Cascade Hops


Cascade Hops

bare-root plants
Humulus lupulus Late summer. Up to 20-30' USDA 19124 [(Fuggle × Serebrianka-Fuggle S) × open-pollinated] Oregon St U, 1972.

Contains 4-7% alpha acids. Fragrantly aromatic hop, low bittering value.

For years Cascade has been the most widely used hop in the beer industry. Very productive with large cones, ready to harvest mid-late August in central Maine. A customer wrote, “Cascade has gained impeccable renown as the charismatic hop in such unsurpassable ales as Anchor’s Liberty Ale, Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale and McNeill’s Firehouse Amber Ale. Nothing ‘light’ about these.”

Resistant to downy mildew. Z3. (female rhizomes)

ships in spring

7469 Cascade

A: 3 ea

Additional Information


Hops are self-pollinating. Dig holes about 1' deep and at least 3' apart in rows, plant 2 rhizomes per hole, and cover with 1–2" of loose soil.

For more info:
About Hops