Rainier Sweet Cherry

Rainier Cherries in Seattle.jpg by ZhengZhou is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Rainier Sweet Cherry

bare-root trees
Prunus avium Summer. Wash. P1-680 (Bing × Van) Harold W. Fogel intro, WA Ag Exp Stn and USDA, 1960.

Classic dessert cherry. Very large fruit, light yellow skin with red blush. Firm fine-textured flesh with a distinct delicious flavor. Colorless juice. Good fresh or canned. Quite resistant to cracking. Ripens midsummer. Vigorous productive tree. Early to come into bearing. Requires a second variety for pollination. Z4/5. Indigenous Royalties. BACK! (3–6' grafted bare-root trees)

ships in spring

7367 Rainier

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Additional Information

Sweet Cherries

Pollination varies among sweet cherries; see individual descriptions for pollination requirements. Plant 15–20' apart.

For more info:
About Cherries