Allium cernuum 12" tall. Starry umbels of loosely clustered lavender-pink and sometimes white blossoms nod toward the ground. Flat narrow leaf blades can be used like chives. Z4.
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Malus spp. 15-20 × 15-20'. Very old heirloom cultivar. Cherry pink buds fade to light pink before opening to single white flowers in midspring. Golden fruits attract birds. Z4.
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Malus spp. Classic culinary crab. Still found in old Maine dooryards. Apricot-pink buds, large fragrant pure white single flowers. Great for canning, pickling, delicious sauce and flavorful ruby-red jelly. Z2.
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M. hupehensis seedling 20 × 20'. One of the reddest flowering crabs. Red buds, large single rose-pink-red flowers and persistent red fruits. Disease resistant. Z4.
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Asparagus officinalis Heirloom. Large early green stalks tolerate heat well and demonstrate good resistance to rust. Early, vigorous, uniform. Planted in American gardens for more than a century. Very winter hardy. Z3/4.
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Asparagus officinalis High-yielding good-quality tender green spears are long-lived and very cold hardy. On the rise as an excellent replacement for Jersey, even outproducing Jersey in northern Minnesota trials! Z3.
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Aronia arbutifolia 6-8' x 3-4'. Upright multi-stemmed form with dense clusters of small white flowers. Abundant persistent bright red fruit. Brilliant fall foliage. Z3/4.
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Aronia arbutifolia 6-10' x 3-6'. Each one is genetically unique. Beautiful in mass plantings and borders. Plant several in a hedge and make the birds happy! Z3/4.
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Sambucus canadensis 6-12' x same. Large elderberries and fruit clusters make for easy and fast picking. Very large vigorous strong productive bush. Z3.
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Sambucus canadensis 6-8' x same. Large clusters of large dark berries. High Brix level; great for winemaking. Upright, slightly spreading habit. Z4.
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Sambucus canadensis 6-12' x same. Each grown from a cold-hardy seed and will be a totally unique plant. Some of our best plants grew from batches of such seedlings. Z3.
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Sambucus canadensis 5-10' x same. Blooms heavily and produces large elderberry crops annually. Hardy, vigorous with apparent self-fertility. Z3.
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Sambucus canadensis 6-12' x same. Fedco intro. Sourced from a wide swath of plants growing in Aroostook County. Robust elderberry with consistently high fruit yields. Z3.
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Sambucus canadensis 8-12' x same. High-yielding cultivar popular with market growers in Canada. Selected for high levels of sugar. Berries are on the small side. Showing serious vigor in our trials. Z4.
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Sambucus canadensis 6-12' x same. Vigorous consistently high-yielding elderberry cultivar. Competitive with Adams and ripens a little bit later. Z3.
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Sambucus canadensis 4-10' x same. An old reliable elderberry, considered by some to be the largest-fruited and heaviest-bearing cultivar. Rounded shrub. Z3.
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Sambucus nigra 6-8' x 2-5'. Bred for heavy fruit clusters and excellent juicing quality. High in immune-boosting anthocyanins. Upright habit, vigorous. Z4/5.
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Sambucus nigra 5-8' x 2-5'. Selected for juice production based on very high anthocyanin content and sweet flavor. Strong upright shoots. Z4/5.
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Triticum durum Open-pollinated. Too beautiful to eat! Used for wheat weaving and flower arrangements. Four rows with blue-grey husks and long black awns. Sow in April, reap in Sept.
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Actinidia arguta Female. Also called Ananasnaya. Tangy and sweet pineapple-like taste. Heavy yields are late to ripen. Requires Meader male for pollination. Z4.
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Actinidia arguta Female. Medium-sized bright green fruits with excellent flavor. Very productive and reliably hardy. Requires Meader male for pollination. Z4.
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Actinidia arguta Fruitless male kiwi suitable for pollinating arguta females Anna, Geneva 3 and Michigan State. Will not pollinate kolomiktas. Z4.
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Actinidia arguta Female. Sweet and luscious kiwi, a combination of sweet and sour. Larger than other varieties. Requires Meader male for pollination. Z4.
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Vaccinium vitis-idaea 5-9". Newer cultivar selected from an open-pollinated seedling of Sanna, a wild strain. Strong producer of medium-sized berries. Z2.
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Vaccinium vitis-idaea 4-8". From open-pollinated seed collected in southwest Finland. Produces firm small-to-medium berries with good flavor. May bloom twice in one season. Z2.
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Morus hybrid 30x20' Cold hardy northern selection similar to Illinois Everbearing with larger fruit that ripens 2 weeks earlier. Very productive trees are great when you need a lot of fruit at once. Z4.
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Morus alba × M. rubra 30x20'. One of the most renowned mulberry varieties. Ripens mid-July and continues into late summer or longer. Self-fruitful grafted cultivar, so only one plant is required for fruit. Z4/5.
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Morus hybrid 30x20'. One of the hardiest mulberries! Tasty medium-sized fruit ripens over several weeks in midsummer. Self-fruitful grafted cultivar. Its mother tree is now more than 170 years old. Z3.
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Tropaeolum majus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Striking variegated green and white foliage and tangy yellow and orange blossoms. Great plant for hanging baskets. 16" plants.
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Tropaeolum majus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Dark purplish-green leaves with brilliant crimson-scarlet flowers contrast well with other varieties. 16" plants.
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Tropaeolum majus (42 days) Open-pollinated. Bushy variety holds its blooms above the foliage. Early free-flowering blend of orange, yellow, red and gold. 16".
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Tropaeolum majus (42 days) Open-pollinated. Bushy variety holds its blooms above the foliage. Early free-flowering blend of orange, yellow, red and gold. 16".
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Tropaeolum minus (60 days) Open-pollinated. Named for the dessert. Primrose-cream blossoms with pearly red centers. Sets abundant blooms above compact lily-pad foliage.
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Urtica dioica 3-6' tall. Young shoots are high in minerals and leaves are delicious steamed as early spring greens. Cooking removes the sting. Spreads readily; choose your site carefully. Z2.
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Juglans cinerea 40-60' x same. Very large impressive shade tree with broad open crown. Produces oblong edible nuts. Nice cabinet wood. Native. Z3.
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Castanea dentata Up to 100'. Once common in the eastern US. Important food source for people and wildlife. Not immune to blight but likely to thrive 10-30 years. Fast growing and precocious. Z4.
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Castanea mollissima 40-60' x same. Genetically unique seedlings usually produce good-to-excellent nuts in 5-7 years. Resistant to chestnut blight. Z4.
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Castanea 40-60' x 30-40'. Hybrid crosses of mixed parentage. Parent trees show excellent blight resistance. Begins flowering at 3-5 years. Great flavor, high annual nut production. Z4.
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Corylus americana 12-18' x 10-15'. Multi-stemmed native shrub with sweet nuts. Showy catkins in spring. Patchwork of colors in autumn. Can bear in 3-5 years. Z4.
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Corylus spp. 8-12' × same. Hybrid crosses of mixed parentage, including European hazelnut. Nuts will likely be larger than those from other seedlings. Highly resistant or immune to filbert blight. Z3.
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Corylus avellana 12' × 12'. Unique seedlings of an outstanding European hazelnut bred/selected for heavy yields, sweet flavor, consistent quality and disease resistance. Z5.
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Carya laciniosa 60-80' × 40-60'. Tall nut tree of bottomlands and floodplains. Resembles shagbark hickory but with less shaggy bark. Native. Z5.
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Juglans nigra 70-90'. Spectacular shade tree with open rounded crown. Nuts have sweet earthy rich flavor. May begin to bear in 5-10 years. Z4.
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Juglans ailantifolia var. ‘Cordiforis’ Easy-to-crack shells and sweet heart-shaped nuts. Used like English walnuts. Bears around 5-10 years. Z4/5.
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Allium schoenoprasm 12" tall. Edible spreading groundcover. Good to eat from early spring to heavy frost. Aromatic pest confuser, emitting bitter aromas that deter critters from the garden. Full to part sun. Z3.
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Origanum vulgare 18" tall. Low-growing perennial with fragrant green and purple leaves used for culinary purposes. Given plenty space in full sun, it will sprawl and attract many pollinators. Z4.
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Talinum paniculatum (95 days) Open-pollinated. Petite pink flowers on thin stems mature into airy glistening bronze-to-burgundy sprays of teensy seedpods. Annual.
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Prunus virginiana 20-25' × 15-20'. Small shrub produces astringent fruit suitable for cooking, drying and juicing. This selection is less inclined to form colonies. Z2.
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Cornus mas 20-25' x 15-20'. Bright red pear-shaped edible fruit. Each seedling will be unique. Will pollinate each other and any named cornelian cherry cultivar. Z4/5.
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Vaccinium macrocarpon Albino berries with red blush. Selected from a seedling found growing in a bog on an island off the coast of Maine. Lasts up to 6 months in cold storage. Z2.
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Vaccinium macrocarpon 4-10". The cranberry of holiday sauces, bread and jelly. Dense low lustrous evergreen groundcover loaded with large red berries in fall. Z2.
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Gaylussacia baccata 1-3' x 2-4'. Cousin of the blueberry. Less acidic, more mildly sweet flavor. Flowers in June, fruits in August. Full sun to part shade but fruits best in sun. Native to eastern U.S. and Canada. Z3/4.
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Prunus tomentosa 6-10' x same. Broad dense highly ornamental fruiting shrub blooms early. Excellent hedge and edible landscape plant. Plant two or more for pollination. Z2.
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Diospyros virginiana 35-60' x 20-35'. Medium-sized native tree produces edible orange fruit used in pies, jams and jelly. May not always ripen north of Boston. Unsexed seedlings—plant two or more for fruit. Z4/5.
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Amelanchier spp. 4-6' x same. Compact shrub with sweet purple-magenta berries. Great for pies, cobblers, jellies, jams, smoothies and cakes. Z2.
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Mentha piperita 18-24" tall. Our favorite mint! Bright refreshing peppermint-patty flavor. Freshen your breath, settle your stomach and scent soaps and salves. Z4.
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Viola sororia 6-10" tall. North American native with cheery blue-purple flowers and attractive heart-shaped leaves, all edible. Larval host plant for multiple species of butterflies. Z3.
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Asarum canadense 6–12" tall. Heart-shaped leaves up to 7" wide spread into a beautiful groundcover. Aromatic roots used medicinally. Needs shade. Z3.
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Calycanthus floridus 6-10' x 6-12'. Beautiful native shrub with dark burgundy-maroon flowers and shiny leaves. Blooms early, flowers through summer. Highly fragrant. Z4/5.
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Prunus maritima 6' × 5-6'. Rounded dense suckering shrub found along ocean beaches. Showy white blooms in spring. Edible plums in late summer. Plant two for fruit. Z3.
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Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 6-10". Low-growing evergreen groundcover. Can spread to 15'. Pinkish-white flowers in spring. Small red berries persist into winter. Self-pollinating. Z2.
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Rubus odoratus 3-6' x 6-12' Relative of the cultivated raspberry, with fragrant flowers and nutritious fruit. Thornless, long-blooming, attractive to pollinators. Excellent addition to wildlife hedges. Z4.
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Cercis canadensis 25-30' × same. Small vase-shaped ornamental tree. Clusters of brilliant edible purplish-pink pea-like flowers fill the entire tree in spring. Z4/5.
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Amelanchier laevis 15-25'. Leaves of this understory tree unfold purplish-orange bronzed color in spring. Pendulous white blossoms. Berries ripen midsummer. Z2.
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Lindera benzoin 6-12' x 8-12'. Large rounded multi-stemmed fragrant native shrub suited to moist or wet areas. Soft-yellow flowers. Glossy red edible berries. Z5.
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Gaultheria procumbens 6-10". Aromatic evergreen native groundcover. Glossy dark green leaves. Bell-shaped white flowers in June. Vivid red berries. Self-pollinating. Z3.
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Rheum rhabarbarum Heirloom variety, considered the most important rhubarb variety of the 19th century. Unique seedlings; will show some variation. Z2.
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Papaver Open-pollinated. Double-purpose poppy produces white lavender single blossoms and large seed heads. White seeds have sweet, nutlike taste. 4'.
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Cydonia oblonga 10-25'. Hardy Russian quince bred for disease resistance. For jellies and cider, stews and marmalades. Citrusy, fragrant with an orangey-pink hue. Z4/5.
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Cydonia oblonga 10-25'. Large smooth light golden-yellow fruit with tart white flesh. Good for fresh eating, wine and pineapple-flavored jelly. Late bloomer ripens in late summer. Z4.
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Cydonia oblonga 10-25'. Oblong furrowed pear-shaped fruit with golden-yellow skin and mild light yellow flesh. Pink flowers. Good keeper. Ripens late summer to early fall. Z4/5.
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Rosa gallica 4x4'. Ancient semi-double deeply fragrant intense deep pink rose. Four rows of soft silky petals surround a crown of golden stamens. Z4.
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Schisandra chinensis 20' or taller. Ornamental vines produce flavorful medicinal berries. Adaptogenic fruit used to build the immune system and rejuvenate the body. Z4.
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Tilia americana 60-80' x same. Tall stately tree with rounded crown and low-hung spreading branches. Sweetly fragrant yellow June flowers. Z3.
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Thymus vulgaris 10-15" tall. Fragrant sprawling perennial brings depth of flavor to soups, gravies, casseroles. Said to calm the nerves, soothe headaches. Bees love it! Z4.
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Viburnum prunifolium 12-15' x 8-12'. Rounded shrub with creamy white cymes in early spring. Suckering habit, but can be pruned. Bluish-black edible fruit clusters in fall. Z3.
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Viburnum opulus var. americanum Also known as Crampbank. Medicinal multi-stemmed native shrub. Add to the biological diversity of your garden. No two seedlings are exactly alike. Z2.
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Viburnum acerifolium 3-6' × 2-4'. Forms small colonies along woods edges. Simple understated beauty, attractive to butterflies and birds. Tie-dye fall colors! Native. Z3.
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Viburnum lentago 15-20' x 10-12'. Large shrub with edible blue-black berries. Large clusters of fragrant creamy white flowers. Plant multiples for good pollination. Z2.
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Viburnum cassinoides 5-6' × same. Dense suckering native shrub. White flowers from spring to early summer. Edible black fruit. Plant more than one for fruit. Z3.
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