Old Fertile Cider Apple

Old Fertile
Photo copyright Matt Kaminsky. Used with permission.
Old Fertile
Photo copyright Matt Kaminsky. Used with permission.

Old Fertile Cider Apple

bare-root trees
Malus spp. Fall. Sweet cider apple. Wilmington, VT. From the Gnarly Pippins wild-apple collection.

Matt Kaminsky, aka Gnarly Pippins, is an adept forager who has discovered numerous untamed apple varieties with superior qualities across the Northeast. Many of these finds have been grafted ex situ with promising results for cider orchards. Old Fertile is one of the best. A complex sweet apple with what Matt calls “super duper flavor. Honey sweet with a bit of vanilla or honeysuckle.” Makes good sweet cider (Brix 18–20) sometimes with a bittersweet lean. Low acid. Round to round-oblate fruit is intense yellow with a russeted stem cavity. The original tree produces small to medium apples, but grafted specimens show increased fruit size. Stores well.

Strong low-maintenance trees with no disease pressure observed. Blooms midseason. Z4. Maine Grown. BACK! (Standard: 3–6' bare-root trees; semi-dwarf: 2½–5' bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7300 Old Fertile

A: 1 on standard stock
sold out
C: 1 on M111 semi-dwarfing stock
sold out

Additional Information


All apple trees require a second variety for pollination.

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