Yellow Prairie Coneflower


Yellow Prairie Coneflower

Ratibida columnifera
Open-pollinated. Perennial to Zone 3. One recent summer, I was enticed into a field by a yellow fluttering of dancing flowers on erect 1–3' slender stems. As I approached, I could see that the yellow petals merely skirted around a protruding cylindrical chocolate-brown center disk. One of its common names Mexican Hat evokes a tall sombrero and the lively and colorful Mexican Hat Dance. Prairie grasslands native likes full sun, blooms May through August, undaunted by drought. ~1,830 seeds/g.
ships year-round

5007 Yellow Prairie Coneflower

A: 1g
B: 4g
C: 16g

Additional Information


All flowers are open-pollinated except where noted.

Days in parentheses after a variety indicate days to first bloom.

Germination Testing

For the latest results of our germination tests, please see the germination page.

Our Seeds are Non-GMO


All of our seeds are non-GMO, and free of neonicotinoids and fungicides. Fedco is one of the original companies to sign the Safe Seed Pledge.