


Reseda odorata
Open-pollinated. Annual. “Mignonette should not be forgotten, on account of its delicious odor.” –Breck’s, 1885. Once fashionable on the balconies of Paris, popular enough to command 7 listings in Burpee’s 1935 catalog. A revived interest in scent may help it regain its lost cachet. Among the most fragrant, its insignificant yellow-green blossoms send the enticing scent of raspberries wafting through the air. Less than a foot high, it can be grown in pots and moved for best effect; however, its scent will fade if it is removed from full-day sun. Direct seed; do not cover. Make succession plantings for continuous blooms. Prefers fertile well-drained soil and cool weather. Burpee claimed a light sandy soil brings out its most pronounced perfume. ~750 seeds/g.

Items shipping from our garden seeds warehouse take 7–10 business days to process.

ships year-round

5255 Mignonette

A: 1g
B: 4g
C: 16g
D: 64g

Additional Information


All flowers are open-pollinated except where noted.

Days in parentheses after a variety indicate days to first bloom.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.