ships year-round
Alice White Clover
Farm Seed

Perennial legume. Up to 12". Vigorous large-leafed white clover. Readily self-seeds. Excellent for perennial grazing pasture and improving soil quality in areas transitioning from woody growth. read more


ships year-round
Ladino White Clover
Farm Seed

Perennial legume. 8–12" tall. Fantastic nitrogen fixer with great protein and digestibility. Tall enough to be harvested for hay, silage, and green chop. Good choice for poorly drained soil. read more


ships year-round
Rivendell White Clover - Organic
Farm Seed

Perennial legume. Up to 9". Small-leafed perennial clover establishes quickly and withstands traffic and close mowing. Our favorite clover for organic pasture. read more


ships year-round
Dutch White Clover
Farm Seed

Perennial legume. The lowest-growing clover. This shade- and traffic-tolerant perennial makes nice garden paths and living mulch. Our most popular clover. read more


ships year-round
Medium Red Clover - Organic
Farm Seed

Short-lived perennial legume. Up to 24". Vigorous and high-yielding clover suitable for pastures, underseeding and cover-cropping. More drought-tolerant than white clover. read more


ships year-round
Pasture Mix - Organic
Mixes - Farm Seed

Perennial pasture mix of grasses and clover, well suited to Maine and other areas with similarly variable weather and temperatures. Provides season-long regrowth and good grazing. read more


ships year-round
Grass Seed: CR Lawn Mix
Mixes - Farm Seed

All-purpose lawn blend for the Northeast. Good for a range of conditions, full sun to partial shade. Makes a great understory for orchards and other perennial woody crops. read more


ships year-round
Fescue, Tall - Organic
Grass - Farm Seed

Perennial grass. Long-lived, versatile and low-maintenance grass good for pasture, lawn, or hay. Deep and extensive root system protects against erosion. Tolerates most adverse conditions. read more


ships year-round
Las Vegas Mix Globe Amaranth
Flower Seeds

Gomphrena globosa Open-pollinated. Clover-like blossoms in pink, purple and white are great for drying. read more


ships year-round
Sweet Woodruff

not available yet, check back later
Galium odoratum Open-pollinated. Perennial ground cover for shade. Whorls of pointed vanilla-scented leaves covered with clusters of tiny snowy-white spring flowers. 6-8" tall. read more
