Bulbs current out-of-stocks, backorders & product updates

last updated: October 21st

This is a guide rather than a guarantee. It is our best information at this time, and an item's status can change by the time your order is processed.

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Item # Item Name Status
6222 C Metechi - Sustainably Grown
Hardneck Marbled Purple Stripe Garlic - 10
sold out
6222 D Metechi - Sustainably Grown
Hardneck Marbled Purple Stripe Garlic - 25
sold out
6223 C Siberian - Sustainably Grown
Hardneck Marbled Purple Stripe Garlic - 10
sold out
6226 C Georgian Fire - Sustainably Grown
Hardneck Porcelain Garlic - 10
sold out
6233 C German Red - Organic
Hardneck Rocambole Garlic - 10
sold out
6233 D German Red - Organic
Hardneck Rocambole Garlic - 25
sold out
6235 A Phillips - Organic
Hardneck Rocambole Garlic - 0.5
sold out, substitute 6233.
6235 B Phillips - Organic
Hardneck Rocambole Garlic - 2
sold out, substitute 6233.
6235 C Phillips - Organic
Hardneck Rocambole Garlic - 10
sold out, substitute 6233.
6235 D Phillips - Organic
Hardneck Rocambole Garlic - 25
sold out, substitute 6233.
6630 A ‘Alexander Fleming’
Peony - 1
sold out, substitute 6636.
6630 B ‘Alexander Fleming’
Peony - 3
sold out, substitute 6636.
6715 A ‘Apricot Parrot’
Parrot Tulip - 10
sold out, substitute 6723.
6715 B ‘Apricot Parrot’
Parrot Tulip - 25
sold out, substitute 6723.
6715 C ‘Apricot Parrot’
Parrot Tulip - 50
sold out, substitute 6723.
6715 D ‘Apricot Parrot’
Parrot Tulip - 100
sold out, substitute 6723.