by Akiva Silver, 274 pages, 6x9, softcover. I’m not sure if this book would be with the gardening books or on the self-help shelf in a bookstore. Silver is a thoughtful optimist-realist-nurseryman with a clear knack for motivational speaking, inspiring us to wake up, listen, take time for self-reflection, dig deeper for a little more compassion, use our best tool—common sense—and focus on what we can actually do. In other words, be like a tree! Many people can plant a tree; everyone can love a tree. If you’re doing either, both…or neither, this book is for you. Part 1 “Life Fountains” is an overview of the author’s philosophy, an intro to tree identification, planting, propagation and a path forward. Cut through the slog of environmental woes by engaging in sound simple cultivation practices that are good for the soil and will keep you busy and away from drowning in your own complaints. Part 2 “The Allies” profiles ten prominent trees: Chestnut, Apple, Poplar, Ash, Mulberry, Elderberry, Hickory, Hazelnut, Black Locust and Beech, each chapter including a bit of historical background, synopsis of species within the genera, value for humans and wildlife, cultivation, and commercial possibilities. I personally love each one of these trees. Akiva has written a book on behalf of all of us out there loving this life-path of filling the world with more trees. Trees are our partners on this planet and together we can create the world we want. Plant on! -Jen Ries
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Trees of Power: Ten Essential Arboreal Allies