Northblue Highbush Blueberry


Northblue Highbush Blueberry

Vaccinium corymbosum Midseason. 2-3'. MN 360 (B10 × US3) U Minn, 1983.

Very hardy highbush-lowbush cross. Large dime-size dark blue fruit especially good for freezing and cooking. Sweet wild flavor. This half-high shrub yields 3–4 quarts per plant. Good choice where space is limited. Excellent pollinator for St. Cloud and Patriot. Z3. (gallon pot, 15–20")

ships in spring

7418 Northblue

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Additional Information

Highbush Blueberries

Two varieties are required for pollination, and three or more are recommended. Plant 3–6' apart in rows 8–10' apart.

For more info:
About Highbush Blueberries