If your ground is frozen, your trees will be fine for now if you keep them bundled together in a cool location (not freezing) and keep the roots covered and damp. Plant once the ground has thawed.

Fold the plastic back from around the tree tops, keep the wet shredded newspaper around the roots and make sure that the roots are wrapped in the plastic. Water as needed to keep the roots moist but don’t allow them to stand in water. Keep the trees in a cool shaded or dark place like a shed, barn, cellar or garage but don't allow the plants to freeze. Avoid heat and sunlight.

For roots and crowns like horseradish, rhubarb, and hops, open the packaging slightly to allow the plants to breathe. They should be fine left in their packaging and kept in a cool place (ideally 35-50 degrees F). They want to stay moist but not wet.

Refrigerate strawberries until you can plant them.

Perennial plants can be potted up immediately. Follow the planting instructions in the catalog.

Think spring!

All the best,
Fedco Trees