Small tree or large multi-stemmed shrub, particularly beautiful with its tiers of horizontal branches and fragrant white 2-3" flower clusters. These appear in mid-late spring followed by immature olive-green berries, each tipped with a tiny bright yellow style remnant. In midsummer clusters of dark blue berries ripen above the blue-green foliage.
One of the most popular dogwoods with the birds. Roots, bark and inner bark are all medicinal.
Prefers partial shade and moist well-drained acid soil, but tolerates full sun, poor soil and even clay. pH adaptable. Excellent naturalized as a specimen or in groups. Reddish-purple fall color. Susceptible to golden canker: when dormant, prune out diseased branches to prevent spores spreading to the trunk. Native to eastern U.S. Z3. (1-3' bare-root plants)
7526 Pagoda Dogwood
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