Imperial Star Artichoke - Organic


Imperial Star Artichoke - Organic

Cynara scolymus
(120 days from transplant) Open-pollinated. A harvest of beautiful artichokes is well worth the fuss of persuading this Mediterranean biennial into behaving like an annual. The plant-breeding efforts of Wayne Schrader and Keith Mayberry of California Cooperative Extension made this delicious flowerbud accessible to northern gardeners in 1991. In New England, plants tend to bear 2–4 chokes during cool fall weather; however, with climate change, our plants in central Maine are tending toward 6–8 chokes per plant, closer to West Coast standards. Left to bloom, the buds open into massive otherworldly blue flowers that dry well. Overwintering with care is possible in mid-Atlantic states. Caution: May not produce in Zone 4 and colder.
ships year-round
OGThis item is certified organic

3608 Imperial Star - Organic

A: 0.5g
B: 1g
C: 4g
D: 28g

Additional Information


  • About 20 seeds/g.

Culture: The artichoke is a biennial, requiring trickery in the North to induce production of its edible flower buds. Follow these instructions for vernalization:

Start seeds indoors in mid-February and grow on at around 70° during the day and 50° at night, avoiding direct hot sun or overwatering (misting is preferred). When night temps no longer drop more than a few degrees below freezing (mid-April to mid-May in New England), move seedlings to an unheated greenhouse or cold frame to harden off. Keep them well ventilated and as cool as possible without freezing. Plants (both seedlings and mature) can tolerate light frosts but not hard ones. (If this hardening-off regimen is not feasible, try to time transplanting so plants receive 7–10 days of 45–50°.) After danger of frost has passed, set plants out 3' apart in rows 4' apart. Incorporate generous amounts of compost or aged manure. A balanced fertilizer is beneficial. Plants need at least 1" of water per week. Mulch with hay or IRT mulch. Row covers help hasten maturity.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.