely frost hardy, adaptable and competitive. For cover crop or grain. Deep extensive roots help prevent compaction and improve soil tilth. Vigorous spring regrowth.
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Annual or winter annual grass. Extremely frost hardy. Widely adaptable. Will establish quickly in cool wet spring weather, providing a dense cover crop and outcompeting weeds. Good erosion control.
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Short-lived perennial grass. Extremely palatable forage grass, popular in grazing mixes. Germinates quickly and grows rapidly, suppressing weeds. Holds up under heavy traffic. Good pest resistance.
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Annual grass. Vigorous, competitive, adaptable cover crop or annual forage. Likes heat and high fertility. Grows best in warm weather when other grasses slow down.
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Perennial grass. A popular perennial hay species that produces good yields, resists lodging and is easily cut and cured. Very winter hardy. Does not tolerate heat or drought.
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Triticale is a hybrid of wheat and rye, and boasts many advantages over plain winter rye. This variety was selected for winter hardiness and consistently high yields of both forage and seed yields.
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Annual grain. Hard red spring variety that bakers favor for its superior milling and baking qualities. High in protein, very high test weight. Solid disease resistance.
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Winter annual grain. Extremely cold hardy hard red wheat. Flour has great flavor and texture, and sturdy plants make great straw. Good for small spaces. Well adapted to New England. Will Bonsall fave!
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Inoculates peas, sweet peas, cowpeas, dry beans, peanuts, lentils, limas, vetch, and Sunn Hemp. We recommend using fresh inoculant each time you plant a legume.
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Mycorrhizae form beneficial relationships with the roots of most plant species: they boost plant growth by improving the roots’ ability to take up nutrients, water and oxygen.
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A liquid combination of yeasts, actinomycetes, and bacteria. Promotes plant health and growth, and improves nutrient absorption and soil fertility. Our cannabis-growing friends can't do without it.
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Fulvic acid is a powerful antioxidant and chelator: one molecule can transport 60 or more minerals into plant cells for a more efficient and effective fertilization program
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Humic acids perform many complex functions. They neutralize soil pH, prevent leaching of trace minerals, stimulate growth of foliage and roots significantly, and much, much, more!
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Active Microbials Nutrient Liberator. Cannabis growers using Mammoth P see bud yields 16% higher than in untreated plants, as well as stronger plants less susceptible to lodging.
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NPK: 4-4-0.5. Contains fish hydrolysate, kelp extract, humic and fulvic acids, and a dash of chilean nitrate to boost the nitrogen levels for rapid vegetative growth.
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A blend of microorganisms and mycorrhizal fungi to provide protection and growth enhancement for potatoes, corn, legumes, grasses and vegetables. Highly recommended if you cut your own seed potatoes.
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A blend of mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria. Add to seedbeds or work into the soil around your trees and shrubs to boost root growth, nutrient uptake and the health of your plants and soils.
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Oregano oil formulation for control of internal parasites, especially coccidia. Bonus side effect: reduces methane emissions and improves feed efficiency in ruminants.
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Herbal blend. Preliminary research at California State U showed that Vermi-tox performed as well as injectable Ivermectin in reducing strongyle eggs in the feces just-weaned goat kids.
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Anecdotal evidence praises raw apple-cider vinegar as a preventative for ketosis and milk fever, a parasiticide, and a treatment for mastitis. Definitely knocks algae back in stock tanks in summer.
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Sturdy dark brown paper provides a biodegradable mulch and weed barrier. Porous enough to allow water penetration. Perfect for giving competitive crops a protected start.
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Apple essence lure for use with red ball traps. Increases the efficacy by attracting flies from a distance. Works up to 12 weeks to attract apple maggot flies.
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A copper fungicide for the home gardener. Copper is a very effective fungicide, but regular use may result in problematic concentrations in the soil or plant tissue: we advise regular soil testing!
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A broad-spectrum preventative product made with Bacillus subtilis for the control or suppression of many important plant diseases. May be used as a drench or foliar spray.
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A soluble copper fertilizer combined with a fatty acid that controls most fungal diseases of plants and vegetables. Start treatment with copper before symptoms appear.
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Used to control scab, powdery mildew and leaf spot. Sulfur is not water soluble; but small particles like these are better able to stay in suspension. Can also be applied as a powder.
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Broad-spectrum control of bacterial and fungal diseases on vegetables, fruits, nuts, ornamental trees, shrubs, flowering plants, houseplants and tropical plants grown in home gardens or greenhouses.
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Helps induce systemic resistance to a broad range of fungal diseases in most edible crops. Preferable to copper fungicide on cannabis, and worth a try to prevent late blight in your potatoes!
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Microscopic sharp edges cut into insects’ bodies and cause death by dehydration. Insects cannot develop resistance to this mode of action. Good for cutworms, also good for ant or flea trouble in
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Biological insecticide made of commercial strength Bt, and labeled for a wide variety of caterpillar and moth pests on practically every agricultural crop there is.
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Botanical Insecticide/Miticide/Nematicide with azadirachtins A+B. Offers rapid knockdown of spider mites and cucumber beetles: similar to PyGanic, but with a lower price tag and less toxic to bees.
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Reduces plant damage from sucking and chewing insects including Colorado potato beetle larve. Faster-acting than most biological products: stops feeding activity within one minute of exposure.
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Ready to use. Works on Japanese Beetle grubs, not the adults, so results are noticeable only over the long term. (Try PyGanic or Bug Buster-O for immediate control of adult beetles.)
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A botanical insecticide derived from chrysanthemum that has a rapid knockdown and high kill rate, but low toxicity for humans and other vertebrates. For home garden use only. Please apply with care.
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Spinosad is selectively active on a broad range of insects including caterpillars, flies, and some beetles, as well as sawflies, wasps, and, alas, bees. For home use only. Please apply with caution.
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Snail and slug bait mixed with iron phosphate. Snails and slugs gather to eat the bait, and the iron phosphate causes them to cease feeding and die in a few days. Damage reduction is almost immediate.
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Similar to Sluggo, but with the addition of a small amount of spinosad (0.07%), which greatly increases effectiveness and scope. For snails, slugs, cutworms, earwigs, pillbugs, crickets and more.
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Tiny particles of kaolin clay prevent insects from recognizing their targets, and, if they land, inhibit their access to the plant’s surface and cause irritation and excessive grooming.
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High-grade mineral oil for control of powdery mildew, scale, mites and other insects on trees and vegetables. Kills mildew on contact, and protects sprayed surfaces for 10-14 days.
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A botanical insecticide derived from chrysanthemum that has a rapid knockdown and high kill rate, but low toxicity for humans and other vertebrates. Commercial use only. Please apply with care.
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Liquid concentrate Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki), labeled for a variety of caterpillar pests on most vegetables, ornamentals, and shade trees.
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Orchard and Garden Health -
Plant Protection and Pest Control
Orchard and Garden Health
Plant Protection and Pest Control
Rich in several bitter flavonoids that stimulate plant immune function. Shown to prevent many pests from feeding and laying eggs. Also shown to kill pests such as mites, aphids and leafminer larvae.
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Orchard and Garden Health -
Plant Protection and Pest Control
Orchard and Garden Health
Plant Protection and Pest Control
Widely known to effectively repel burrowing mammals like moles, voles, gophers, rabbits, ground squirrels and armadillos. Much cheaper and more versatile than granular castor oil products.
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Orchard and Garden Health -
Plant Protection and Pest Control
Orchard and Garden Health
Plant Protection and Pest Control
A mixture of rotten eggs and essential oils deters deer by taste and smell. Dries clear and odor free (to human noses) and will not wash off in the rain. Lasts up to 30 days.
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Orchard and Garden Health -
Plant Protection and Pest Control
Orchard and Garden Health
Plant Protection and Pest Control
Neem has long been recognized for its antifungal, antibacterial and antiparasitic properties. Promotes the health and vitality of trees and plants. Deters a wide range of insect pests.
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Sticker-Spreader -
Plant Protection and Pest Control
Plant Protection and Pest Control
Increases the life and effectiveness of pesticides by forming a sticky elastic film that holds the application in contact with leaf surfaces. Can withstand heavy rainfall. Will not clog or foam
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Sticker-Spreader -
Plant Protection and Pest Control
Plant Protection and Pest Control
A wetting agent and spreader-sticker. Increases the longevity and effectiveness of pesticide applications and forces hydrophobic potting media (like dry peat moss) to more readily absorb water.
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Peat pots. Just the right size for tomatoes, brassicas and melons. Can be put directly in the ground without disturbing seedlings. 3" round, 3¼" tall. 18 fit in a standard 1020 Tray.
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Square peat pots can be packed more tightly than round ones. Can be put directly in the ground without disturbing seedlings. 3" square, 3⅛" tall. 18 fit in a standard 1020 Tray.
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Peat pots. Bigger pots for squashes and other late-season plants. Can be put directly in the ground without disturbing seedlings. 4½" round, 4" tall. 14 fit in a standard 1020 Tray.
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Tired of ineffectively mixing fertilizers or potting soil ingredients together in a wheelbarrow or tractor bucket? Let us do the dirty work for you! Buy ingredients from us or bring your own.
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Biochar helps your soil sequester more carbon and emit less nitrous oxide. Also provides a dream home for beneficial bacteria and fungi, while preventing essential nutrients from leaching away.
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NPK: 2-2-2. 16% Chitin. Nourishes chitin-feeding bacteria and fungi, which in turn devour gnat eggs and root-feeding nematodes. Also fortifies plants’ cell walls, and fosters healthy blooms.
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NPK: 0.5-0.5-0.3 apx, plus trace minerals. Worm castings limit plant disease and have beneficial effects including enhanced mycorrhizal activity and the suppression of parasitic nematodes.
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NPK: 4-4-0 avg. 18% Ca avg. A macronutrient-rich byproduct of crab processing. Will help you grow massive specimens of field-grown cannabis. Improves lodging resistance and reduces branch breakage.
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NPK: 13-0-0. One of the fastest release times of all organic nitrogen sources. Highly recommended for corn. The smell (understandably) freaks out deer. Use as a side-dressing or till into soil.
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NPK: 13-0-0(apx). Provides a strong and quick release of nitrogen. Apply in the row at planting time for sweet corn, melons, brassicas and other heavy feeders. Not water-soluble.
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NPK: 6.9-11.9-0.8 avg. Excellent source of nitrogen and phosphorus. Use as a sidedressing or mix into compost to provide added nitrogen and a bacterial boost. A byproduct of wild-caught fish.
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NPK: 2-5-0.2. Fish heads, bones, skin and guts finely ground and then enzymatically digested. Can be used as foliar feed. Made from wild fish scraps from the fishing industry along the Great Lakes.
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NPK: 2-5-1. All the NPK of fish, along with the micronutrients and growth hormones of kelp. Encourages vigorous rooting. Improves plant vigor and stress resistance, increases storage life of produce.
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NPK: 0-16-0. Provides large amounts of readily available phosphorus. A most economical source of P for deficient soils. May be applied without restrictions to organically certified fields.
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NPK: 5-4-3 (with 9% Ca). Composted and processed poultry litter provides a good balance of major plant nutrients and other essential elements. Pasteurized to neutralize weed seeds and pathogens.
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From oyster shells, not pulverized rock. Aragonite is even lower than calcitic lime in magnesium, so it's the ideal choice for soils with excessive magnesium.
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Silicon is linked to improved yields, especially recommended for cannabis, orchard crops, cucurbits, sweet corn, grains and forage crops. Also helps build resistance to powdery mildew.
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Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes -
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
NPK: 3-3.5-3.5 avg. plus sulfur. With 3G Greener Garlic Grower, you can expect better spring emergence, more vigorous plants, bigger bulbs and richer flavor. Blended in-house.
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Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes -
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Formulated to build humus, enhance CEC, and condition the soil in which the ancient roots reside, whether they be abandoned heirlooms or wild seedlings. Can be applied in fall or spring.
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Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes -
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
A blend of granite meal, K-Mag, sulfur, Tennessee brown rock, compost, peat, and Azomite. Brings down the soil pH and provides the nutrients necessary for healthy blueberry plants and good fruit.
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Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes -
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
This fertilizer and amendment mix includes all the goods contained in our well-loved CannaLot MegaSoil, minus the compost and potting soil. Great for plants grown in the ground, and cheaper to ship!
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Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes -
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
For a deluxe tree planting spot, choose this mix! Contains a broad spectrum of macro and micronutrients and soil conditioners that fruit trees thrive on. Follow our directions for use in the fall.
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Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes -
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
A balanced fertilizer to keep your bearing fruit trees healthy and productive. If your tree put on 4" or less of terminal growth last year, our Fruition Mix will put new spring in its step!
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Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes -
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
NPK: 2-5-7. Our new house mix will help you grow mighty spears of asparagus. Formulated to meet Penn State Extension’s recommendations for the annual fertilization of asparagus beds.
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Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes -
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Recommended for fruit trees at planting time. Our own well-balanced blend of Tennessee brown phosphate, alfalfa meal, Azomite, and K-Mag in a humus-rich base of worm castings.
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Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes -
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Spread this blend of granite, zeolites, gypsum, micronutrients and humates in that fall, and it will improve soil structure, remineralize, and enhance nutrient availability for the next spring!
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Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes -
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
NPK: 3-4-6.1 By popular demand! A Fedco Blend formulated to meet the needs of field-grown (outdoor) fruiting Solanaceous crops: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and tomatillos.
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Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes -
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
NPK: 2.5-6-3. Show your flowers you appreciate them by treating them to dinner now and then. This mix is formulated to feed both soil and plant to encourage healthy foliage and lush, colorful blooms.
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Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes -
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
Fedco's Fertilizer Mixes
Soil Amendments and Fertilizers
NPK: 3.4-2.2-3.5. An excellent all-purpose fertilizer for those who prefer to avoid animal products. Great for flower bulbs because it won’t attract critters.
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Soluble borate for fluid fertilizers and nutrient sprays. Boron is essential for all stages of tree growth and fruit set. Powder mixes easily in any spray solution.
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Contains over 67 minerals beneficial to plants and animals. A mix or particle sizes. Lots of powder, but still less dusty than Micronized Azomite.
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Natural phosphorus source. Adequate phosphorus results in more vigorous early root formation, better flower and seed production, better growth in cold temperatures, and better water use efficiency.
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Contains about 5% potassium in very slow-release form. Can be added to the soil in large amounts without altering the pH. Greatly enhances soil structure and promotes healthier plants.
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A powerful soil restoration amendment! Supports plant health and increases yields by facilitating roots’ uptake of plant nutrients and water. Improves levels of carbon and humus.
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A good source of immediate potassium for depleted soil and of magnesium where calcium is abundant. Alliums like its sulfur and potatoes like its quick boost of potassium.
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Calcium helps strengthen plants’ cell walls, improving crop quality, disease resistance and storage capacity. Can help prevent problems like blossom end rot and bitter pit.
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Copper is necessary for efficient photosynthesis and respiration and affects the sugar content and flavor of produce. Contains 4% chelated copper derived from copper sulfate.
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Iron is essential for chlorophyll development and function, and is also involved in nitrogen fixation by legumes. Contains 5% chelated iron derived from ferrous sulfate.
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Manganese helps plants to synthesize chlorophyll and is used in electron transport during photosynthesis. Contains 1% nitrogen from vegetable protein and 5% chelated manganese.
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Zinc is a component of auxin, an essential growth hormone, and is also necessary for proper root development. Improves cold tolerance. Contains 7% zinc derived from zinc sulfate.
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Magnesium is a building block of chlorophyll and therefore essential to efficient photosynthesis. May boost yields significantly, especially for roses and tomatoes.
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Recommended by soil gurus Phil Callahan and Mark Fulford. Lowest concentration of heavy metals of any phosphate source. Concentrations of available phosphate were regularly over 6% when tested.
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Agricultural Sulfur. Use to make soil pH more acidic. Often helpful for both lowbush and highbush blueberries, and for potatoes. Lowering the pH of gravel paths will help control weed growth.
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Zeolites can improve the productivity of any texture of soil, improving water and mineral retention in sandy soils and improving aeration and minimizing compaction in heavier soils.
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NPK: 4.6-0.9-1.3 avg. A favorite of earthworms and other beneficial soil organisms, and inhibits the growth of some notorious pathogenic soil microbes. Beloved by hemp and cannabis growers.
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NPK: 6-1-3 avg. Rich in the basic nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, it makes an excellent fertilizer and soil additive. Can help suppress fusarium infestations.
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NPK: 2.5-0.4-3.3 avg. Gives plants a noticeable boost and feeds soil organisms. Excellent vegan alternative to blood meal as a nitrogen source. Hands-down the best-smelling fertilizer out there.
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Molasses is a source of important nutrients, including manganese, magnesium, copper, potassium and calcium. Food grade, shelf stable. Plants and beneficial microbes have a sweet tooth, too!
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For soil: excellent source of naturally chelated elements, enzymes, and amino acids. For livestock: excellent source of iodine, vitamin A and dozens of other vitamins and trace minerals.
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NPK: 0-0-18. Highly concentrated extract makes an excellent foliar spray containing growth hormones, trace minerals, enzymes and carbohydrates.
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NPK: 7-1.5-1 avg. Effective and economical nitrogen fertilizer for Northeast soils. High levels of nitrogen and potassium are released as soybean meal breaks down, providing fertility over time.
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