Save on Shipping of your Potatoes and Onion sets with Depot Pickup!
We can ship full pallets of goods at much lower per-pound rates than FedEx packages, but few customers order hundreds of pounds at a time. We have farms and storefronts throughout the Northeast lined up to accept monthly pallet shipments of OGS goods, potatoes and onion sets so our customers can pick up their orders close to home at shipping costs up to 80% lower than FedEx rates.
- Potatoes and onion sets ship to depots in April only, once we have received and repacked all of our stock. Each depot has a designated week to receive shipments. Ginger and turmeric will be shipped in early March directly to the shipping address that you provide (not the depot), for no additional charge. Sweet potato slips and onion plants will be shipped to you directly from our grower.
- Depot orders are accepted online only, as we need to communicate with depot customers electronically.
- Orders are generally ready to pick up within two weeks after the order deadline. We will send pickup instructions when your order is ready. Your order will be stored inside and labeled clearly with your name. We ask customers to pick up their orders within a week of arrival at the depot.
- Group orders are welcome to ship to depots to double up on their savings.
- We need to collect at least 500 lb worth of orders to make a depot shipment happen. If we have to cancel a depot shipment, we will offer to rebill you for FedEx shipping or to cancel and refund your order.
We currently have active depots in the following locations: None. Check back in January.
Depot hosts receive bulk pricing and a small commission on depot orders. If you can accept truck shipments and would like to be a depot host, contact us: